About Me
Senior Associate (Technical Lead) with strong business acumen and 3 years technical experience in Big Data space. I am an accomplished technology enthusiast who brings deep technical knowledge and customer facing savvy to design and implement solutio...
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Portfolio Projects
- Interaction with Client for requirement gathering.
- Supported code/design analysis, strategy development and project planning.
- Developed code using Python for different transformations in Spark and creating RDD's over that.
- Worked on persist and cache to store the require RDDs on the memory and to use when it is necessary for other transformations.
- Developed different action in Spark to retrieve the results of the data sources which will be required transformed format
- Developed Spark coding using Python and Pandas Library to analyze the data.
- Architecture involves HDFS as storage, Spark Core with Spark SQL API with Python & Pandas on MapR.
- Leading and Managing the team and also responsible for presenting daily metrics to end clients.
- Involved with SFT integration team to SFT the file to client.
- Interaction with Client for requirement gathering.
- Supported code/design analysis, strategy development and project planning.
- Wrote script to move files on HDFS received from client.
- Developed code using Scala for different transformations in Spark and creating RDD's over that.
- Worked on persist and cache to store the require RDDs on the memory and to use when it is necessary for other transformations.
- Developed different action in Spark to retrieve the results of the data sources which will be required transformed format
- Developed Spark coding using Scala language to analyze the data.
- Created data frames in a Spark SQL from data in HDFS and did transformations analyze the data and stores back into the HDFS.
- Architecture involves HDFS as storage, Spark Core with Spark SQL API with Scala on Cloudera CDH 5 distribution.
- Leading and Managing the team and also responsible for presenting daily metrics to end clients.
- Participated in development/implementation of Cloudera Hadoop environment.
- Interaction with Client for requirement gathering.
- Supported code/design analysis, strategy development and project planning.
- Wrote script to create managed table in Hive.
- Wrote the script in Sqoop to import Employee compensation and Engagement data to Hive from SQL.
- Involved in Data ingestion process to ingest data in Hive from different RDBMS sources like Informix, DB2, SQL
- Creating Partition of Hive tables to store the processed results in a tabular format.
- Wrote Hive Query to analyze engagement score based on business logic.
- Used Oozie to schedule the data import jobs.
- Installed and configured Hive and also written Hive-QL (HQL) scripts.
- Architecture involves HDFS on top of that used Hive as warehouse to ingest data from different RDBMS sources using Sqoop on Cloudera CDH 5 distribution.
- Leading and Managing the team and also responsible for presenting daily metrics to end clients.
- Participated in development/implementation of Cloudera Hadoop environment.
This project is being used for all proxy products and other compensation reports. User can generate all type of proxy reports in excel and PDF. EP Plus library is being used to generate these reports. These Reports processed through a queuing system on FCFS basis with the help of Third Party tool Hang Fire and saved in SQL Server 2008 R2.
- Interacting with Business for requirement gathering.
- Responsible for Designing, Coding, Enhancement requested by Client, Project planning.
- Setup Hang Fire Queue service.
- Implemented High Charts using JQuery to show charts on CG Pro Web Portal
- Implemented Infragistic UI Grid to facilitate Ops team to collect data using Angular JS
- Implemented Entity Framework using Data First approach in DCT (Data Collection Tool)
- Leading and Managing the team and also responsible for presenting daily metrics to end clients.
CM2000 is a web based Compensation Analyzing Tool. We used Stats calculation in it. We used web to access and analyze the data Worldwide by the Consultants and the Business people. Data used in this website was collected by the tools mentioned below. It used to create the reports. All the logic was written in the DLL and EXE. There were 29ActiveX DLL and 30 ActiveX EXE were written in the Visual Basic 6 and works as COM component. All the reports were prepared in the Excel files. We used Excel for the reporting purpose as it was convenient for the business people to make some changes if required. All reports generated in Excel.
CM2K Self Service Utility Description: There is lots of supporting activities for CM2000. “CM2000 Self Service Utility” is a window based application written in C# to perform those support activities. It is being used by consultants and business for their day to day work. The motive behind this was to increase the business efficiency and to reduce the no. of maestros for development team. I got the Innovation award for its development.
- Responsible for Coding, Enhancement requested by Client.
- Responsible to resolve issue on Priority.
- Setup Hang Fire Queue service.
- Took extra responsibility (Initiative) to automate the exiting support system.
This was a web based application project. Advisor Network and Statement Platform 2 (ANSP DAY 2) is the very crucial project for SEI. SEI uses this functionality to create the group of Goal Based Accounts. SEI generates Monthly/Quarterly/Semi-Annually/Annually statements and sends them to the end investors to show the performance of their Goals. In Day 1 SEI has first time introduce the functionality to generate the Quarterly Goal Based Statements in U.S. market.
- Responsible for Coding, Enhancement requested by Client.
- Designed and developed user interface in Classic ASP and business logic in VB 6.0
- Responsible to resolve issue on Priority.
- Got 1 Innovation award by team of Aon Hewitt.
- Got 4 Premier team awards for some critical enhancement in Aon Hewitt.
- Got 5 Spot award for client delivery while having a pressure from Business and with the very tight timeline.
- Has been recognized by client (SEI) and peers for performance above and beyond the call of duty for quality of deliverables.
- Has been recognized by Strength Finder team of NIIT Technologies Ltd.
GCBR stands for Global Credit Bureau Reporting. This project is to provide different types of reports to bureaus like Experian, Equifax, CIBIL etc. We need to Load the existing data from Mainframe to Hive using Metadata Framework, performing different type of analysis on data based on the requirement to provide the reports to bureaus.
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