About Me
Balmeeki possess over 16 years of experience in n-tier web applications and client / server applicationsand AWS. Experienced in all aspects of the software development life cycle with the ability to work andcommunicate effectively.Experienced in desi...
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Portfolio Projects
- Over 16 years of experience in n-tier web applications and client / server applications.
- Experienced in all aspects of the software development life cycle, with the ability to work and communicate effectively.
- Experienced in design and development of various web and enterprise applications using J2EE technologies like JSP, Angular JS, Servlets, Spring MVC, Boot, Batch, JDBC, JSF, Struts, EJB, JDBC, JPA, XML, JAXB & AJAX.
- Used XSLT for transforming XML documents to HTML. Service Locator object has been developed to abstract all JNDI usage and encapsulate of Initial context creation.
Sr. Software Engineer / Architect / Lead (consultant)
- Working on CONNECT as a Sr. Developer / Lead.
- Used WildFly, Weblogic, Eclipse.
- Working with Struts, Spring Framework, Mockito, SAML, SOAP, Web Services, SOAP – UI….
- Working with Hibernate, JSF Primefaces. Mockito testing extensively with TDD
- Did program in Java / J2ee using Eclipse, Mockito, Jira, Junit, Webservices, Spring,
- Worked extensively with Spring Boot, MVC
- Developed the application usingAgilemethodology and followedTDD.
- Worked on Solution Architecture, designing and integrating various application
- Working with Jenkins, CI/CD, Tortoise SVN, GIT, SONAR, AWS.
- Working as a Sr. Developer / Architect with JavaScript, HTML 5 React JS, Angular 5, TypeScript, Jquery, Sublime, MyBatis, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Batch.
- Working with Rest Services, spring, weblogic, eclipse, oracle, Jenkins, CI/CD, Tortoise SVN, GIT, SONAR, AWS.
- ImplementedAgilemethodology, test driven development (TDD)
- UsedAgilemethodologies for application development.
- Routinely attending client meetings regarding design and architecture.
- Worked on Solution Architecture, designing and integrating various application
- Used SOAP UI tolls for testing SOAP messages
- Contributed to architecting the framework according to the J2EE Design Patterns (Client tier, Middle tier, Business tier)
- Worked with JBOSS, REST, Microservices, JAXB, SAX and DOM Parser
- Worked in a lead role. Also Worked on Design and Architecture (Solution Architect / Application Architect).
- Developed the user interface using HTML, JSF, RichFaces, PrimeFaces, CSS, XSLT and JSPs
- Developed workflow engine as a web services using SOAP and WSDL
- Application is based on MVC pattern and designed and developed web components using JDO, JavaScript, JSF and Tomcat
- Developed / Implemented XML schema for validation of XML documents
- Developed Ant and Maven build scripts
- Developed presentation layer using spring, CSS, JSP and Servlet. Extensively used Java Collection Classes like Array List, Hash Map, etc.
- Used XSLT for transforming XML documents to HTML. Service Locator object has been developed to abstract all JNDI usage and encapsulate of Initial context creation
- Created XML files to provide Context and Hibernate Mapping for database persistence
- Used JUNIT for unit testing the module. Deployed and tested on Tomcat
- Worked using HL7 protocol. Worked with PDQ, PIX, NHIN, ICD9, CONNECT
- Worked with C++ using STL for interfacing application with hospital site
- Wrote ANT scripts to build EJB components
- Wrote and developed the server side using spring and J2EE technology. The Spring components used were Spring ORM, Spring Web, Spring MVC and Spring AOP
- Installation of JDK, Tomcat in Windows and UNIX boxes
- Gathered/analyzed functional requirements for the new phase in design. Developed the user interface using HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XSLT and JSPs
- Architected the framework according to the J2EE Design Patterns (Client tier, Middle tier, Business tier)
- Developed the application using Struts framework, Eclipse
- Worked on Production Support 24x7 to analyze and debug issues related to hospital information systems. Handled various complex situations at a short notice and did trouble shooting. Also worked with the offshore team to resolve the production issues
- Developed Data Access Object framework for accessing the data from the database
- Worked on XSD’s (Schema Changes), XHTML
- Involved in writing complex queries using SQL to extract data from database and to delete the data and to reload the data on MS SQL and Oracle database
- Developed functional test cases for Integration and Functional testing, regression testing, and user acceptance testing
- Worked extensively with JDO and Web Services
- Developed workflow engine as a web services using SOAP and WSDL
- Worked as a lead
- Worked with JAXB, SAX and DOM Parser
- Implemented the SQL queries for database interaction
- Worked using HL7 protocol. Worked with PDQ, PIX, NHIN, CONNECT
- Writing and developing the server side using Struts 2, Spring MVC and J2EE technology; Installation of JDK, Tomcat in Windows and Unix boxes
- Helped the company to earn revenue up to 10 million dollars and renewal of contract up to 25 million dollars with VA Hospitals
- Application is based on MVC pattern and designed and developed web components using DTO, DTO, JavaScript, Share Point, JSPs and ServiceMix framework
- Gathered/analyzed functional requirements for the new phase in design
- Worked with JAXB, SAX and DOM Parser. Also worked with Web Services
- Worked on Production Support 24x7 to analyze and debug issues related to legacy system. Handled various complex situations at a short notice and did trouble shooting. Also worked with the offshore team to resolve the production issues
Project: Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Rockville MD
- Developed the user interface using HTML, JSON, GWT (Google Widget Toolkit), CSS
- Working on Design and Architecture (Solution Architect / Application Architect).
- Maintained code written in Scala
- Gathered / analyzed functional requirements for the new phase in design
- Contributed to architecting the framework according to the J2EE Design Patterns (Client tier, Middle tier, Business tier)
- Worked on SAML, CONNECT and NHIN
- Worked with ‘Schematron’ and ‘HITMER’ tool to do CCD testing and validation
- Used SOAP UI tolls for testing SOAP messages
- Contributed to architecting the framework according to the J2EE Design Patterns (Client tier, Middle tier, Business tier)
- Worked with JAXB, SAX and DOM Parser
- Used SOAP UI tolls for testing SOAP messages
- Excellent hands-on experience dealing with the onsite – offshore model
- Worked with JAXB, SAX and DOM Parser
- Used JUnit to write Unit test cases
- Developed workflow engine as a web services using SOAP and WSD
- Developed / Implemented XML schema for validation of XML documents
- Developed Ant build scripts. Worked with RAD
- Developed workflow engine as a web services using SOAP and WSDL
- Developed Ant build scripts. Worked with RAD
- Worked with JAXB, SAX and DOM Parser
- Used SOAP UI tolls for testing SOAP messages
- Contributed to architecting the framework according to the J2EE Design Patterns (Client tier, Middle tier, Business tier)
- Excellent hands-on experience dealing with the onsite – offshore model
- Worked with JAXB, SAX and DOM Parser
- Used JUnit to write Unit test cases
- Developed workflow engine as a web services using SOAP and WSDL
- Developed the user interface using HTML CSS, XSLT and JSPs
- Used Weblogic 12, MyEclipse
- Contributed to architecting the framework according to the J2EE Design Patterns (Client tier, Middle tier, Business tier).
- Working on Design and Architecture (Application Architect).
- Worked with Struts 2, Spring Framework
- Worked with Ibatis, MDB (Message driven bean)
- Did programming to develop the user interface using HTML, JSPs, JSTL
- Modified XML documents
- Did Programming in java / J2ee using Spring Integration, Angular JS , Spring Batch, Spring Boot for Data Migration
- Worked as SVN subject matter expert and responsible for creating and maintaining repository.
- Exposed to Hybris software
- Worked as an Associate Manager
- Used Eclipse, Jenkins, Jira, Oracle VM, SOAP UI, SOAP services
- Working on Design and Architecture (Solution Architect / Application Architect)
- Contributed to architecting the framework according to the J2EE Design Patterns
- Worked to implement automated SOAP UI Tests
- Did programming in Java / J2ee to implement JASYPT Encryption / Decryption System.