Senior FullStack Developer | Online Jobs | Optimhire

Senior FullStack Developer

Senior FullStack Developer Responsibilities  Work as part of a team developing applications and services using (HTML5, CSS3, Node.Js, React JS, Go Lang, Next.Js, Typescript, React.js, Aws, Azure)  Integration of user-facing elements developed by front-end developers with server-side logic.  Writing reusable, testable, and efficient code.  Design and implementation of low-latency, high-availability, and performant applications.  Implementation of security and data protection.  Implementation of relational database systems including MySQL, MongoDB and writing complex SQL queries.  Building RESTful APIs with JWT.  Experience with Container Technologies Docker.  Experience with JSON, XML & GIT.  Experience for building modern web application / SPA / PWA workloads with well design considerations & overall architecture goals.  Experience to lead the team and multitask across different role expectations seamlessly – developer, Tech Lead, Designer. Skills and Qualifications  Strong proficiency with TypeScrip and Javascript  Deep Experience working on HTML5, CSS3, Node.Js, React JS, Go Lang, Next.Js, Typescript, React.js Aws, Azure) and frameworks available for it. such as Express,  Knowledge of caching levels and in-memory DBs & Redis clusters.  Understanding the nature of asynchronous programming and its quirks and workarounds.  Good knowledge of front-end technologies, such as ,  Good practical knowledge of RabbitMQ, WebSocket,AMQP(Advanced Message Queuing Protocol).  Good practical knowledge of MySQL.  User authentication and authorization between multiple systems, servers, and environments.  Integration of multiple data sources and databases into one system.  Understanding fundamental design principles behind a scalable application.  Understanding differences between multiple delivery platforms, such as mobile vs. desktop, and optimizing output to match the specific platform.  Must have programming experience (NodeJS )

Job Type

Contract Base More than 30 hrs / Week


Full-Stack Developers

Must have Skills

  • Node.Js - 3 Years


  • Go Lang
  • Typescript
  • Next.Js
  • React.Js
  • HTML 5
  • CSS 3
  • AWS
  • Azure
  • Docker
  • Node.Js - 3 Years



New Delhi [UTC +5]


english - Conversational

hindi - Conversational

Up to 24.5 USD/Hour (Hourly rate)

Longterm (Duration)

Fully Remote


Anant S

United States