Mohammedsajeed S.

Mohammedsajeed S.

Technical Team Leader

Ahmedabad , India

Experience: 12 Years


Ahmedabad , India

Technical Team Leader

68571.5 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

12 Years

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About Me

An experienced, detail-oriented sr. software engineer with strong programming and troubleshooting skills. Extensive experience in Computer Programming. Detail-oriented multi-tasker with Organizational abilities. Able to work and maintain relation wit...

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Portfolio Projects


Information Management System is a public platform where user can register themselves using mobile application and ask questions related to different categories like Bank, Visa, Immigiration and there 2 sort of voluteers, 1 is public volunteer and another 1 is goverment volunteer, who can reply to user queries and earn points.

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In event & delegation management system, the ministry of foreign affairs invite delegation from different countries for events to be held in the home country. I worked on Web APIs to be consumed by mobile apps and angular application.

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Photoshoot managment system was developed for a client in the UK owing multiple photo studios. Agents were given mobile apps for selling photoshoot packages, wherein customer can buy these packages and get register themselves and received coupon code for discounted price and pay it through mobile application itself. On a later part customer can login to the website using the credentials received on registration and can select available slot on a particular date. Once the photoshoot was completed the coupon status gets to change as redeemed.

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Photoshoot managment system was developed for a client in the UK owing multiple photo studios. Agents were given mobile apps for selling photoshoot packages, wherein customer can buy these packages and get register themselves and received coupon code for discounted price and pay it through mobile application itself. On a later part customer can login to the website using the credentials received on registration and can select available slot on a particular date. Once the photoshoot was completed the coupon status gets to change as redeemed.

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In online point of sales system, shops can buy this system and can sell their goods, it has offline functionality as well. It contains product management, stock managment, category management, promotions, customer management.

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Designed and developed custom CRM for client with new .net architecture using MVC 5, sql server 2008R2 Integration of Amadeus flight, hotel and car search with client website.

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Creating and managing WCF Services for IOS and Android apps for registering and buying coupons for photo shoot and managing and redemption of photo shoot coupons on website, management of scheduling/rescheduling photo shoot dates. Agent management for selling coupons based on their registration with different modes of payments types.

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Created IOS app in swift using xcode of photo shoot management system for selling coupons by agents.

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Creating online/offline electronic point of sales application in angularJS with MVC.

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Creating and managing WCF services for IOS and android product application for movies.

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Developed windows application in c# in windows based device. Developed Web application in MVC 4 for Business social networking.

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Developed web based application using 2.0 and sql server 2005. Requirement: To display images of products from different categories. The web application also has an administration module, by which the admin can create/update categories, products and update images as well.

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Developed windows based application using C#, .net framework 3.5 and sql server 2005, Crystal report and Enterprise library. Requirement: To make bookings for adult/child care workers. There are different modules as workers, companies, clients, employees, invoice generations, bookings with specific times, etc.

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Developed e-commerce solution using C#, and sql server 2005. Requirement: To sell products online and also create/update/manage categories/product from administration section.

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Developed website using Requirement: To show different services offered by the client and image galleries.

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Developed e-commerce solution using C#, asp .net and sql server 2005. Requirement: To sell products online and also create/update/manage categories/product, discounts, promotions, images insertion from administration section. The site has a facility of login for registered users, registration for new customers, managing orders.

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Developed point of sale application using, framework 3.5 and sql server 2005, crystal report. Requirement: Back office management for adding categories, sub categories, products, promotions, users, settings. Sales module for displaying categories, sub categories, products for selling in malls, shops and stores.

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Developed Event booking system using, framework 4 (Entity Framework) and sql server 2008 (Web Application) Requirement: Booking events for photographic sessions in different cities, Adding locations, customers and staff. Reports based on different cities, Slots, staff wise and bookings wise.

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Developed Photo Studio system using, framework 4 (Entity Framework) and sql server 2008 (E-Commerce website) Requirement: In Photo studio system the admin uploads the customer photographs online on this website and creates a login for the customer. Once customer logs into the website they can choose from different picture category and picture folder in order to see their images. They can select their images and selects the products which consist of single photo or a photograph package and makes an order for printing online.

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