Software Engineer

Addanki , India

Experience: 1 Year


Addanki , India

Software Engineer

5485.71 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

1 Year

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About Me

Determined, innovative seeking for a position as a software engineer where I can constantly learn and contribute with my skills and knowledge towards the prosperity of the organisation and build self – esteem....

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Portfolio Projects


Due to increasing threats in the internet circumventing these attackers is the best choice instead of taking measures after getting attacked. To circumvent the attackers, we have to find from where the attack is happening and after locating the attack we evade it by taking another available path even if it is not the shortest path. With the available technology, it is easy to spoof the source IP addresses. To locate the attacker, we use advanced techniques in IP Traceback like DPM, PPM, IP Logging etc. During the traceback process, routers are queried in the reverse-path flooding (RPF) manner and the digest tables at queried routers are examined to reconstruct the network path.

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Rule Power Factor: A New Interest Measure in Associative Classification is a new interest measure proposed by Ochin, Suresh Kumar, Nisheeth Joshic in the paper "Procedia Computer Science 93 ( 2016 ) 12 – 18"

This tool after processing the dataset, the minor generates the associative classification rules and the Rule Power Factor calculates the interestingness of the rule. This Rule Power Factor Interest measure finds the valued interesting rules which are useful to the user in effective decision making even in an exceptional set of circumstances.

Java programming is used to build this tool using Linked list, Set, HashSet, ArrayList, etc.

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A person thinks of any isogram word and gives out the number of letters in the word. The computer tries to figure that word by guessing isogram words containing the same number of letters. The person responds with the number of Cows & Bulls for each guessed word. "Cow" means a letter in the wrong position, while "Bull" means a letter in the right position.

It is done in JAVA Programming.

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Encrypts and Decrypts text and also brute forces to find the key.
Cryptographic algorithms of the medieval period(Ceaser, Multi, Vigenere, Substitution etc. including brute-force decryptor) are implemented in C language without using ASCII values such that the program can encrypt or decrypt the entire file into Ciphertext or Plaintext.

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Calculates the interestingness of classification rules i.e., how intense a rules items are associated with each other in terms of positive relationship

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Encrypts and Decrypts text and brute forces to find the key.

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