Abhinav S.

Abhinav S.

Data Scientist with 12.9 Years of IT industry experience and 5 years of Data science experience

Gurugram , India

Experience: 13 Years


Gurugram , India

Data Scientist with 12.9 Years of IT industry experience and 5 years of Data science experience

36000 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

13 Years

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About Me

  • 12.9 years of IT industry experience including 5+ years of experience in the data science.
  • Perform data cleaning and data preparation in data science projects.
  • Pre-processed data by feature s...
  • Pre-processed data by feature selection, imputation, handled class imbalance, developed classification models in Python, understanding correlation between variable.
  • Performed feature engineering including feature normalize and OHE & label encoding.
  • Analyzed sentiments for upcoming product based on review given by customer.
  • Improved accuracy of classifier using cross-validation and hyper-parameter tuning.
  • Processed data to identify outliers,  inconsistencies and conducted exploratory data analysis to see the insights of data and validate each feature.
  • I have worked on ASP.NET, ADO.NET, C#, SQL server, Angular.js, Node.js. Hive, Mongodb also

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Portfolio Projects


Based on details provided by customer, we have topredict that customer is eligible for loan or not.

I was involved in functional analysis of dataset and understanding of data.

Involved in Feature engineering and feature importance based on which feature selection was done.

Involved in choosing best AUC score for model and parameter tuning

Involved in saving model and contineous training.

Tech Used: Python, skLearn, matplotlib, seaborn, gc

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By collecting data for one year of purchase made by customers, I had to anticipate the purchases that will be made by a new customer, during the following year and current one, from its first purchase.

I was involved in functional analysis of dataset and understanding of data.

Involved in Feature engineering and feature importance based on which feature selection was done.

Involved in choosing best AUC score for model and parameter tuning

Involved in saving model and contineous training.

Tech Used: Python, skLearn, matplotlib, seaborn, gc

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Based on the provided information, I have to predict those customers who are likely to churn out of the bank in coming year.

I was involved in functional analysis of dataset and understanding of data.

Involved in Feature engineering and feature importance based on which feature selection was done.

Involved in choosing best AUC score for model and parameter tuning

Involved in saving model and contineous training.

Tech Used: Python, ScikitLearn

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Based on the provided information i had to predict those employees tending to churn the company in coming year.

Involved in Feature engineering and feature importance based on which feature selection was done.

Involved in choosing best AUC score for model and parameter tuning

Involved in saving model and contineous training.

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Analyzed communication between sales representatives and customers to predict whether a protection agreement was sold to the customer or not during the sale.

I was involved in word embedding and text cleaning

Involved in Parameter tuning and pipeline

Model deployment

Tech Used: Python, matplotlib, seaborn, nltk, ScikitLearn

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Classify the comments retrieved from website as positive, negative and normal.

I was involved in text cleaning

Involved in Parameter tuning and pipeline

Model deployment

Tech Used: Python, matplotlib, seaborn, nltk, SkLearn

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Opinion mining from twitter, analyzed given number of tweets for the product released by company provided by customer.

Tech Used: Sklearn, NLTK, Python, tweepy, TextBlob, wordCloud, seabron, matplotlib, gensim, keras

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