Parimi M.

Parimi M.

Senior Software Engineer

Hyderabad , India

Experience: 4 Years


Hyderabad , India

Senior Software Engineer

USD / Year

  • Start Date / Notice Period end date:

4 Years

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About Me

Seeking a quality environment where my knowledge can be shared and enriched and looking for the opportunity where I can improve my quality and technical skills to progress professionally through continuous learning to achieve my objective of being an...

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Portfolio Projects


Application to create SIM order files. Created SIM order files to manufacture and manufacture send response files to application .Application send response files with the required data through SFX through sFTP. This application has different types of reports about SIM details.

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SMART 2.o is a health care domain application, it is related about patient details about health and patient health information. Application also having hospital employees’ details and employees’ trainings.

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E-LAB is the software which is used for Clinical Laboratories. This software deals with the Laboratories under particular Hospital. It is windows forms based software to store the Patient details, Doctors details and tests which are performed on patients. Every Doctor deals with multiple Tests and every test may have Subtests. In this each and every test have some payable cost and commission for those doctors who handled those tests. In this the Patient has to pay cost and Commission for their tests based on Doctor Wise, Test Wise and Date Wise. The Patient Test Reports will generate based on their Reporting date and Referenced Doctor Wise.

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ERP is the software which is used for company or organization. This software deals with the particular company over all details. It is Asp .Net based software to store the data of company . ERP mainly involved 4 modules based on those modules only easy to maintain the data.Every company deals with branches and every branch may have multiple employees. In this each and every branch have some multiple companies and number of employees.

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This is online internal marks assessment system for the engineering colleges, which can flexible to view the marks of the students through online. The faculty can enter the marks of the students of their respective subject. The principal and Hod of the college can view the marks of the students. So it is easy to view students marks based on their branch or their Id also. The students can see the internal marks on semester wise. We applied this concept for 3internal for each and every semester. After completion of 3internals, the grade and percentage of the student came automatically. The students can view the others students marks also. So it is easy to view the students and as well as principals & HODs and as well as Faculty also.

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