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Scalable architecture, distributed computing, Micro services, SOA, Cloud infrastructures...
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Portfolio Projects
Developed an online application right from scratch for door to door reader survey activity for Dainik Bhaskar Bihar location wherein surveyors access a URL & fill the survey form based on user feedeback, submit the survey & also do booking, collect payment for Dainik Bhaskar & submitt the cash / cheque collected from the readers to the cashier in Danik Bhaskar office & who will in turn submit the same to the bank account of the company & complete the reconciliation process. This was a complete end to end solution for doing reader Survey & Booking newspaper copy of any newspaper with Geo tracking enabled I.e the Team leads of the surveyors can view the current location of all of their team members online in google map in real time.
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Developed a backend project for Jabong.com for executing emails & SMS campaigns for the jabong marketing team.
The initial product was built in unix shell scripts which were converted into a web based product using LAMP stack & Yii framework.
The product was made so that the execution of both emails & sms campaigns are fail proof & fast enough so that the communication is delivered to users within time.
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Implemented an Algorithm in the Jabong product search catalogue wherein when a user signs in & search for a product in a particular category, then based on his previous search activity, we show him the most relevant products he may be interested in & therefore his probability of buying a product in that category increases many times.
After the implementation of this algorithm, the Jabong sales increased by 30%
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Developed a CRM for managing relationships with newspaper agents for DainikBhaskar Bihar location.
For each group of newspaper agents & hawkers, a particular official of Dainik Bhaskar has been assigned who will take care about maintaining personal relationships with Agents / Hawkers. The personal information of all the agents like his Date of Birth, Marriage Anniversary, Child's date of birth etc has been punched into the system & the functionality has been implemented wherein a cron is running on the server once daily which checks if there is an occurrence of any personal event for an agent the very next day & if it finds any such records, then the corresponding DB Official is intimated about the same through an SMS on his registered mobile number and which in turn sends personal wishes to the respective agent / hawker.
Apart from this, the DB Officials can manually search for all those agents whose personal event is occurring between any date range and take the necessary action.
Also the authorized user can manage the agent data as well as DB Official's data through this system
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This app was developed tomanage the attendents of surveyors.
There were two ways in which the attendents was managed. In One way, an attendents register was maintained which was kept in the Dainik Bhaskar office & in which the Surveyors used to manually enter their attendents. The second way was through the Survey app, as in whenever the surveyor logs into the app, that time is considered as his/her attendents start time & whenever the Surveyor logs out of the Survey app, that time was considered as his attendents completed time.
To match both the types of attendents & to make sure that the entries that are made in the register tally with the timings in the Survey app, this small application was created as a separate entity solely for this purpose .
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This project was developed to automate the process of conducting the online periodic surveys that are conducted by Dainik Bhaskar group to know its readers's opinion about a particular subject.
Initially this task was outsourced to a local software development company but then it was decided to built this platform inhouse. Since a similar kind of project has been implemented by me for Dainik Bhaskar Bihar location, hence I was assigned this task to customize it for the external users rather than internal Daink Bhaskar employees. Hence we made changes in the application to customize according to the external users & the project was made live after conducting a mock run among the internal Daink Bhaskar employees.
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This project was developed with the intention to help Dainik Bhaskar Reader's doubts regarding the new taxation system (GST) that was launched in the year 2017
The flow was such that a few taxation experts were hired for a few days on contractual basis by the company & a panel was created wherein all the questions posted by the users in the Dainik Bhaskar main website, were displayed to the taxation experts, & they were grouping the similar kind of queries & answering the same to the users .
There were some pre-defined questions & answeres (like FAQs) & apart from this, the users were given the facility to post their queries / questoins to the taxation experts who were replying back to their queries within a time span of a few mins to an hour.
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Created a web application wherein a user can register himself by entering his unique mobile number & a verification OTP was sent to the user to verify his mobile number & once done he can login in to the site by creating his password & other details like email, Name, City, State etc.
The user can add his/her contacts list into the application & then he can select upto 10 contacts at a time & type his message & click on the send button & the sms is sent to all the selected contacts with sender Id which is unique to the application.
This was a very high traffic site wherein we were recieving around 15 to 20k registrations per day & the users were sending sms to the tune of 2 crore sms per day.
This gave me quiet a rare experience of handling a high transactional traffic website.
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Developed a website which was a clone of twitter plus we were providing the additional facility of mobile shortcodes (for ex 56070) for free to end users.
A user can register himself & do all the activities that is done at twitter like post a tweet, follow other users etc plus he can create one mobile short code keyword & upto 10 mobile short code sub keywords which were provided to him for free.
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Developed a web application for managing end to end email & sms campaigns.
The app user can search a database which contains details like mobile numbers, emails, name, age, city, state, gender etc & based on a criteria can schedule an sms or email campaign to send to the selected user base.
He can check the response recieved in real time & also the data regarding how much emails/sms has been sent & the status of the emails/sms whether they were delivered successfully or failed.
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Developed a web based software for running contest wherein an sms was sent through the application to the end user with a link of the contest.
The user clicks on the link & fill his details & then he can play the contest by answering questions.
Once the contest is completed the entries of the user is saved into the database & then the winners were selected randomly from all the correct entries.
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Worked on the performance optimization of rendering of forms in the existing healthcare software as its taking too much time to load the dynamic forms.
This included studyeing of existing code base & database schema, identify the performance hindering blocks, suggest improvements both at code level & database level, implementation of the improvements.
After implementing all the improvements, the form which was taking around 35 to 40 seconds to load was taking only 1 to 2 seconds which was quiet a huge improvement in terms of performance.
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Involved in the development of a web based software for the evaluation of calls made by various call center agents to customers.
The client call centers would upload their calls to our servers through a web portal provided to them after verifying their login credentials, then the HQ agents listen to those calls & provide their feedback through our software.
Here the client can view a number of reports regarding the call center agents performance based on various parameters like voice quality, accent, tone etc.
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Developed a web portal for a US client related to real estate law, right from scratch.
This involved client interaction for requirement analysis, database architecture, code architecture etc.
The development was done for both the front-end as well as backend part wherein front end various articles related to real estate law in US are published through a backed which is used by the client.
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Created the complete website for a cement company displaying all their product cataloge as well as company information.
The front-end displays all the product cataloge & company information & a back-end was created to manage all the information displayed in front-end.
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