Manoj W.

Manoj W.

Technical Architect

Pune , India

Experience: 21 Years


Pune , India

Technical Architect

69397.1 USD / Year

  • Start Date / Notice Period end date: 2022-05-10

21 Years

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About Me

I love programming and have shipped unit tested software using Clojure, AngularJS, JavaScript, C# and Java. Ive written a few build scripts in F# using FAKE. Open to any interesting work that utilizes front-end JS frameworks like AngularJS or any of ...

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Portfolio Projects


Write micro-services using Lagom framework (Scala)
Write REST APIs for the cloud using Play framework (Scala)
Consume these REST APIs in the core Java product
Use this API to create Graph visualizations using Cytoscape.js & ES 2015
Use Cassandra for (primary) data storage and use Materialized Views for querying
Use JanusGraph as (secondary) data storage and for graph querties

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Built a self-service portal using AngularJS
Enhanced ProxyClient - a parental control software (that runs as a Windows service) which uses Komodia SDK to control access to Internet
Implement the front-end using AngularJS (controllers, directives, resource service, http service and factories) and Underscore.js (for writing functional JS)
Manage JS dependencies using Yeoman (Yo, Grunt and Bower)
Expose REST Services using .Net MVC WebAPI
Use Entity Framework Code First for interacting with the DB and for migrations

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Screen scraping a website using Enlive
Add functionality to Lobos (a Clojure library to create and manipulate SQL database schemas with migrations support) to support Java migrations using Flyway
Partial bugfix in Lobos, and reporting issues to the author, documenting the lein-flyway project
Solved 90+ problems on 4clojure

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Build user interface screens using WPF / XAML
Implement presenters, view models and data bindings for various screens
Write data access logic using NHibernate
Used MassTransit for messaging
Write unit tests for the code using NUnit and Moq
Checking code coverage using NCover

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Write Windows service using C# / .Net Framework
Use Spring.Net for IoC (dependency injection)
Write data access logic using NHibernate
Implement unit tests using NUnit

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Worked on Investran and Panorama BackOffice (2 of the Sungard products)
Used WCF, WinForms, MVP pattern, iBatis.Net (ORM)
Wrote DB Streamliner, a code generator which generates Stored Procedures, Triggers for Oracle, Sybase and SQL Server

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