About Me
Technically sound & business savvy management professional with17 years of rich experience in Real Time Application Developmentusing C++ 17 in Linux and Windows; experience in working forglobal clients and companies across all regionsWorked 1+ years ...
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Portfolio Projects
Global Payments Investigation(GPI) is in place and managing payments investigationstraffic in 50+ countries(60+ operating units)globally with the strategic plan to deploycompletely across the group.The ubiquity of GPI, its single instance architecture and consistent global functionalityserve as foundation of significant operationally-enabled competitive advantage.GPI was built on as a generic, easily deployable solution, which has the ability to belocalized on an operating unit(OU) basis. Since various payments and accountingsolutions very by country (and even by operating unit), the application interfaces andfunctionalities were scaled back to the minimum level required to provide businesssupport.The business benefit for providing an HSBC Global mechanism for capturing Inquiriesrelated to Payments Investigations, audit/effective MI/Operational reports and queriesrelating to HSBCNet or other high-value, high-volume customer propositions would berevolutionary.
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Global Payments Monitoring is the program, which will provide the live paymentsstatistics to the bank and based on the UI alerts business processing units canrespond accordingly. As it is a global project which will include 4 regions data and willshow based on the user roles. Also which generates various reports i.e.live/historic/future/alarms/deadlines/office/region/incident extracts etc. based onbank staff requests.
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Global Payments Monitoring
Role : Technical Lead
Client : HSBC In-house
Period : Oct, 2015 to Till Date
Languages : C, C++ On Linux
Database : Oracle 11g
Tools : BAM tool.
Concepts used : Multi threading, STL and used various design patterns like Singleton, Abstract Factory and Factory methods.
Global Payments Monitoring is the program, which will provide the live payments statistics to the bank and based on the UI alerts business processing units can respond accordingly. As it is a global project which will include 4 regions data and will show based on the user roles. Also which generates various reports i.e. live/historic/future/alarms/deadlines/office/region/incident extracts etc. based on bank staff requests.
- As part of Agile and DevOps involved in requirement analysis and design phases.
- Designed few modules and provided work estimates.
- Developed code for core modules.
- Performed unit and integration testing.
- Performed code reviews.
- Involved in Unit, SIT and UAT testing for the complete project.
- As part of defect management provided high quality of delivery.
- Involved in Contingency and Live release for the project.
- Handling production support team 24/7 support.
PCM Channels is project, which will produce different type reports from secure banksites. PCM Channels is a Smartcard-based, state-of-the-art digital certificatetechnology 128-bit encryption to logon to secure sites. Generated reports will beprovided to different customers based on report type.
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PCM Channels is project, which will produce different type reports from secure bank sites. PCM Channels is a Smartcard-based, state-of-the-art digital certificate technology 128-bit encryption to logon to secure sites. Generated reports will be provided to different customers based on report type.
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Hexagon-R is the latest electronic banking offering from the HSBC Group, specifically aimed at the large corporate user. Hexagon-R is a Smartcard-based, state-of-the-art digital certificate technology 128-bit encryption to protect data moving between the customer and the bank.
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SIGMA is a Real time network surveillance probe that includes functions like generating the Call Detail Records and Traffic analysis reports. The system monitors the SS7 links in the network at various levels on various protocols, and captures the messages to build CDRs. The CDRs can be formatted to comply with any switch CDR format. The data generated by this software can be used for interconnect billing verification.
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VXOION Audio Conferencing Solution is an out-of-the-box solution that providesteleconferencingfacilities for Telecom Service Providers and Enterprises, and arranges conferences ona runtimebasis. VXOION Conferencing Solution is a perfect tool for any company tomaximizeoperational efficiency while minimizing resources. It also ensures rapid return oninvestments(ROI) and provides complete security, this is a conferencing solution designed for itsbest voiceclarity and rich set of features for controlling the conference through web.
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BGM is used by Telcos to offer a Back ground music when a conversation is going on.The callerneeds to subscribe to the BGM. The users can customize the back ground music fordifferentnumbers so that a different music will be played for different callees. There will be anoption forcaller to reduce and increase the music volume while the conversation is going onwith the helpof DTMF.
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