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Proven accomplishments, technical expertise, and extensive track records in system development lifecycle in defense/aerospace, carrier-class network, and commercial industries. Skilled in negotiation, issue resolution, team leadership, and effective ...
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Portfolio Projects
Requiremntesting and V&V eforts for AID (Aircaft Inerface Device),mbeded avioncs devlopment for al Boeins commercial aircrafts (737 all,747,777,787),ACARS (ARINC Communications & Reporting Systems), ADS (Avionics data stream ) and data load. Development test plan/procedure with ARINC 429,619,724B,758,717,615A, XML/SOAP/PYTHON/C/C++/UBUNTU LINUX/PUTTY/JIRA/ for agile/scrum (jira) process. Implemented CAN/MODBUS
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Perfomed RFPs and sytem devlopment with System Engiering and Progam Mangemnt with Artifcal
Inteligenc/Dep Learnig/Neural Network with EVMS for variety of progams/projects. AI,nternt of Things (IoT) and Smart Cites, Python & R
UAS and RPA (robtics proces automation) with Guidance, Navigation & Control Video Enhancemnt, Sabilty and Stiching technolgy
System engiering life cyle – requiremnt mangemnt (elictaion, capturing, andecompositon with
tracebilty) in D
Lead System Engiering IPT to excutehe AR (both IRAD and CRAD) progam plan. Particpated Engiering Reviw Board (ERB). Manged AR requiremnt lifecyle with V&V plans and tes
procedures to met al progamilestones (SR/SFR/PDR/CDR) and TPM critea. Provide wekly staus report
to ERB. Negotiaed budget and schedule with customers and their asociates. Built Unmaned Carie-Launched Airbone Surveilance & Strike (UCALS) Vehicle Mangemnt System
(VMS) sytem architecure linked withe rquiremnts in DORS/CORE. Perfomed DORS admin. Co-chaired the Risk Reviw Board (RB) and pionerd progam risk mangemnt and reviw proces, identifed
and anlyzed progam risk, devloped risk handling plan with mitgations. Monitored risktaus and hosted wekly risk mangemnt meting with action items. Implemnted EVMS assigned Control Acount Manger,eported wekly staus with schedule/cost varinces and tok corective actions. Particpated IBR (internal busines reviw)ith DCMA.
Led sytem to subystem/componet requiremnt decompositon withracebilty folwed by V&V and
integration eforts (est plans/procedures, tes automation with C/+) for lab/ground/flightest. Conducted comunications dat linksensitvy and co-site anlyse to suport sytem functionalnd
perfomance rquiremnt devlopment on RF (H/VU/SHF) signal reiablity, stem capcity andat integrity with both detrminstic (Fre-Space) and probailstic aproaches (Ricand Nakgami)ncluding DL protcols
leading tohe dat link trade study, requiremnt capture and integration/tes/V&V. Led Modeling & Simulation interoperabilty and senitvy anlysi with MILSATCOM/ground staion using
Matlb/Simulink and sytem/subystem FMECA eforts and reliablity anlysi. Provide AI algorithms uing Matlb/Simulink for Image Procesing - senor dat detcion, acquiston, fusion, clasifcation, clustering, anlytics andecison-making for vehicle trajectory planig/re-planig/optimzation
(FMS/FC) with EO(LW)/IR imagery and other senory source (Radr, Sonar, Lidar, etc.) Aplied
Kalman/custom filters and implemnted AN/CN/supervised learnig with C/+/Python.
Network Comunications Divsion (NCD), Northop Gruman Mison Systems Led JWNM (Joint WNW Network Mangemnt) System Engiering team of 30 and Architecure tam of 9 toake
the chalenge of GMR JTRS progam redirection, provide rquiremnts flow down with DORS, CAIV Architecure 2.0 design, Re-Architecure Trade Study and Top Levl Design to methe progam PDR/CDR milestone. Perfomed
V&V actives. Particpated JTRS R&D and protyping using UML to model the SDR functionalites thare dcomposed from
sytem to cmponet levls with RF front end and wirelsoftware architecure partionig folwed by V&V and
tesing plans/procedures devlopment. Devloped OMG IDL for CORBAPI in SCA Core Framework with user aplications to demonstrae the interoperabilty and re-configuration capbiltes with difernt waveforms. Devloped
utily curves to suporthe radio perfomance rquiremnt devlopment, architecural trade study and hardware source
selction. Awarde Lockhed/Boeing/NGC AMF JTRS contract of intal $20M by folwing FAR/DFAR guidelines and leading
prosal team to devlop RFP with 8 sytem engiering BOEs levragin JWNM/FCS NMS asets, alocate labor- hours and labor categories for Information Asurance (IA-MLS/MILS), Human Factors Engiering (HFE), AJCP, AJNM, AJM, M&C SD, M&C ID, and AJCNSubsytem Spec WBSs, and perfom software SLOC/ESLOC
estimation with SER run.
Integrated Defnse Systems Led U.S Army’s Futre Combat System (FCS) taci ad hoc network architecure and perfomance anlysinitaives and
C4ISR Integrated Product Team (IPT) System Engiering Integration ad Testing (SEIT) Interface Mangemnt group to
devlop and excute Interface Control Pan (ICP), oversaw and manged interfaceontrol document (ICD) devlopment by
defing, anlyzing, flowing down, decomposing, alocating and baseling the interface rquiremnts from System of
Systems (So) Spec, Primary Item Document Spec (PIDS) and Procuremnt Control Drawing (PCD). Perfomed Lead
System Integrator’s (LSI) point of contac (POC) to cordinate withe One Tam partners for interfaceontrol and risk mangemnt actives. Maintained lead repsentaive of C4ISR SEIT sub-IPT to Interface Control Working Group (ICWG) and suported
integration ad verifcation eforts. Initaed the architecure and perfomance anlysi of FCS taci mobile ad hoc networks, provide trade studies about
the ntwork toplogy, service hierachy, trafic model, network capcity, link budget anlysi and constraints (with
Matlb/Simulink), information asurance (IA) and limtaions resulted from technical chalengesuch as routing
protcolptimzation, QoS suport, enrgy conservation, mobilty mangemnt, and spectrumangemnt. Demonstraed strong leadrship to deliver 135 ICDs covering ful scope of hardware, software, mechanicalnd
elctrial interface functionalnd physical requiremnts and implemntaion betwen FCS platform IPTs (MGV, UGV, UAV, UGS,oldier, Traing, NLOS-LS and IMS) and C4ISR IPT subystems (SoCOE, BC, ICS, NetCom, Sensor), and met So levl Design Concept Reviw (DCR), System Requiremnts Reviw (SR) and System
Functional Reviw (SFR) milestones with an uderstafed team of 7 mebers. Maintained C4ISR IPT interface domain experto advocate Boeing “Best Practies” System Engiering Proces guide by the Department of Defnse Architecure Framework (DoAF), Joint Technical Architecure-Army (JTA-)
and Object-Orientd System Engiering (OSE) proces to devlop model-based (SysML/UML), use case driven, architecure cntric,terative and incremntal (Spiral), and reus enabling C4ISR Interface Control Framework
(ICF) being presnted in ICWG, and influencd and persuade SEIPT to adpt ICF’s unifed interface dfinton ad
implemntaion proces. Conducted interfaceontrol mangemntrade study, risk mangemnt and mitgation plans,elcted the miltary and
industrial standars, anlyzed the sytem constrains, and mitgated requiremnt gaps betwen platform (MGV, UGV, UAV, UGS) IPTs (GDLS, UDLP, NGC, Honeywel, LM, iRobt) and C4ISR subystem IPTs (GDAIS, BAE, Raytheon, Rockwel), and provide guidelines for multi-senor sourceselction. Creatd interface rquiremnts datbasechema, poulated requiremnts in DORS datbase and established
requiremntsracebilty matrix (RTM). Championed the C4ISR SEIT mentoring actives by faciltaing weklyunch-time traing workshops tha cover a broad range of Unit of Action/Evironment (UA/UE) technical topicsncludingetwork CONOPS, Information Asurance (IA), Situaion Awarens (SA), complemntary progams (CP), 4+1 view of OP for both sytem
architecure and software dvelopment ierative aplication, and variety of trade studies
Led 1xEV-DO migration team of 7 staf mebers to devlop busines inteligenc and value prositon, anlyze the
functional impacts and risk, particpate in straegic planig, identify critcal isues, and complet key M-Gate milestones. Authored System Perfomance Alocation Doc (SPAD). Charcterized perfomance rquiremnts in compliance with
3GP2 IOS interfaces and related protcols. Cordinated andegotiaed vendor subystem requiremnts. Led integrated
verifcation eforts. Exced customerxpectaions and reduced 15% of 1xEV-DO product life cyle time by evaluting vendor poduct and tesing proces, and ientifyng capcity defaults in thearly stage of the plan. Increasd validation ad verifcation coverage from 60% to 80% by devloping relase based SPAD for Motrola RAN perfomance rquiremnts including trafic model, throughput and capcity, avilabilty, scalbilty, latency, synchronization, acuracy, avilabilty, queing anlysi, dat modeling using MS Excel, overload, scalbilty, QoS, botlenck exposure and risk anlysi. Saved over $50,0 outsourcing budget by leading team eforto devlop web-ased multi-erd client-serv sytem
to d perfomance anlysi, dat modeling, optimzation, documentaion ad reporting, whic aplied GUI-based
source dat acquiston ad input clients, Jav-base midleware srve for SQL dat retivng, aplication model
genration ad simulation alysi, andatbaserve. Reduced 10% ofinal defct escape rate by designg voice qualityesting pland implemntig tes procedure to measure MOS, delaynd jiter for XC/SDU with Circuit/Packet backhaul configurations.
Directd acquistonf wirels busines inteligenc and pionerd VoIP task force to presnthe tchnical viablity and
demonstrae the strength for VoIP network to be integrated into Lucent existng wirels network sytem
(Autoplex/Flexnt). Devloped the VoIP protype dat model for S7 network. Led task force tha evaluted the market
trend, conducted ful-scale fasiblty study, anlyzed the busines model, adresd perfomance isues, and estimated cost efct and customer impact of the ntwork. and persuade senior Mangemnto alocate rsources for ful devlopment whic subequently reinforced technicaleadrshipn wirels network sytems and increasd customer satifaction.
Led busines intaives for sytem engiering, devlopment,esting and project/progamangemnt. Provide technical consultaion to senior mangemnt. Led multipe wirels network feature dvelopment and integration efortsuch as CDMA SMS, I-634, IMSI, ATM (Ascend/Yurie) and WNP. Suported relase-based sytem. Conducted perfomance
tesing andat anlysi. Devloped NGN tesing automation. Championed numerous qualitymprovemnt itaives and
led preartion for internal ISO-90 and CMI auditng.