Portfolio Projects
IGM - Integrated GNSS Master
Skill Set : C, C++, LINUX, IPv6, DHCPv6, Kernel Routing Tables, Ixia.
Responsibilities : Development and Testing
Working for product called IGM (Integrated GNSS Master) & TP4100 (Time Provider) solution for Timing synchronization. This product is being used in telecommunication devices where timing precision is required in terms of Nano seconds, example base stations. Timing Synchronization is achieved by using protocol PTP as per IEEE-1588V2 standard from Satellite/Master Clock. My work involves mainly on developing the following features in above products:
- Enabling Management to support IPV6 in both VLAN& NON VLAN modes & Setting up DHCPV6/DHCPV4 server for simulation in private network.
- Introduced nearly twenty CLI Commands and respective call backs to support IPV6 Configuration to the management interface.
- Backup & Restore
- ZTP Configuration
- Remote logging facility on IPV6 Interface
- Maintenance
Skill Set : C, C++, LINUX, IPv6, DHCPv6, Kernel Routing Tables, Ixia.Responsibilities : Development and TestingWorking for product called IGM (Integrated GNSS Master) & TP4100 (Time Provider) solution for Timingsynchronization. This product is being used in telecommunication devices where timing precision isrequired in terms of Nano seconds, example base stations. Timing Synchronization is achieved by usingprotocol PTP as per IEEE-1588V2 standard from Satellite/Master Clock. My work involves mainly ondeveloping the following features in above products:Enabling Management to support IPV6 in both VLAN& NON VLAN modes & Setting upDHCPV6/DHCPV4 server for simulation in private network.Introduced nearly twenty CLI Commands and respective call backs to support IPV6 Configurationto the management interface.Backup & RestoreZTP ConfigurationRemote logging facility on IPV6 InterfaceMaintenance
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2. IGMP - Multicast Routing in DPU
Skill Set : C, C++, LINUX
Responsibilities : Development and Testing
Igmp snooping process in DPU operates between CPE and NNI. DPU featuring IGMP snooping derive useful information by observing IGMP transactions. Based on the Subscriber Member Ship Join and Leave messages IGMP performs the data path establishment and removal operations with Network Processor. Igmp forwards the Group Specific Query/General Query to downstream to get the status of existing CPE's. Igmp gets configuration information from the PMA and creates the data base for Subscriber Profiles,EVC, EVC MAP and interfaces.Igmp in turn maintains the stats of number of joins/leaves/General or group specific query information.
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Skill Set : C, C++, LINUXResponsibilities : Development and TestingIgmp snooping process in DPU operates between CPE and NNI. DPU featuring IGMP snooping derive usefulinformation by observing IGMP transactions. Based on the Subscriber Member Ship Join and Leavemessages IGMP performs the data path establishment and removal operations with Network Processor.Igmp forwards the Group Specific Query/General Query to downstream to get the status of existing CPEs.Igmp gets configuration information from the PMA and creates the data base for Subscriber Profiles,EVC,EVC MAP and interfaces.Igmp in turn maintains the stats of number of joins/leaves/General or groupspecific query information.
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Skill Set : C, C++, LINUXResponsibilities : Development and TestingImplementing Dot1X support in PPT Frame work to support development unit test activities. Theauthentication process begins when the end user attempts to connect to the WLAN. The authenticatorreceives the request and creates a virtual port with the supplicant. The authenticator acts as a proxy forthe end user passing authentication information to and from the authentication server on its behalf.PPTsupports CPE and NNI functionality to test the Authenticator in DPU.
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Handling Customer issues in various components like HostRM, StorageRM, Hags, ConfigRM and Topology service in RSCT. Maintaining the customer issues and creating the awareness to the team. In solving the customer issues, developed memory leak tool for AIX to solve the memory leak issues and also used extensively dbx tool for debugging core dumps. Solving performance issues as well.
Skill Set : C/C++/AIX/Linux
Responsibilities : Support
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Handling Customer issues in various components like HostRM, StorageRM, Hags, ConfigRM and Topologyservice in RSCT. Maintaining the customer issues and creating the awareness to the team. In solving thecustomer issues, developed memory leak tool for AIX to solve the memory leak issues and also usedextensively dbx tool for debugging core dumps. Solving performance issues as well.
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DHCP Client running on all BTS initiates the DHCP offer requests to get the dynamic ip from the DHCPserver. DHCP performance tool is designed to generate heavy traffic at the server level from the BTS suchthat server response should be calculated. All the DHCP Client messages should include Motorola as theDHCP vendor class identifier and that should be configurable from the EMS.
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R7Server will function as a relay between pCAPC Call Proc components and FA/Router. Function R7Serverwill runs on one blade and Dormant R7Server runs on all other payload blades. Function R7Server has thetwo functionalities:Dormant R7 for resident payload: relays messages between Functional R7 and pCAPCFA relay: relay messages between FA and pCAPCs (actually to Dormant R7)Dormant R7Server – Intimates the Network Entry completion to the Function R7Server. Functional R7 -Maintains table to relay msgs to appropriate pCAPCs after receiving the message from FA. And receivethe response from the payload and send to the FA.
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The CAPC increments the CMAC Key Count when the BS informs the CAPC that re-entry is complete. Whenthe BS indicates Re-entry is complete and the MS CMAC_KEY_COUNT is greater than or equal to thestored value, the CAPC increments the MS CMAC_KEY_COUNT provided by the BS and stores the value.During a re-authentication process, the BS and CAPC may have 2 MS contexts. Messages from the MSmay be using the CMAC Key Count from the old or the new context.
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Mobile do an InterFA movement And FA2 allocated lifetime is less than the FA1 allocated life time. ServingCAPC is responsible to identify the fill-in scenario and start sending Registration request to the CAPC onbehalf of MSS. This will continue till the next registration renewal request comes from the MSS uponexpiry of the DHCP Client life time allocated by the FA1.
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Radius Accounting feature allow us to lawfully intercept information about the MSS IP usage including howmuch time is spent on an IP address What their IP address history is, and what time was spent with eachIP address. Once Network Entry and MIP procedure is done, AP will inform the CAPC that the MSS hasobtained an IP Address. The CAPC will in turn send an Accounting Request to the AAA, indicating thebeginning of an accounting session. On a Re-Authentication, Authenticator will stop the currentAccounting Session and then send a corresponding Accounting Request to start a new session to the AAA.During Inter-CAPC Handover, the Source CAPC will tell the AAA to stop the MSS ID IP accounting session.After the handover, the Target CAPC will tell AAA that it needs to start a new MSS ID IP accountingsegment within accounting session. During Power Down, Mobility will tell Authenticator that a MSS ID isexiting the network. Authenticator will then tell AAA to stop the MSS ID IP accounting session
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SSLC is a component in ASN Gateway. This component will maintain the mobile context details whenmobiles enter into the network.SSLC handles the functionalities like,Autheticating the mobile, paging,giving the lease to Ap when mobile gets bearer data, Updating the Mobile details when mobile has thenew data, Handover procedure, and taking the lease from the AP.Once the mobile comes into the idle mode, SSLC will indicate the SSProxy to start monitoring data. ThisComponent is developed in TAU G2 provided by the Telelogic.
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SSProxy is component in CAPC, runs in promiscuous mode to receive packets for the MSSs in idle mode. Ittriggers MSS to become active when there is data for MSS in idle mode and buffers data till the MSSbecomes active. It acts as a proxy for MSS when in idle mode. SSProxy will run as a separate process withthreads interfacing with SSLC. SSProxy is supposed to handle 200k idle mode subscribers. SSProxy will beimplemented as five threads viz., Main/AMF thread, SSProxy thread, Bearer_P thread, FA Manager Threadand Promiscuous_Recv thread. Inter thread communication will be based on System V message queues.SSProxy to other components in CAPC communication will be using CCS. Buffer Pools will be used forstoring the Mac data packets. And at the last keeping the effort on SSproxy performance improvement.
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CAPC Communication Service is a set of APIs which will provide the communication m/c with in the CAPCcomponents and outside. These APIs also enables the components to start the tracing. Each componenthave to initialize with ccs service, and open the connection and then start the sending messages. CCSservice will also provide some other APIs which will be used to get the ATCA chassis details. These APIsalso maintain the routing info, which enables the Link Manager to route the packets to correspondingAP/etc.
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10. Call processing in ASN Gateway (WiMAX)
SSLC is a component in ASN Gateway. This component will maintain the mobile context details when mobiles enter into the network.SSLC handles the functionalities like,Autheticating the mobile, paging, giving the lease to Ap when mobile gets bearer data, Updating the Mobile details’ when mobile has the new data, Handover procedure, and taking the lease from the AP.
Once the mobile comes into the idle mode, SSLC will indicate the SSProxy to start monitoring data. This Component is developed in TAU G2 provided by the Telelogic.
Platform/Protocols : TAU, C and Linux / Mobile IP
Responsibilities : Development and Testing
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This project is aimed at developing Middleware component or platform comprises a comprehensive set ofservices that together provide a distributed high-availability operating platform in a cluster environment.1. Logging Service:Among them one of the services is logging. It is provided for the application to log the informationaltraces. The logging service is a simple mechanism for an application to log data that will be useful fordebugging. A separate logging service (task) will be running on each card (can be payload or controllercard). Logs will be stored in local disk on each card. These APIs will be part of CPAL library to which eachapplication will link. These APIs will in turn send logs to a task which will actually write them onto the disk.So effectively there will be one CAPCP logging task (per blade) and one library for logging (linked with theapplication).2. Alarm and Event Service:The CAPC Alarm Service consists of a set of alarm-related APIs that will be used to ensure that alloperator visible alarms are consistent in formatting and persistently stored via the CAPC PlatformMonitoring Service. CAPC Alarm Service will create a common Event channel that it will use to publish allEMS visible alarms. EMS Management Component residing on the CAPC System Controller, The EMSManagement Component will be responsible for subscribing to that channel and forwarding those alarmsto the EMS. The CAPC Event Service consists of a set of APIs necessary for applications to raise nonoperator visible and yet persistently stored event information. The persistent storage will take place onthe hard drive of a pCAPC.3 CAPC Configurations and Query (CAQ)The CAPC Configuration and Query (CAQ) Service consists of a set of APIs that should be used by pCAPCcomponents for all Ethernet related commands. This service is responsible for abstracting the Ethernetdriver service. The CAQ service will also provide the ability to retrieve Ethernet related information fromthe partner pCAPC. The partner pCAPC is also known as the standby pCAPC. This is important for correctDatabase operation.4 CAPC Platform Monitoring Service (CMS):The CMS is responsible for monitoring Platform related statistics and coordinating that informationbetween all external operational tools such as the LMT and the Health check tool. CMS will reside on allpCAPC blades and on the CAPC System Controllers. For each tracking element, a polling range isprovided. Due to the importance of the internal resource statistics, CMS will persistently log all physicalresource internal statistics at a configurable frequency interval.5. CAPC Memory and Timer Service:The CAPC Memory Service consists of a set of memory-related APIs that should be used by CAPCcomponents for all memory-related commands. This service is responsible for abstracting the LEAPmemory services. In addition, this service will track current, average, and peak buffer utilization for theinvoking SA-aware component. The CAPC Timer Service consists of a set of timer-related APIs that shouldbe used by CAPC components for all timer-related commands. This service is responsible for abstractingthe LEAP timer services. In addition, this service will track current, average, and peak timer usage for theinvoking SA-aware component. Considering how frequently timers will be created/started/stopped and theshear number of timers that will exist on a pCAPC,6. Trace task and Name space.
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