About Me
Over 7.1 years of experience as Full Stack Developer in that 1.5 year experiencein mobile application Development and 3.6 years of experience in E-commerceapplication Development parallely with PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript,Magento, laravel, Rest...
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Portfolio Projects
India has always known to be a treasure trove of ancient art and cultures, spanning across thousands of years. With 29 States and 7 Union Territories, India is the largest democracy in the world. This translates to various kinds of art, literature, music, language, food and a lot more.
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This was a web site for Mitsubishi Pajero Sports. Using this people can get all theinformation related to Mitsubishi Pajero Sports Product, they can select their cars through online, theycan also request for test drive, maintenance, they can find the price range of car and they can get theinformation of nearest service center. There are lots of modules like careers, cars, Test drive, events, storelocator (service center) and so on.
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This was a web site for Mitsubishi India. Using this people can get all the information relatedto Mitsubishi Product, they can select their cars through online, they can also request for test drive,maintenance, they can find the price range of car and they can get the information of nearest servicecenter. There are lots of modules like careers, cars, Test drive, events, store locator (service center) and soon.
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It was an application for Xbox in which user will register for participate in Xbox game contestonline and participate at their college Xbox game ground activity and winner will be eligible for thiscontest, after that one winner candidate from 45 different colleges from Bangalore/Mumbai/Delhi, theywill ask their college mates and friends to support them through Facebook application where their friendwill like, share their entries and they will answer the daily puzzle on the basis of these selected candidatesscore will increase and highest scorer will be the winner and final winner will get the chance to go fifaworld cup match.
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It was an application for Microsoft(Xbox) called karaoke night contest in which user will invitetheir friends via Facebook and will fill the details about karaoke night party and personal details, thentheir friends will approve their invitation via Facebook and will help the participant to win the contestbasis of number of like, share, comment and approved invitation and if the participant will win, then partywill be held on the participant given venue, this was developed for one of our client Microsoft (Xbox). Inthis application participant can view their entries on leader board.
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It was an application for photography contest which was developed for one of our clientReliance Footprint. In this application participant (female) need to take part through Facebook andafter admin approval she can view her entry. Participant can share their entry in Facebook.
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