Mohammad I.

Mohammad I.

Team Lead

New Delhi , India

Experience: 12 Years


New Delhi , India

Team Lead

23142.8 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

12 Years

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About Me

12+ years of hands on development experience in Software Development in Design, Development and Implementation of Web and Windows-based software Applications. 7+ years of experience as Team Lead with duties of handling team, client communication, req...

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Portfolio Projects


This product is developed by Guidewire for Claims Management. This can be used for Creating a new claim, Claim tracking, Claim adjusters etc. We are customizing this product as per requirement of Elephant Insurance.

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This product is developed by Guidewire for Claims Management. This can be used for Creating a new claim, Claim tracking, Claim adjusters etc. We are customizing this product as per requirement of Elephant Insurance.

Technologies used: Angular 1.8, Java, Guidewire Claim Center , GW PC, Cloud Foundry UAA

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These applications provides complete solution for buying a policy to manage policy, making payments, renew policy, requesting for the claim and downloading the various form to submit claims etc.

Technologies used: Angular 1.8, Angular 5, VWO, Optimizely, WordPress, Bootstrap, Loggly.Segment IO, C# MVC, Web API, Sql Server.

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Responsibilities: Requirement grooming , sizing tickets, task assignment, development,deployment , discussion with onsite team on daily basis, code review, helping team with their task, coordination with QA and back end Team, reporting etc..

Description Online price comparison portal for car insurance in US market.

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This application is in and back end as Oracle. This application provides complete Health Insurance Policy management. This application was for use of internal staff for creating policy, Submitting claim, and submitting pre-Authorization for medical urgency.

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