Engineering Consultant

Pune , India

Experience: 18 Years


Pune , India

Engineering Consultant

42096.8 USD / Year

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18 Years

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About Me

Over 23 years of experience in the field of IT in software design and development using C C++ C# forthe System and Application Oriented Technologies.Worked on several projects on different technologies like C C++ C# .NET framework Java Javascript Htm...

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Portfolio Projects


Working on adding new Enhancements in existing Scenario simulator product. The module wrapper in scenario simulator does a message communication over IBM MQ for exchanging fx trade information, which is processed by fx core settlement engine.


Languages/Scripts: C++ on Linux

Tools/Ids: GitHub, Jira, DB2

Team Size: 5

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Working on porting different open source products from x86 Linux to IBM Power8 (Linux flavors RHEL, Ubuntu, CentOS). The products ported till now are Hadoop eco systems (includes products like Hive, Hbase, Pig etc), JBOSS family, Clouderia, RHEL-HA, Twill, elephantbird, Livy etc.

The work involves identify and build package dependencies, package build, fixing the build issues, code changes for power specific issues, package test, fixing the test issues.


Languages/Scripts: C++, Java, Python on Linux

Tools/Ids: GitHub, GDB, GCC, Jenkins, Jira.

Team Size: 12

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a) IPV4 to IPV6 migration: Worked on POC for migrating the existing TCP/IP IPV4 based product to TCP/IP IPV6. The activity was mainly to write socket programs to verify connectivity for different combinations of IPV4 and IPV6.


Languages: C++ on Windows.

Tools/Ids: ClearCase, MS .Net Visual Studio 2010.

Team Size: 3

b) UDP multicasting: Worked on mini project for multicasting. The presenter gets connected through Socket using UDP multicast IP address to a restricted network and sends the data to all the listener clients.


Languages: C++ on Windows.

Tools/Ids: ClearCase, MS .Net Visual Studio 2010.

Team Size: 1

c) Media streaming: Worked on a mini project for SIP Video calling application. The application uses media server for making video calls along with relevant features.


Languages: C#.

Tools/Ids: MS .Net Visual Studio 2010.

Team Size: 6

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Worked for Development and Maintenance on some of products in Tivoli Monitoring Agents for Microsoft Applications like MS SQL Server, MS Exchange and AD.

Client: IBM (USA)

a) SQL Server Agent: The Agent monitors the SQL Server for various Performance groups and attributes. The agent continuously collects the relevant data from MS SQL Server, Errorlog file and Perfmon objects and sends to the portal server from where finally the data is displayed using application GUI and Browser interface.

b) Exchange Server Agent: The Agent monitors the Exchange Server for various Performance groups and attributes. The agent continuously collects the relevant data from MS Exchange Server, Perfmon, and WMI objects and sends to the portal server from where finally the data is displayed using application GUI and Browser interface.

c) Active Directory Agent: The Agent monitors the Active Directory for various Performance groups and attributes. The agent continuously collects the relevant data from MS Active Directory, Perfmon objects and sends to the portal server from where finally the data is displayed using application GUI and Browser interface.


Languages: C, C++ on Windows.

Tools/Ids: ClearCase, MS .Net Visual Studio 2003, 2008, WinDbg, Debug Diag.

Technical Challenges:

  1. Identifying and fixing memory leaks (Private bytes, Handles) in agent code (sometimes even in

MS code);

  1. Identifying rare crash issues in agent code and fixing them.
  2. Performance optimization using multithreading, query optimization, code optimization.

Databases: MS SQL Server, DB2.

Team Size: 13

Responsibilities & Role in the Organization:

Role: Engineering Lead


-Gathering new requirements from customers.

-Generating internal new features that can help customer and business growth.

-Estimating/planning of new requirements.

-Design and Implementation of new requirements, assisting the team for all technical issues.

-Handling customer issues, Escalations. Planning and delivering defect fixes. Monitoring QA activities for fixed defects.

-Involved in organizational quality audits.

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The product is SAS based portal that can be used across multiple organizations for managing overall civilwork activities.Worked on Planning Design (Database Solution UX) Backend Development (Database API) for allthe features required in portal for Civil contractors.

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Worked on Design Development for AVC.The product takes input data from IR curtain or Camera and trains the ANN-ML (Artificial Neural Networks -Multi-Layer Perceptrons) model as well as using same model classifies the Vehicle class.

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Worked on Planning Design Development for all the features required in AGV Navigation & FleetManagement system.

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Worked on Planning Design Development for data capturing from hundreds of sensors barcodeprinting reading barcode and automating the different part manufacturing in chain of responsibilitydesign pattern report generations.

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Worked on Planning Design Development for data capturing from Sick Trispector sensors and SiemensPLC for controlling the motor movements using the Trispector vision sensor data various parameterslike object dimentions surface quality (Waviness) etc are extracted and reports are generated.

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Worked on Planning Design Development for complete ASRS system which mainly includes 2 parts.Warehouse system: implementation for material inwards/outwards stock control Automatic storage etcFleet management interface: controlling the AGVs based on storage/retrieval requirements raisedthrough warehouse system

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Worked on adding new Enhancements in Scenario simulator product. The module wrapper in scenariosimulator does a message communication over IBM MQ for exchanging fx trade information which isprocessed by fx core settlement engine.

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Worked on POC for migrating the existing TCP/IP IPV4 based product toTCP/IP IPV6. The activity was mainly to write socket programs to verify connectivity for differentcombinations of IPV4 and IPV6.

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Worked on mini project for multicasting. The presenter gets connected through Socketusing UDP multicast IP address to a restricted network and sends the data to all the listener clients.

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Worked on a mini project for SIP Video calling application. The application uses mediaserver for making video calls along with relevant features.

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Worked for Development and Maintenance on some of products in Tivoli MonitoringAgents for Microsoft Applications like MS SQL Server MS Exchange and AD.

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the project is based on base product SASixp which is used in manyschools across multiple states of USA. The product is mainly used to maintain students individual recordsfor different areas like Health Personal details academic details etcWorked on customizing product SASixp as per requirements from customers.

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-Developed new functionalities as per the customer requirement for project ESICM and Cyte product.

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-Developed new functionalities like Cob Websort Webresults field level access for HTML controls andsome core functionalities for Module Webforms.

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-Developed features as Offline to Online data transmition through TCP/IP socket connection.-Object creation as per client requirement.

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-Developed additional features and objects as per client requirements.

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-Developed additional features like Event & Calendar as per client requirements.

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Gets data through com port Rs-232 from EPABX and-identifies Call Type (STD ISDLOCALMOBILE)-for STD & ISD calculates the amount to Charge with Help of Data-For certain EPABX systems Gives 095 STD ISD LOCAL calls Authority.

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HIS is a product which have following features-Guest Reservation system-Guest Registration system-Guest Checkout & Billing

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RIS is a product which have following features-KOT entry/Printing-Billing system-Food Costing.

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Gives the data support for s/w to predict the fortune. Data is stored in flat files with the help ofstructures.

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The application gives exact predictions of production at any stage.

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The application compresses the data files as per user requirement.

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The Module was useful for An Organization Whose Research was on Sea Levels the LevelRelated Data is captured through COM Port (RS-232) and stored in data file and accordingly graphs areshown.

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