About Me
AREAS OF INTERESTData structure and algorithm Android Application developmentJava Development Full Stack Development (MEAN STACK)...
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Portfolio Projects
Ticketing website mainly used by maxonic employees to generate ticket based on problem they are facing, can see status of ticket and details as well , admin can assign ticket to other employee to resolve related issue etc. are the main purpose of this website and help employees to connect and resolve problem.
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This android application will be associated with particular wholesaler where wholesaler will give this application to retailers so that retailers can view product details, can place orders, can add products to wish-list so that next time they can order easily etc. are the main use cases related to this application.
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Technology stack: Nodejs, JAVA, Android studio, CASSANDRA, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, jQuery, ELASTICSEARCH,KIBANA.Roles and Responsibilities:1. I have worked on front-end as well as back end including UI design, API Design, server hosting etc.2. Its similar to other e-commerce app.
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Website URL: https://employees.maxonic.com/Technology stack: Angular 6, Nodejs, MYSQL, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, jQuery, AJAXRoles and Responsibilities:1. All work has done by me including front end, back end and website hosting.2. All HR related works were included in this website including document submitting, details submission, check-inand check-out for employees, monthly timesheet for payroll etc.
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Optimized website URL: http://test.maxonic.com/Technology stack: Angular 6, Node js, MYSQL, JavaScript, PHP, HTML5, CSS, jQuery, AJAXRoles and Responsibilities:1. I have converted php based website to angular based website for performance optimization.2. All work has done by me including front end, back end and website hosting.
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Website URL: https://employeeconnect.maxonic.com/Technology stack: Angular 6, Nodejs, MYSQL, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, jQuery, AJAXRoles and Responsibilities:1. All work has done by me including front end, back end and website hosting.2. Employees can create ticket, can view ticket status, corresponding manager can assign work to employees,Employees can report to manager after issue resolved, manager can resolve ticket etc.
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Website URL:http://intranet.maxonic.com/Technology stack: Angular 6, Nodejs, MYSQL, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, jQuery, AJAXRoles and Responsibilities: 1. Website was fully developed by me including front end, back end, hosting.2.Admin can upload latest LCA document and different user can view uploaded documents.
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Technology stack: Splunk, JavaScript, XML, CQL, Big Data, d3.js, High chartRoles and Responsibilities:1. I have worked on Splunk tool to build custom dashboard by using d3.js, HighChart.js.2. Worked on various dashboard to improve UI by using JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
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Microsoft Azure APIs were used for developing application.Application detect cheating in evaluation process (like exams).Based on the response from API app will detect certain things like-1.movement of the face (left, right, bottom).2.Identify the person who is giving exam and verifying the person.
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CLMS (Candidate Lifecycle Management System) is one of the iPRIMED project used for internal work.Pre-transformation feature- both server side and client-side logic were written by me.Amazon e-learning course Allocation- Client side Angular 4 logic was written by me.Comm-check and Pi-check for CSR- both client side and server-side logic were written by me.IONIC Mobile Writing feature- both client side and server-side logic were written by me.
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Client relationship management website was created for the client of IPRIMED like CAPEGEMINI etc.I have worked on both client side (angular 4) and server side (Node JS with typescript).I have taken care of the responsiveness of this website and added certain features.
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