About Me
Senior Blockchain developer with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology and servicesindustry. Strong engineering professional skilled in Javascript,Blockchain,Bitcoin,Ethereum,Solidity,SmartContracts,Hyperledger Fabric,AWS...
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Portfolio Projects
1. Develop and update Supply chain Trading Smart Contract for version change .
2. Deploying Smart contract using Truffle Framework, Ganache-CLI and Ganache-GUI, Infura ,Metamask
3. Serverless Deploy using AWS Lambda, Creation of Virtual Private Cloud with public and privatesubnets
SuchApp combines best-of-class messaging with the power of a social network architected over a robust, enterprise-level blockchain economy to create the world's first 5G messaging ecosphere. From one easy-to-use app, users will be converting their smartphones into a single point of contact for talking to friends; socializing and networking with like-minded people; buying, selling and trading goods and services and making payments with our own digital currency.
I served as ICO strategist and ICO smart contract writer to help them gather investments in pre,during and post ICO period.
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