About Me
Experienced as a Java/JEE developer with significant SDLC responsibility and Agile Methodology, with experience in low and high level design and development of full stack implementation for n-tier enterprise and client-server applicati...
Solid hands on experience with design, development and deployment of components using J2EE, Web Services REST and SOAP and technical documentation with UML diagrams, with very good experience in formulating design patterns (in Java) and methodologies (OOAD) for life cycle development for various products based on distributed systems in various domains like Health Care, Financial and Banking domains.
As J2EE developer extensively involved in developing Distributed and Object Oriented Applications using Java, J2EE, XML and Relational Databases.
Extensive experience with SQL: Oracle PL/SQL, MySQL, Sybase, SQL Server, Cassandra, Hadoop and logical and physical modeling database designs, writing SQL queries, stored procedures and triggers.
Portfolio Projects
Attended planning meetings for the design to modernize Cirrus Thanos database extractions using MarkLogic DB claims processing to a Nimbus Kafka/Cassandra cloud processing environment. The end result provided the ability to process claims in real-time compared to a former 3-day processing window eliminating a backlog and limited claims processing capacity/scalability.
Programming and testing of Java, Spock, Avro, Spring framework to develop raw streaming data composite/domain abstractions to populate Kafka topics from mySQL database tables using Intellij/Github, mySQL, Kafka.
Programming and testing of Java, Spock Spring framework, Avro, CQL to develop Cassandra repository composites/domains using IntelliJ/Github.
Programming and testing of Java, JSON, Avro, and Spock Spring framework to develop API/microservices for external consumption of Cassandra composites/domains for internal data consumption using Intellij/Github.
Upgraded an existing XML restful API C360 claims product by programming and testing of C360 claims extractions to consume from the new Cassandra cloud database using IntelliJ/Github.
Upgraded claims extractions for internal customer consumption from Spring boot, to Spring boot2 and Spring cloud. Collaborated in software reviews to merge software increments for production. Also enhanced functionality of claims extractions for new customers using IntelliJ/Github, S3, Cyberduck.
Assisted in the Jenkins and Github configuration of software variables for database tables and Kafka topics for development and master environments production software releases. Collaborated in software reviews to merge software increments for production.
Attended weekly Rally Kanban board agile team stand-up meetings, quarterly software increment retros to discuss project software increment status and software process improvements with team members. Collaborated with team members using FlowDoc and Confluent wikis working both remotely and on-site.
Attended weekly team meetings to discuss project status with team members.
Programming and testing SOA & Messaging system development for Energy Management Smart Grid Solutions and Services: planning and analysis, design, development and testing using JAVA/J2EE, C++, Perl, Shell scripting, PL/SQL, Jboss, ESB (Jboss Fuse, Oracle ESB), SOAP, and Oracle RDBMS using Windows 10 and RedHat Linux.
For application support, I configured laptop for ATOM's AdminTool environment using MySQL, Eclipse Oxygen, SVN, GWT 2.8, SQL Pro and Tomcat. ATOM is Medtronic's language translations for their medical device regulated documentation
Developed GWT Panels and Editor Widgets for numerous database tables that needed to be developed for admin support using Eclipse, SQL Pro and MySQL. Coded SQL changes needed to the database to add new database columns to support these existing tables.
Developed an XML application to translate XML element nodes to aid the business analyst's application support needs to translate xml schema element values for language translations. Developed Junit tests to verify its testing.
Developed GWT drag and drop widgets to upload and download quality issues files for the AdminTool to support administrators.
Attended weekly team meetings for application production support issues and release planning.
Attended monthly remote international team meetings with Maastricht, Netherlands team members to discuss project successes and plans for quality improvements.
Developed a ILMS(intraday liquidity measurement system) regulated application financial forecasting Java web module that consisted of 5 tabs that linked the 5 web pages that contained financial cash flow forecast data and forecast charts. Initially was given an Excel spreadsheet with tabs that were mock designs I needed to implment.
Coded and debugged the Views using JSPs using Struts2, HTML, Bootstrap CSS, JavaScript functions, jQuery, and tag libraries. Wrote code to consume the JSON data as a part of JQUERY AJAX calls and update the DOM.
Developed server-side Java Action/controller classes for the Model classes that used JDBC and MS SQL Server stored procedures and SQL statements for selects, inserts, updates and deletes.
Coded and debugged the JSPs using the IE JavaScript/html debugger and the Eclipse Java debugger.
Phoned in for daily/scrum status meetings with team members to discuss status and resolve development questions.
Programmed and tested Java web application enhancements to add Patient Per Day customer order controls so customer web application users could not place an order if they had exceeded quantity or dollar budget limits.
Programmed and tested eDocument PDF invoice delivery features to McKesson's supply manager application, accessing SOLR via web services to retrieve invoices PDFs and developed this code to run in a background process using CRON and Java threading, which emailed zipped invoicing PDFs.
Used WinCVS to save Java software changes and Ant to deploy software for testing.
Used Confluence and JIRA to record Java web application enhancement status of being testing, ready for QA, and collaborated with QA to update Production deployment status.
Met with application manager daily to review software changes, walked through code, and made code revisions as requested.
Attended weekly business manager status meetings with business analysts, QA team members and application managers .
Reviewed an archived, incomplete Java MVC Spring application to make it productive. This application involved the use of SOAP web services to integrate two external web applications: the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative(CITI) system and the ADP ULearn system to the Office of Information Technology(OIT) Java application. The objective of this application was to automate a manual task handled by a staff member.
Prepared a SDD using UML and ERDs to document the technical design and gain approval prior to programming.
After the design document walk-through, coded and tested the application and prepared the application for its deployment to production. This application was finished early with no defects.
Re-engineering of a Mutual Fund Accounting Net Asset and Sales Reporting MS-Access application to Thrivent's go-forward technology.
Conducted business analysis to prepare a business requirements specification(BRS), conducted technical design to prepare a system design document(SDD) with use cases, sequence diagrams, deployment diagrams, UI wireframes, and database model diagrams.
As a consultant to Wells Fargo Wholesale Technology Services for special risk insurance SOA integration effort, designed, programmed, and tested RESTful and SOAP web services to load SalesLogix CRM data via (JSR173) StAX/JAXB using JDK 1.6 into a VRC Velocity Insurance Accounting system to replace a Solomon Accounting system.
Implemented JDK 1.5 innovations such as: autoboxing, enumeration for singleton design pattern, enhanced For Loop, static import for constants, generics/parameterized types, String.format, annotations, reflection Class.getCanonicalName, BigDecimal wrapper, StringBuilder, and JAXB 2.0. Used JDK 1.6 JSR173 StAX new features to parse XML elements for the SalesLogix RESTful web services and JAXRPC for Velocity CRM web services. Used Struts 1.3 and Hibernate DAO to implement web pages to maintain middleware translation parameter tables.
CRM Service Facades and DAO design patterns were used to implement the middleware load process.
As a consultant to Express Scripts, met with customer SME to prepare high-level and detail design document to design enhancements to the web application with no or very few defects. Prepared web page mock ups, UML activity diagrams, and UML sequence diagrams. Presented the detail design document to team members and stakeholders to gain approval of the design before leading the team to implement the changes. Held weekly status meetings and helped resolve their technical problems. Reviewed unit testing results and the code against standards and requested modifications. Prepared the software production build, release implementation plan and validated the CVS merged application code. Reviewed production application logs to support the application. The web application uses AIX/UNIX shell scripts, WebSphere 7/6.0, CVS, Spring 2.0.1, Spring Webflow 1.0.1, Struts 1.2, JavaScript, JDBC/Hibernate 3.2 application with an Oracle 10g and DB 7.2 databases and interfaces with the IBM mainframe.
As a consultant to Express Scripts, met with customer SMEs to prepare several high-level and detail design documents to design enhancements to the web application with no defects. Presented the design documents to team members to gain approval of the design before leading a team to develop the changes. Held weekly team status meetings and helped remove their roadblocks. After the software was verified by the developers, I reviewed the source code against code standards, requested changes, enforced further TDD JUnit unit testing. I prepared a production implementation plan and merged the code into the CVS HEAD. The web application uses WebSphere 7/6.1, CVS, Spring 2.5.4, JSTL 1.0.5, JSP 1.2.1, jQuery/JavaScript, Servlet 2.3.1, JDBC, DB 7.2 database and interfaces with the IBM mainframe.
As a consultant to Express Scripts, researched EDI claims router enhancements, documented the high-level and detail design for the enhancement, and walked through the proposed design document to team members. Coded the C language changes, prepared unit test plans, and unit tested the enhancements in a AIX/UNIX server with a DB2 7.2 database.
As a consultant to Cargill Black River Asset Management, was a Java Developer using Eclipse 3.2, CVS, Oracle 9.2, TOAD 4.6, JIRA, Cygwin under Windows XP with a Solaris server. Contributed to the Fund Management website redesign/refactoring project using the Liferay 4.2 Portal, Tomcat, Struts 1.2, Tiles, Servlets/JSPs, CSS, JavaScript, Spring 1.2.6, and Hibernate 3.1. Developed Java POI framework spreadsheets, Stellent online documents for functional areas, DOM/JavaScript floating
window for financial JfreeCharts, risk profile portlet(JSR 168), net return approval function with Hibernate interfacing, and various enhancements for migrated software.Provided technical design leadership to improve Java class reuse, recommend use of JSTL to simplify and upgrade Struts JSP taglibs, eliminate hard-coded constants, establish naming conventions, and improve documentation.
At the request of management, advised team to use an agile methodology to achieve software engineering process improvements and to meet the migration goal to new website by the end of February 2007. Encouraged the use of JIRA to manage requirements and implement change control, improve project planning, and improve project task estimates.
As a consultant for Boston Scientific(Guidant), performed as a software engineer to program and unit and system test MDB-driven Java classes using the IBM Rational Application Developer 6.0 IDE, JUnit, and TOAD in Windows/2000 for a Regulated Application Java EE WebSphere Server. The Spring, Tomcat, Struts/JavaScript, and Hibernate Java EE application ran in SolarisOS with the Oracle database to persist patient data transmitted by radio frequency from the patient's embedded medical device.
Provided technical leadership to improve the design of server-side Java classes for reuse, conciseness, and documentation using javadoc and UML. Attended and recorded software team walkthrough meetings.
As a consultant for a J. Perzel & Associates client, used the JavaServer Faces(JSF) 1.0 framework and developed a web application user interface prototype using Tomcat/JBoss, JSF, JavaScript, and Hibernate PostgreSQL Mandriva Linux server for a Snow Plowing service.
Within the JSF framework, designed an initial page design layout using virtual forms, custom convertors, validators, custom tags, value change events, validation, and messages. Mitigated technical risks of transaction commit problems by using Hibernate/Postgresql database replacing JSF DataProvider/RowSet objects with ObjectListDataProvider Hibernate classes populated in the servlet session bean.
Provided team leadership for process improvement to implement project planning, estimates, and requirements documentation. Provided technical leadership and acted as a Java GUI architect. Recommended the use of database CASE tools to improve database design and documentation.
As a software engineer for the Internet Services Business Unit of VirtualFund, participated in the design, programming and unit testing of a B2BXchange software framework using Java, Tomcat, JSPs, Servlets, JavaScript, HTML, JRun 3 Server, CORBA, and MS-SQL Server 7. The project involved the development of vertical exchanges for small and medium-sized businesses.
Provided technical leadership for client-side development, middleware design using JMS, and documentation/arbitration of Java programming standards. I proposed refactoring project software to be J2EE- standards compliant and participated in next generation architecture team meetings to accomplish it.
Provided technical leadership as a middleware architect and was responsible for researching and specifying web architecture design improvements using the Java Message Service (JMS).