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Your interview request from the "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the "{{item.job_details.job_title}}" is about to expire in {{timerCountDown}} minutes


You've a new Job invitation from the "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" 🤗

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Your Profile got Viewed by "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" 🤗

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Your Profile has been Shortlisted by the "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the {{item.job_details.job_title}} 😎

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Your Profile has been moved to Interview stage by the "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the "{{item.job_details.job_title}}" 🔔

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Your Profile has been moved to Offer stage by the "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the "{{item.job_details.job_title}}" 🔔

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

You've received a new offer letter from the "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" 🥳

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Congratulations! you are successfully hired as a "{{item.job_details.job_title}}" in "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" 🎉

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Your coding interview has been scheduled by "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the "{{item.job_details.job_title}}"

TIME: {{item.candidate_availability_date_time | stringToDate:"hh:mm a" }}
DATE: {{item.candidate_availability_date_time | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }}

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

You have received an interview request from the "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the "{{item.job_details.job_title}}"

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

"{{item.job_details.company_name}}" have requested you to reschedule the interview for the role "{{item.job_details.job_title}}"

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Interview with "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the role "{{item.job_details.job_title}}" has been cancelled. 😟

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Your interview has been scheduled with "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the role "{{item.job_details.job_title}}"

TIME: {{item.interview_confirm_from_date_time | stringToDate:"hh:mm a" }}
DATE: {{item.interview_confirm_from_date_time | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }}

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

You've received {{item.rating}} rating from the "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the role "{{item.job_details.job_title}}" 🤩

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}


No Notifications

Stay tuned! Notifications about your activity will show up here.


Your interview request from the "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the "{{item.job_details.job_title}}" is about to expire in {{timerCountDown}} minutes


You've a new Job invitation from the "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" 🤗

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Your Profile got Viewed by "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" 🤗

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Your Profile has been Shortlisted by the "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the {{item.job_details.job_title}} 😎

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Your Profile has been moved to Interview stage by the "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the "{{item.job_details.job_title}}" 🔔

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Your Profile has been moved to Offer stage by the "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the "{{item.job_details.job_title}}" 🔔

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

You've received a new offer letter from the "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" 🥳

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Congratulations! you are successfully hired as a "{{item.job_details.job_title}}" in "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" 🎉

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Your coding interview has been scheduled by "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the "{{item.job_details.job_title}}"

TIME: {{item.candidate_availability_date_time | stringToDate:"hh:mm a" }}
DATE: {{item.candidate_availability_date_time | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }}

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Your have received an interview request from the "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the "{{item.job_details.job_title}}"

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

"{{item.job_details.company_name}}" have requested you to reschedule the interview for the role "{{item.job_details.job_title}}"

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Interview with "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the role "{{item.job_details.job_title}}" has been cancelled. 😟

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

Your interview has been scheduled with "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the role "{{item.job_details.job_title}}"

TIME: {{item.interview_confirm_from_date_time | stringToDate:"hh:mm a" }}
DATE: {{item.interview_confirm_from_date_time | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }}

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}

You've received {{item.rating}} rating from the "{{item.job_details.company_name}}" for the role "{{item.job_details.job_title}}" 🤩

{{item.created_at | stringToDate:"MMMM d, y" }} AT {{item.created_at | stringToDate:"h:mm a" }}