About Me
A .Net professional of 13+ Years of experience worked at Infosys Symphony Services Global EdgeSoftware Ltd Nexshore Technologies as Consultant Architect Nichi-In Software Solutions asTeam Leader application developer at Philips (Sutherland Global)...
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Portfolio Projects
CBS3 is a tool for total Compound specifications by Material (deals with Supplier specifications Materialform/packing variants and calculation of densities and prices) Process Rules and Machine capabilities andphysical particularities. CBS3 tool uses external repository called GUTS material which provides Rawmaterials SOS- List and packaging variants. From GUTS and Plant recipe masters actual compoundspecification creation starts to produce the compound (Product) . In here the scope was to give out thespecification for type product. This tool allows us to create a model for preparing the specification by usingthe GUTS material Plant Master Recipe and Plant recipe. In the Model creation we select the mixingsequence (As Tandem and Non-Tandem) and all the raw materials from the Plant maters into each mixingstep/sequence and assign the respective PHR values for each raw material within the given range for eachmaterial in the recipe list. And finally the Model Module would come up with accurate specification for thecompound/ product for selected mixing sequence and it gets ready for release for the next step of theproduction line.
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Commonality Analysis and Traceability Tool Suit(CATTS) is an automation application(Desktopapplication) with service oriented architecture for Technology and Manufacturing group. Theapplication provides automated analysis and reporting facilities to support chip/die leveltraceability and commonality analysis for CPU and Chipset platforms. The application helps tomeasure Data Integrity across various databases for Technology and Manufacturing group of Intel.The application also helps to generate reports for business intelligence showcasing the keyperformance indicators such as team utilization and finance spending using the Micro Strategy.
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Canvas® software is designed specifically for dispensing applications and runs in a Windows 10environment. Canvas offers advancements in throughput fluid management and process control. Thismanual is designed for system operators computer programmers and process engineers.The Canvas software is designed for a wide range of users to simplify programming and testing ofcomplex dispensing routines that require explicit machine and fluid controls. Menu access
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A PC based tool for simple readout of vehicle and driver related data e.g. fuel consumption and driver behavior is requested mainly in International and emerging markets. Today VTC use Trip manager for these purposes but this product needs a thorough update. Proposal is to replace it with a common tool differentiated by Visual Branding Unique analysis modules for e.g. Fuel follow up, engine utilization, The Main Purpose of the tool is to Read-out vehicle data from all variants of Asia Value trucks and 2545 and 2540 Volvo trucks, Create reports of the vehicle data of one or more vehicles, Trend Reports (Parameters for the selected vehicles: Driving distance Average speed Total fuel consumption , Fuel consumption while driving, Fuel consumption while standing still, PTO Time, Top gear time, Vehicle Over Speed, Engine Over-Rev ),Trip Report (Fuel coaching parameters for selected vehicles).Full Report (Trend & Trip report for selected vehicles).Be easily installed on end –customer computer with low memory foot print of less than 50 MB, Group vehicles to compare performance, Provide for multi-language support (English & Chinese),Operate with minimal or no internet connection dependency, provide for authentication of connection with each truck and hence prevent illegal copy and usage of the tool, Support popular personal computer operating systems
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OPENHIVEiD (also called OHiD in short) is a Web application at the core of Identity & Access Management (IAM) solution, aiming to simplify the lifecycle management of users within educational organizations. Supporting OHiD in this task is ILM (MS Identity Lifecycle Manager) and a growing collection of flexible extensions and other custom tools built to extend its capability. OPENHIVEiDis automated management of user accounts for a personalized online experience. It would be used to provision, identify and manage schools users access requirements. Learners, teachers, parents and governors all have a single identity, even when they have multiple roles. And OPENHIVEiD updates automatically when user information is changed. Using OPENHIVEiD, schools can avail the services (learning apps) like OPENHIVE-learning, OPENHIVE-talk, OPENHIVE-pass, OPENHIVE-mail, OPENHIVE-insight, OPENHIVE-portal.
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The application will be used by the Boeing Business analysts, they do study on the Schedules of Aircrafts and give the best strategies to its customers to make better profit and help them to buy the Aircrafts and this software is a value added service to their customers.
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Desktop assistant which enhances ability to Search information and People through Enterprise Search, helps to Organize information as Workspaces, Consolidate Updates, Seamlessly Manage Tasks, Discussions, Content and helps to explore the endless possibility of Unified Communications and Collaboration within enterprise fostering innovation and business agility
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Worked on Widget Rating System, with the help of which, the user can rate and drop in his comments comparing with other Widgets from the Widget Store. The Addin Framework provides the Customized Generic Container where in the user can pick out the number of widgets from Widget store and can add them into personal pages, and with this user can rate and Comment on these widgets from his list.
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Worked on Widget Rating System with the help of which the user can rate and drop in hiscomments comparing with other Widgets from the Widget Store. The Add-In Framework providesthe Customized Generic Container where in the user can pick out the number of widgets fromWidget store and can add them into personal pages and with this user can rate and Comment onthese widgets from his list.
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Philips is a leading innovator in the field of Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), helping to increase efficiency and obtain superb clinical results for diagnostics and therapy. Systems such as the Ingenia with dStream architecture show the constant drive for progress. The current process is to come up with better architecture adhering to new technology to get rid of legacy architecture and technology to improve the performance in magnetic resonance imaging, which helps to give a better solution in terms of clarity in giving right result in health industry.
Key Role and Responsibilities:
· Understanding the existing Architecture with respect to health care industry in a competitive Global market
· Understanding the given requirements to give a better shape for Next Generation
· Writing the Test Driven Code
· Unit Testing
Environment: Windows 7, Visual Studio 2015, c#.net, WPF,XML,Nunit,Rhino Mocks,Clear Case(source control),Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine(DICOM)
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The Sound Quality Evaluation Tool is a software tool built to analyze sound quality of live objects , like running vehicle or any moving object by means of analysing data captured , could be in the form of media files , wave files and other types. This tool built to analyze waveforms produced from captured live data from moving object by applying waveform transformation techniques. Tool also helps to configure the sound quality evolution parameters to analyze the imported wave files.
Key Role and Responsibilities:
· Leading offshore Team
· Coordinating with onsite team
· Requirement analysis and Estimation
· Coding and Testing
Environment: Windows 7, Visual Studio 2014, c#.net, WPF,XML, Nunit, Rhino Mocks
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The software allows organization to use system of integrated applications to manage their business and automate many back office functionalities related to technology, services and human resources. The Software supports many activities like sales, procurement, materials, production, quality, maintenance, finance, and HR activities.
Key Role and Responsibilities:
· Leading offshore Team
· Coordinating with onsite team and clients directly
· Requirement gathering and analysis
· Building wireframe & Prototyping
· Coding and Testing
Environment: Windows 7, Visual Studio 2012, c#.net, WPF, EF, SQL Server 2008, Sync fusion reports
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FDT-DTM Technology standardizes the communication interfaces between field devices and system. It is independent of the communication protocol and software environment of either device or host systems. FDT delivers value in engineering, commissioning and asset management. End user can select best in class devices from any vendor and access their advanced features from any host through any protocol
Rotex Positioner Device DTM is a device type manager(DTM) using the HART Protocol, used for the configuration and calibration of the positioner. The Features supported are customized user interface(UI), customized parameter indexing, specific interface handling, customizable xml data, Integrate the help files based on the help document provided by Rotex.
Key Role and Responsibilities:
· New feature implementation using c#.net and WPF controls in MVVM architecture
· Designing of utility classes
· Implementation of business Logic
· Coding and Testing
· Coordinating with client directly to gather and understanding of requirements
Environment: Windows 7, Visual Studio 2012, c#.net, WPF, EF, SQL Server 2008
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A PC based tool for simple readout of vehicle and driver related data e.g. fuel consumption and driver behavior is requested mainly in International and emerging markets. Today VTC use Trip manager for these purposes but this product needs a thorough update. Proposal is to replace it with a common tool differentiated by Visual Branding Unique analysis modules for e.g. Fuel follow up, engine utilization, The Main Purpose of the tool is to Read-out vehicle data from all variants of Asia Value trucks and 2545 and 2540 Volvo trucks, Create reports of the vehicle data of one or more vehicles, Trend Reports (Parameters for the selected vehicles: Driving distance Average speed Total fuel consumption , Fuel consumption while driving, Fuel consumption while standing still, PTO Time, Top gear time, Vehicle Over Speed, Engine Over-Rev ),Trip Report (Fuel coaching parameters for selected vehicles).Full Report (Trend & Trip report for
selected vehicles).Be easily installed on end –customer computer with low memory foot print of less than 50 MB, Group vehicles to compare performance, Provide for multi-language support (English & Chinese),Operate with minimal or no internet connection dependency, provide for authentication of connection with each truck and hence prevent illegal copy and usage of the tool, Support popular personal computer operating systems
Key Role and Responsibilities:
· Leading offshore Team
· Coordinating with onsite team and clients directly
· Requirement gathering and analysis
· Building wireframe & Prototyping
· Coding and Testing
Environment: Windows 7, Visual Studio 2012, c#.net, WPF, EF, SQL Server 2008
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