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Must have - {{item.skill_name}} {{item.years}} Years {{item.levels}}
Hire as Your Employee Hire as Contractor Fixed Price Project
{{(filterObject.job_type=='payroll' ) ? 'Payroll ':''}} {{(filterObject.job_type=='contract' ) ? 'Contract ':''}} {{(filterObject.job_type=='fixed' ) ? 'Fixed Budget ':''}} {{ getExchangeRateData(filterObject.minCharge, filterObject.job_type)|number:0}} - {{getExchangeRateData(filterObject.maxCharge, filterObject.job_type)|number:0}} {{filterObject.job_type == 'payroll' ? unitPrice :''}}
{{(filterObject.location_type=='remote' ) ? ' Fully Remote ':''}} {{(filterObject.location_type=='partially' ) ? ' Partial Remote ':''}} {{(filterObject.location_type=='onsite' ) ? ' On-Site ':''}}
Allow Relocation
{{filterObject.minExperience}} - {{filterObject.maxExperience}} Years
{{item.language}} - {{item.level}}
Intro Video
{{(filterObject.place.split(',').length <= 3 )? filterObject.place.split(',')[0] :((filterObject.place.split(',').length <= 4)? filterObject.place.split(',')[1]:filterObject.place.split(',')[2] ) }} ({{filterObject.miles}} miles)
Clear Filters

To get more candidates, please relax your filters.

{{(filterObject.limitRange * filterObject.pageIndex) - 39}} - {{filterObject.limitRange * filterObject.pageIndex}} of {{countObject.totalDeveloperCount}} No Matching candidates

Your Success Manager


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Risk-Free Hiring that is 10X Faster and Reduce Hiring Cost by 80%

Pay for High quality interviews

Sourcing ON

Your deal is Premium Now!

Soon a Hiring Manager will be assigned.
Your Success manager
{{hireManagerObj.fee}} {{(currency_code == 'JPY') ? 'USD' : currency_code}} per month
Must have - {{item.skill_name}} {{item.years}} Years {{item.levels}}
Hire as Your Employee Hire as Contractor Fixed Price Project
Immediate Only
{{(filterObject.job_type=='payroll' ) ? 'Payroll ':''}} {{(filterObject.job_type=='contract' ) ? 'Contract ':''}} {{(filterObject.job_type=='fixed' ) ? 'Fixed Budget ':''}} {{ getExchangeRateData(filterObject.minCharge, filterObject.job_type)|number:0}} - {{getExchangeRateData(filterObject.maxCharge, filterObject.job_type)|number:0}} {{filterObject.job_type == 'payroll' ? unitPrice :''}}
{{(filterObject.location_type=='remote' ) ? ' Fully Remote ':''}} {{(filterObject.location_type=='partially' ) ? ' Partial Remote ':''}} {{(filterObject.location_type=='onsite' ) ? ' On-Site ':''}}
Allow Relocation
{{filterObject.minExperience}} - {{filterObject.maxExperience}} Years
{{item.language}} - {{item.level}}
Intro Video
{{(filterObject.place.split(',').length <= 3 )? filterObject.place.split(',')[0] :((filterObject.place.split(',').length <= 4)? filterObject.place.split(',')[1]:filterObject.place.split(',')[2] ) }} ({{filterObject.miles}} miles)
Clear Filters
Book a Demo

Hire in days, not months.

As months means huge loss.

Pay only on successful hire.


Must have - {{item.skill_name}} {{item.years}} Years {{item.years}} Year -{{item.levels}}
Allow Relocation
Hire as Your Employee Hire as Contractor Fixed Price Project
Immediate Only
{{(filterObject.job_type=='payroll' ) ? 'Payroll ':''}} {{(filterObject.job_type=='contract' ) ? 'Contract ':''}} {{(filterObject.job_type=='fixed' ) ? 'Fixed Budget ':''}} {{ getExchangeRateData(filterObject.minCharge, filterObject.job_type)|number:0}} - {{getExchangeRateData(filterObject.maxCharge, filterObject.job_type)|number:0}} {{filterObject.job_type == 'payroll' ? unitPrice :''}}
{{(filterObject.location_type=='remote' ) ? ' Fully Remote ':''}} {{(filterObject.location_type=='partially' ) ? ' Partial Remote ':''}} {{(filterObject.location_type=='onsite' ) ? ' On-Site ':''}}
{{filterObject.minExperience}} - {{filterObject.maxExperience}} Years
{{item.language}} - {{item.level}}
Intro Video
{{(filterObject.place.split(',').length <= 3 )? filterObject.place.split(',')[0] :((filterObject.place.split(',').length <= 4)? filterObject.place.split(',')[1]:filterObject.place.split(',')[2] ) }} ({{filterObject.miles}} miles)

To get more candidates, please relax your filters.

See how hard OptimHire's team is working to make your hiring 10X faster!

Learn how OptimHire's AI Recruiter is doing months of work in just hours.

{{item.first_name}} {{item.last_name|limitTo:1}}.




Intro Video

{{item.developer_email}} {{item.first_name}} {{item.last_name}}.
Free Open link in new tab

Viewed by {{item.profile_viewed_by_name}} on {{item.profile_viewed_at | amDateFormat:'ll'}},
Charged: {{conversionFromAndToCurrency(jobPostDetail.each_resume_required_amount,jobPostDetail.currencyCode,currency_code)}}


{{item.project_count}} Project in Projects in {{item.skill_name}}
{{item.projectCount}} Project Completed Projects Completed
  • {{item.skill_name}} - {{item.experience}} Years - {{item.experience}} Year





Top 10% in {{skillItem.skill_name}}

Experience: {{item.overall_experince}} Year(s)

Timezones: {{item.timezones}}

Location Preference: Remote , hybrid , , Onsite - {{location}} , .

{{item.profile_description.length>140 ?'...':''}}


+{{item.developer_skills_count}} More

{{item.payroll_annual_salary_in_currency | decimalAmount | INR}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.payroll_annual_salary) | decimalAmount | INR}} {{item.payroll_annual_salary_in_currency | decimalAmount | number}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.payroll_annual_salary) | decimalAmount | number}} {{currency_code}} / Year (Expecting)

{{item.current_salary_in_currency | decimalAmount | INR}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.current_salary) | decimalAmount | INR}} {{item.current_salary_in_currency | decimalAmount | number}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.current_salary) | decimalAmount | number}} {{currency_code}} / Year (Current)

{{item.parttime_ClientRate_PerHour_In_Currency | decimalAmount | INR}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.parttime_ClientRate_PerHour)| INR}} {{item.parttime_ClientRate_PerHour_In_Currency | decimalAmount | number}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.parttime_ClientRate_PerHour)| number}} {{currency_code}} / Hour

  • {{item.part_time_hours}} hrs/week

  • Immediate : Available

  • Can start from : {{item.payroll_availability_date | amDateFormat:'ll'}}

  • Notice period : {{item.is_notice_period}} Days

{{item.payroll_annual_salary_in_currency | decimalAmount | INR}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.payroll_annual_salary) | decimalAmount | INR}} {{item.payroll_annual_salary_in_currency | decimalAmount | number}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.payroll_annual_salary) | decimalAmount | number}} {{currency_code}} / Year(Expecting)

{{item.current_salary_in_currency | decimalAmount | INR}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.current_salary)| INR}} {{item.current_salary_in_currency | decimalAmount | number}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.current_salary)| number}} {{currency_code}} / Year (Current)

{{item.parttime_ClientRate_PerHour_In_Currency | decimalAmount | INR}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.parttime_ClientRate_PerHour)| INR}} {{item.parttime_ClientRate_PerHour_In_Currency | decimalAmount | number }} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.parttime_ClientRate_PerHour)| number}} {{currency_code}} / Hour

  • {{item.part_time_hours}} hrs/week

  • Immediate : Available

  • Can start from : {{item.payroll_availability_date | amDateFormat:'ll'}}

  • Notice period : {{item.is_notice_period}} Days

{{conversionFromAndToCurrency(jobPostDetail.each_resume_required_amount,jobPostDetail.currencyCode,currency_code)}} to view profile.


Viewed by {{item.profile_viewed_by_name}} on {{item.profile_viewed_at | amDateFormat:'ll'}} | Charged: {{conversionFromAndToCurrency(jobPostDetail.each_resume_required_amount,jobPostDetail.currencyCode,currency_code)}}

{{item.developer_email}} {{item.first_name}} {{item.last_name}}.


  • {{item.skill_name}} - {{item.experience}} Years - {{item.experience}} Year





Experience: {{item.overall_experince}} Year(s)
Projects: {{item.projectCount}} Project(s) Completed
Location Preference: Remote, hybrid, Onsite - Banglore, Pune, Chennai, New Delhi, Mumbai.

{{item.payroll_annual_salary_in_currency | decimalAmount | INR}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.payroll_annual_salary) | decimalAmount | INR}} {{item.payroll_annual_salary_in_currency | decimalAmount | number}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.payroll_annual_salary) | decimalAmount | number}} / Year (Expecting)

{{item.current_salary_in_currency | decimalAmount | INR}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.current_salary) | decimalAmount | INR}} {{item.current_salary_in_currency | decimalAmount | number}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.current_salary) | decimalAmount | number}} / Year (Current)

{{item.parttime_ClientRate_PerHour_In_Currency | decimalAmount | INR}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.parttime_ClientRate_PerHour)| INR}} {{item.parttime_ClientRate_PerHour_In_Currency | decimalAmount | number}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.parttime_ClientRate_PerHour)| number}} / Hour

{{item.payroll_annual_salary_in_currency | decimalAmount | INR}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.payroll_annual_salary) | decimalAmount | INR}} {{item.payroll_annual_salary_in_currency | decimalAmount | number}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.payroll_annual_salary) | decimalAmount | number}} / Year (Expecting)

{{item.current_salary_in_currency | decimalAmount | INR}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.current_salary)| INR}} {{item.current_salary_in_currency | decimalAmount | number}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.current_salary)| number}} / Year (Current)

{{item.parttime_ClientRate_PerHour_In_Currency | decimalAmount | INR}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.parttime_ClientRate_PerHour)| INR}} {{item.parttime_ClientRate_PerHour_In_Currency | decimalAmount | number}} {{getActualExchangeRateData(item.parttime_ClientRate_PerHour)| number}} / Hour

  • {{item.part_time_hours}} hrs/week
  • Immediate Joiner
  • Avaialable from {{item.payroll_availability_date | amDateFormat:'ll'}}
  • {{item.is_notice_period}} Days at Notice

Resend Invite

Your Talents Free


| {{subStages.hiring_stages == 'SKIPPED' ? subStages.developer_count : subStages.skip_count}}


Matching Candidates


| {{subStages.hiring_stages == 'SKIPPED' ? subStages.developer_count : subStages.skip_count}}


{{developer.first_name}} Free Sample
{{developer.profile_rating | number : 1}} Exp: {{developer.overall_experince}} Year(s)
{{developer.total_answer_score}}% {{(developer.total_answer_score < 50) ? 'Match (FREE)' : 'Match'}}

{{developer.match_question}} out of {{developer.total_question}} Must Have qualification

{{(developer.clientCreditAmount > 0) ? 'Charged' : 'Charge'}}: {{developer.clientCreditAmount}} {{(developer.total_answer_score == 100 || jobPostDetail.is_automated_payment == 0) ? developer.each_interview_required_amount : developer.each_interview_required_amount/2}}

Applied Updated Hired Skipped
{{developer.interview_date_time | stringToDate:'d-MMM-y, h:mm a'}} ({{localZoneName}})
Offer letter
Joining Date :{{developer.offer_sent_at | stringToDate:'d-MMM-y, h:mm a'}}
Recruited By - {{developer.recruiterName}} ({{developer.recruiterEmail}}) {{developer.recruiterapproval_percentage}}%

Rs. {{developer.recruiterCreditPaidAmount > 0 ? developer.recruiterCreditPaidAmount+' Paid' : preScreenAmount(developer)+' Unpaid'}}

Rs. {{developer.interviewPaidAmount > 0 ? developer.interviewPaidAmount+' Paid' : interviewAmount()+' Unpaid'}}

{{developer.first_name}} Free Sample
{{developer.profile_rating | number : 1}} Exp: {{developer.overall_experince}} Year(s)
{{developer.total_answer_score}}% {{(developer.total_answer_score < 50) ? 'Match (FREE)' : 'Match'}}

{{developer.match_question}} out of {{developer.total_question}} Must Have qualification

{{(developer.clientCreditAmount > 0) ? 'Charged' : 'Charge'}}: {{developer.clientCreditAmount}} {{(developer.total_answer_score == 100 || jobPostDetail.is_automated_payment == 0) ? developer.each_interview_required_amount : developer.each_interview_required_amount/2}}

Applied Updated Hired Skipped
Offer letter
Joining Date : {{developer.offer_sent_at | stringToDate:'d-MMM-y, h:mm a'}}

Risk-Free Hiring that is 10X Faster and Reduce Hiring Costs by 80%.

Sourcing Paused
{{jobPostDetail.under_review_candidate_count_without_skip}} New Matching candidate have applied for this position
Get More Matching Candidates

Do you want to see matching candidate?



| {{subStages.hiring_stages == 'SKIPPED' ? subStages.developer_count : subStages.skip_count}}


Matching Candidates


| {{subStages.hiring_stages == 'SKIPPED' ? subStages.developer_count : subStages.skip_count}}


{{developer.first_name}} Free Sample
{{developer.profile_rating | number : 1}} Exp: {{developer.overall_experince}} Year(s) {{developer.total_answer_score}}% {{(developer.total_answer_score < 50) ? 'Match (FREE)' : 'Match'}}

{{developer.match_question}} out of {{developer.total_question}} Must Have qualification

{{(developer.clientCreditAmount > 0) ? 'Charged' : 'Charge'}}: {{developer.clientCreditAmount}} {{(developer.total_answer_score == 100 || jobPostDetail.is_automated_payment == 0) ? developer.each_interview_required_amount : developer.each_interview_required_amount/2}}

Applied Updated Hired Skipped
{{developer.interview_date_time | stringToDate:'d-MMM-y, h:mm a'}} ({{localZoneName}})
Offer letter
Joining Date :{{developer.offer_sent_at | stringToDate:'d-MMM-y, h:mm a'}}
Recruited By - {{developer.recruiterName}} ({{developer.recruiterEmail}}) {{developer.recruiterapproval_percentage}}%
{{developer.first_name}} Free Sample
{{developer.profile_rating | number : 1}} Exp: {{developer.overall_experince}} Year(s) {{developer.total_answer_score}}% {{(developer.total_answer_score < 50) ? 'Match (FREE)' : 'Match'}}

{{developer.match_question}} out of {{developer.total_question}} Must Have qualification

{{(developer.clientCreditAmount > 0) ? 'Charged' : 'Charge'}}: {{developer.clientCreditAmount}} {{(developer.total_answer_score == 100 || jobPostDetail.is_automated_payment == 0) ? developer.each_interview_required_amount : developer.each_interview_required_amount/2}}

Applied Updated Hired Skipped
Offer letter
Joining Date : {{developer.offer_sent_at | stringToDate:'d-MMM-y, h:mm a'}}

Risk-Free Hiring that is 10X Faster and Reduce Hiring Cost by 80%

  • You pay for Results, not Clicks or Sponsored Jobs
  • Save 100+ hours as we do Pre-screening as per your Job requirement.
  • Spend more time on quality interviews, less on administrative tasks.

Risk-Free Hiring that is 10X Faster and Reduce Hiring Costs by 80%.

{{developer.first_name}} Free Sample

{{developer.total_answer_score}}% {{(developer.total_answer_score < 50) ? 'Match (FREE)' : 'Match'}}

{{developer.match_question}} out of {{developer.total_question}} Must Have qualification

{{(developer.clientCreditAmount > 0) ? 'Charged' : 'Charge'}}: {{developer.clientCreditAmount}} {{(developer.total_answer_score == 100 || jobPostDetail.is_automated_payment == 0) ? developer.each_interview_required_amount : developer.each_interview_required_amount/2}}

Recruited By - {{developer.recruiterName}} ({{developer.recruiterEmail}}) {{developer.recruiterapproval_percentage}}%

{{developer.first_name}} Free Sample

Recruited By - {{developer.recruiterName}} ({{developer.recruiterEmail}}) {{developer.recruiterapproval_percentage}}%

{{currentDeveloperStage}}/ {{currentDeveloperSubStage}}

Hurry Up!! {{panelDeveloper.developerShortlistCount}} Clients Shortlisted this Profile
Reason for Offer Rejection: "{{panelDeveloper.offer_declined_reason}}"
{{panelDeveloper.interview_declined_by_candidate}} Interview Skipped
Skip Reason: "{{panelDeveloper.skip_candidate_reason}}"

You don't have any one in this stage.

You haven’t Skipped anyone for this job.

Upgrade to Premium Job for viewing the pre-screened candidates

You haven't received any response for this job.

You haven’t yet Hired anyone for this job.

You haven’t yet Send Offers for this job.

You haven’t Shortlisted anyone for this job.

You haven’t Scheduled Interview with anyone for this job.

You haven't received any response for this job.

You haven’t yet Hired anyone for this job.

You haven’t yet Send Offers for this job.

You haven’t Shortlisted anyone for this job.

Upgrade to Premium Job for viewing the pre-screened candidates .

You haven’t Scheduled Interview with anyone for this job.

Upgrade to Premium Job for viewing the pre-screened candidates

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Take Advantage of the FREE Application Tracking System (ATS)

In a survey done by OptimHire, 80% of Candidates Think Companies with a Careers Page are Big, Reputable and have a Strong HR Team

Your Career Page (FREE for you)

  1. Copy your Career page URL. Copy URL
  2. Share the Career page URL with your Company Website Manager, and ask them to add "Careers" or "Jobs" page on the Company site.
  3. Hurray! Your Career page is live.

Now Candidates know that your company has a strong HR team.

Career Site URL
Preview of Your Career Page
Preview Edit Edit

Want to increase your reach and manage all your Candidates in One Platform?

Use your Job Posting URL, when posting Jobs on other sites, this will ensure all candidates are visible on your OptimHire platform for FREE.

Your Job Post URL
Candidate Resume
Social Share

Publish on 120+ Job Sites

Comming Soon!. You will able to post jobs directly in 120+ Sites. Biggest advantage being you will have all Job Application in one place. For now, use your referral URL to when posting Jobs, that will ensure all Candidates will visible in one organized platform.

Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon

Many more FREE features.

  • View Past Employer's Review - If OptimHire already has the candidate's profile in our database then you can view past employer's reviews for FREE, and save 100+ hours of your Interview panel's time as they get to know the Candidate's strengths and weaknesses well In advance.
  • Instant Chat - Speed up hiring with Instant Communication
  • Book Interviews in 3 Clicks - Avoid delays, back and forth messages by Booking Interviews In 3 simple Clicks.
  • Save Data for Future Hiring - Your Interviews, Your Comments, Your Reviews are saved forever to help you in your future hiring.

Many more FREE features.

Your Talents

Total free candidates: {{ freeTalentCount }}

No. Candidate Name Source Action
{{ $index + 1 }}.
{{ item.source_type.split('_')[0].slice(0,1) }}{{ item.source_type.split('_')[0].slice(1).toLowerCase() }} {{ item.source_type.split('_')[1].slice(0,1) }}{{ item.source_type.split('_')[1].slice(1).toLowerCase() }}
Resume Resume
Candidate Name Action

Frequently Asked Questions

With OptimHire’s exceptional features, you can attract more qualified candidates instantly. Our platform gives you the flexibility to manage your candidates from other platforms in one place for free. In addition, we also help you increase your job visibility by giving:

  • Free Career Site
  • One-Stop Candidate Management Dashboard
  • Free ATS Features

OptimHire provides you free access to the best-in-class ATS system worth at least $15000 per year. You can upload candidate resumes or share the job on social media. When a candidate joins from the above means, they will be considered as free talents with whom you can conduct interviews, evaluate or hire for free of cost.

The better experience you give, the more quality people you'll attract! The career site option allows you to design and build a well-organized career page to give your visitors a better exploring experience, making your company look big and sophisticated. This way you can build an impressive employer brand and attract top clients, candidates, and other visitors.

Free candidates are those you bring to our platform from different job boards using our given links. For example, you posted a job post and selected a few candidates from other job boards. It means you can use our platform to manage candidates applications, schedule interviews, and hire them FREE of cost.

Your free talents can be recognised with a free tag beside the candidates name on their profile.

Yes, you can schedule an interview with your sourced candidates who applied from a career site. Not just this, you can also leverage our state-of-art ATS system for free, in which you'll get a separate client's dashboard to manage your hiring process and best-in-class hiring features to hire qualified candidates successfully.

No, you don't have to pay any fees for OptimHire if you bring your candidates using the promote feature. You can invite/hire them to any job that you create and they are free forever (only for you). You can do instant messaging and instant interview booking with them.

No, OptimHire doesn't charge you any fees in the future. You will get free access to our advanced and best-in-breed ATS system worth at least $15000 per year if you bring candidates to our platform.

You can find your candidates on the Free Talents dedicated page under My Talents. Though the candidates you add are automatically added to the responses tab for that particular job post, And you can invite the candidates for other job postings as well.

No, we do not charge any fees if you bring your own prospects to our platform.

  • Step 1: Initiate Job creation process on linkedIn
  • Step 2: Fill up the details like description,skills & other required fields
  • Step 3: Head to step 2 of the form and find applicant collection section
  • Step 4: Select "At an external website" option under receive applicants
  • Step 5: Paste your job referral url in the website address
  • Step 6: Complete your job creation process
  • Step 7: Done, from then you can manage all the candidates under one platform - OptimHire

No, the career site we offer is entirely free and legitimate to use. Moreover, you can use the career site URL for FREE.

Job Post URL is a unique link created for you to offer you the versatility to manage prospects from a single platform. It helps you to invite and track candidates from other platforms to your personalized OptimHire dashboard and manage them from a single platform for FREE.