Web Fullstack Developer
We are looking for Full stack/Backend expert who will take our ideas to life in the interesting journey of our organization. You should have attitude to learn to find the solutions - we will provide you with all the required tools. You will be responsible for designing, developing, testing, and debugging responsive mobile and web applications. You will also act as a backbone of a small team guiding them on all aspects of development process.
Qualifications Required -
- Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Computers
- Experience - 2-4 Years
- Experience with Mobile App development will be plus
Personal Qualities:
- Excellent communication skills both written and verbal
- Self-motivated with strong team spirit
- Strong work ethic
- Ability to work independently and as ability to work within a team
- Excellent multi-tasking skills
- Ability to work in fast paced Startup environment without constraints
- Experience in Javascript React.js, Node.js, REST API
- Experience with NoSQL database, should have knowledge of NoSQL data modelling and schemas
- Experience with AWS services – S3, API Gateway, Lambda, Cloud watch, Dynamo db, Kinesis, Athena
- Knowledge of Dev ops for web and mobile platforms
Job Type
Backend Developers
Full-Stack Developers
Web Developers
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12.25 USD
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6 - 9 K/Year USD (Annual salary)
Longterm (Duration)
Onsite Pune, Maharashtra, India
Sandeep L