About Me
I am experienced software engineer in areas of Java, Erlang, C/C++ and Javascript .
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Portfolio Projects
Json Node Tree framework is provisioning of transformation operations for JSON documents similar XML XPATH and XSLT. The framework parses textual JSON document to nodes tree that represents JSON entity: object, array or value of primitive type. Generated tree allows to modify values of nodes and/or structure of the given JSON document. Representation of JSON object as a nodes tree allows implement an operations such as path query and transformations (like XPATH and XSLT for XML).
It is my own open source project.
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MQTT client is designed for communication in Machine to Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) contexts and implements MQTT protokol versions 3.1 and 3.1.1. The client is written in Erlang and tested with MQTT servers like Mosquitto and RabbitMQ.
It is my own open source project.
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Resource pool project is written in Erlang as a tiny library. The goal of the tool is reduce the overhead of creating new resources by reusing of the same resources among multiple processes. Achieving result is better performance and throughput. The resource pool was inspired by Java Apache's commons pool and adopts API and main principals from this project. Database connection is most popular example for pooling resource.
It is my own open source project.
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Implementation of Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) for Erlang. The AOP weaver is running against a target set of source files and controlled by aspect definitions. The weaver is implemented as a parse transformation function of Erlang compiler.
It is my own open source project.
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ErlMySQL is a MySQL client written in Erlang and provides API that is very close to Connector/C library. The client is using low level (TCP/IP socket) connection to MySQL server and allows to exchange a data with maximum possible speed. Multiple datasource support and connection pool are incapsulated in the client that increases a performance in concurrent environment.
It is my own open source project.
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