About Me
A result-oriented professional with over 8+ years experience in application development & enhancement, service delivery and client interaction. Last 2+ years working on Supervised Machine learning for regression and classification problems and Artifi...
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Portfolio Projects
Image Processing to identify with existing Image from live capture image or from video from Video we iteration each and every frames from the existing one. While getting the frame first identify only human images and extract each and every frame approximate 30 frames in a sec. After extract the frame we identify each and every image from frame and check with existing one we get the match image details we stop the thread.
This system is associated with one of our visitor management system to identify the visitor is already visit the organization and pop up all the details of visitor if no match found we get the details in our DB for next time.
My Role & Responsibilities as a Team Member:
Design the architecture of application.
Develop the Pipeline and algorithm.
Design & Development Client Side Coding SQL Script, Jobs.
Description: Chat-bot program designed to simulate conversation with human users, especially over the Internet. Chatbot is communicating like human. Once user ask some query related to specific area it will respond like human get query and calculate the intention as well as entities and try to get proper response from either DB or from FAQ’s once bot respond after calculation.
Chat-bot can manipulate the query if intention is not clear based on synonyms once synonyms get from grammar package custom pipeline use some algorithms with some custom logic as through KNN algorithm and get proper response.
This Chat-bot will work based on supervised learning with regression algorithm.
Working on Prediction model on the basis of precision and recall basis. Because of the problem is to get the probability the how many employees can leave the organization in next few months and which employee is going to leave. We used two vector machine algorithms to fix this classification problem. Basis on previous year data model will prepare and trained after training model is ready to validate the employee database.
My Role & Responsibilities as a Team Member:
- Design the architecture of application.
- Develop the Pipeline and algorithm.
- Design & Development Client Side Coding SQL Script, Jobs
Description: Chat-bot is for resolve to all HR related query without the intervention of human. Chat-bot is communicating like human. Once user asks some query related to specific area it will respond like human.
Chat-bot first query to QNA Maker and gets the response from there else same query ask with LUIS. After getting the response from LUIS and check the high scoring Intent and pursue to user.
All intent and entities will create LUIS. And in QNA create the request and responses.
We have used Text Analytics API (NLP) for named entity and key phases also getting response from this API to sentiment analysis.
My Role & Responsibilities as a Team Member:
Design the architecture of application.
Design & Development Client Side Coding and create intent entirety phases.
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- EDGE is resource management system.
- Main Facilities available in this Project are:
ü Maintaining all records of employee as well as all projects those are running inside the organization or new projects with all levels like bid, bid win, bid loss, contract sign etc..
ü Automatic notifications if employee is going to release from project.
ü Capture Employee information from third party if employees need to select employee for specific skills set.
- This System has many modules like Resource Request, Approvals, Searching skills set (Internally or externally), Bidding information and Status etc. if organization get any project contract and needs to build a team for specific skill set either internally or externally first project manager creates resource request based on required skills set and check number of requirement which needs to full fill from either resource bench or hiring new employee from market after the approvals build the team from resource bench or future release from others projects attached the resume using search the candidate for specific skill-set entered by employee in his resume (using third party tool based on DAT file) this is for internal employee. After that we attached n number of resume on send for the interview. After selection of employee request will automatically close. If skills set is not matched with internal will pick resume from third party application or other employment sites which we have already integrated with employment sites.
Image Processing to identify with existing Image from live capture image or from video from Video we iteration each and every frames from the existing one. While getting the frame first identify only human images and extract each and every frame approximate 30 frames in a sec. After extract the frame we identify each and every image from frame and check with existing one we get the match image details we stop the thread. This system is associated with one of our visitor management system to identify the visitor is already visit the organization and pop up all the details of visitor if no match found we get the details in our DB for next time.
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iNIITian is internal project of NIIT Technologies. Worked with IEF (individual effectiveness feedback). In this Module first we create team once employee freeze the team added team members will give the feedback. Based on feedback result will generate this is the initial process for Appraisal process. Worked with internal communicator i.e. DD App (digital Diary Application Communicator) DD App based on signal R concept this is Chat Server .Chatting allowed between supervisor and team members. Through the communicator supervisor appreciate the team members give some predefined motivation icons or through text will get the positive or negative score generates based on that appraisal will happens. After this process PPDP will process.in PPDP Supervision one to one meeting, goal summery etc.
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CurePet is a Hospital Management System. Main Facilities available in this Project are: Maintaining records of indoor/outdoor patients. Maintaining patient diagnosis details, advice test to be done . Maintaining patients prescription, medication details. Providing billing details for indoor/outdoor patients. User or administrator can search the patients record by hisher name ,id. This Project has many modules viz. Registration ,Scheduling, ADT (Admission-Transfer-Discharge), EMR (Electronic Medical records) & Inventory Management etc. Registration: The system captures and records patient demographics and visits at the point-of-care. Registration data will be displayed consistently and automatically on screens in the clinical system. Scheduling: Patient scheduling schedules patients for appointments with clinicians or for tests and procedures. ADT (Admission-Transfer-Discharge): Module is an integrated patient management system that runs the entire patient care workflow, from the registration of patient info in the Patient Master Index (Patient id) (PMI) to Resource tracking and discharge. EMR(Electronic Medical records) : An electronic medical record (EMR) is a digital medical record that either originates from an electronic format or is converted from paper or hard copy to an online version. An EMR includes information about a specific patient, including Patient contact information, including emergency contact(s). Vitals, such as height, weight and body temperature. Past and future medical facility appointments. Medical progress and surgical notes. Past medical history. Discharge summaries and treatment plans
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Mitan serves you in the health insurance industry by using the internet to communicate information between providers of health care and insurance companies - so that health insurance claims can be adjudicated in about the same time as a credit card transaction. Mitan utilizes proprietary technology to process Claim Transactions in real-time. Our system accepts transactions from Providers of Healthcare, reformats and sequences the data, transmits the transaction to the destination Claim System and returns results in real-time via Internet processing. Mitan interfaces with existing Claim Systems to provide immediate results for Patient Eligibility, Pre-certifications, Claim Submission, Claim Reprising, Claim Status and most importantly, Claim Adjudication. Providers submit transactions and receive results immediately.
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Enrolment Application communicates with different insurance application. Like Ebix banergy, Winflax etc. how Enrolment Works basically Enrolment has UI with only jQuery templates. Our enrolment Application has database with existing application code. When any user login in any existing application and need to change his insurance plan they just land our Enrolment project with unique url we just check that this user is authorized with the help of our database we get a security token and application code from WCF service and just check existence in our database if this user authorise and authenticate then we just show all information which we get from WCF service in JQuery Template using Json object and user can update our information medical plans and get back response to appropriate Service.
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This ERP is used by an FMCG Company. Several Master who captures the information of Countries, Zones, States, Towns, Parties, Product Categories, Products etc. The Purpose of this application is to capture all the information of all Parties, Products, Employees and Productions. All Users are login based and when a particular party login, the page redirects and shows all pending works of that party. He can do billing of his parties, and he can check all reports which are managed by the managements. If an Administrator login, he can check all the information of all Parties, Depots, CFA and Factories. An administrator has all rights to see all reports of all parties even Parties Balances, Ledger Balances and Trail Balances. Even an administrator can check how many users are working and also can check users activities. All reports are Excel based using tool GEMBOX. There are several reports based on Parties, Depots, CFA and Factories like Master Reports, Pending Bills, Parties Ledgers, Trails Balances, Stock Reports, and Indent Orders.
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