About Me
B.E in INSTRUMENTATION Engineering with over 12 years experience in I.T IndustryIn Oracle PL/SQL Programming, ODI and over 4 years experience in Oracle DBA, AWS, BigData, Scala and Python.Key Skills: Python, Scala, Spark, Big Data, Java, Oracle10g, O...
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Portfolio Projects
Creating, adding and managing Enterprise Relationship data in Oracle DRM.Various upstream systems like Workday, HO, OK, etc. system is placing their files on their landingdirectory from these directories ODI is picking up the files and loading into DRM staging table (OracleDatabase) through various transformation logic and filter. After this action scripts are generated byPLSQL in backend and this script is loading into DRM application by DRM client through daily batchscripts running. DRM application is then Exporting the data into NAS folder, Data lake and sometables of other application by using External connection then some of data is then picking up by ODItools with extra transformation logic and placing on many downstream applications such as BIAppliance, PWM, DDA, and loan originator, LMS etc.Working on to Enriching and Preparing Data Pipelined with Python, Scala language on SparkFramework and analysing the various log and source files of various SunTrust Banks application andpreparing a central repository and sharing it to various downstream system through NOSQL DB(Cassandra) as their requisite format on CDH Environment.As a Tech Lead I am involved in following activitiesWorking on performance tuning of existing query as an Adhoc basic.Involving on Daily DBA activity on Oracle and MS SQL SERVER.Deployment activity of Code in Production Environment.Repository database Maintenance.PLSQL Coding and helping to team member on performance issue.Checking and enhancing Existing Oracle Data Integrator mapping.Translating business requirements to design and technical spec.Root Cause Analysis of Job failure that related to MDS and DRMWorking on Enriching and Preparing Data Pipelined with the help of Python,Scala language, hive, pig, sqoop etc.Environment: Linux, Windows, Oracle11g R2, TOAD, SQL plus, MS SQL SERVER, DRM, MDS, ODI,AWS, Python, Big data, Spark etc.
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Requirement gathering and implementing Oracle Data integrator to integrate data fromlegacy Source system to MDM HUB. Implement standard Business rules, Data quality rules to measure overallaccuracy of data. Implement the Initial load of data on flat file into target staging area of informatica MDM hubfrom where MDM will pick up the data, also change data capture process (CDC with Goldengate) have beenimplemented in oracle data integrator for incremental data loadAs a Team Lead I am involve in following activitiesIdentifying source files and trying to mapping with target tables attribute withimplementing business rules in ODI.Implementing Change data capture mechanism in Oracle Data Integrator with Goldengate.Translating business requirements to design and technical spec.Working on Oracle Golden gate trail, extract process failure, enhancement andincorporate new extract process to sync up with various systems.Environnent: Linux, Oracle11g R2, TOAD, SQL plus, Oracle Data Integrator etc.
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Validated the Customer data with Database and prepare the clean data by ETL (business logicwritten in PL SQL) to load into live database to check the details of the device, circuit ,vas product in the networkthat BT (British Telecom) has to manage and to raise a ticket for fault device through EXPEDIO IMSystem and Monitoring the devices through Smarts Systems also feeding these data to various Downstreamsystems (SMARTS, BGS, IBB, EDW, NMDB, CMDB etc.) for SLA reporting with various measure such asIncident Resolution , Incident Response etc and billing of inventory etc.. This inventory list consists ofinformation of routers, switches, bearer, feature options, software, virtual network, node components, price line,network services etc.As a Team Lead I am involve in following activitiesMonitoring the database issue and supporting to the application team in design ofdatabase.Preparing new oracle server, cloning the database, supporting to various projectregarding Oracle Database issue, patching, upgrading etc.Customer data analysis and Validation of customer data.Prepare the Design Template to load into database by PL/SQL Programming.PL/SQL Coding, complex SQL Coding to check data into database.Data Modelling and database designing.Doing daily DBA activity for various Oracle Database servers.Optimization of SQL and PLSQL programming, UNIX shell scripting etc.Onsite Experience: Around 8 months in United Kingdom for client Database maintenance.Environnent: Linux, Oracle11g R2, TOAD, SQL plus, OEM etc.
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There is a requirement from business to have a set of new operational measures in theexisting KPI on line report of Merlin along with a drill down to a detail level report that will help inanalyzing the knowledge management performance within the customer service. A daily feed will befed from Right-Now to Merlin that will provide the base data to cater this requirement. Add newmeasures Effectiveness% to KPI Report which will be calculated from base table by applying businessrule.Build a generic housekeeping package which is maintain partition table such as drop partitionaccording to the retention period defined in lookup table, or add partition on the table for futureinsertion and used it also for compression of partition of table etc.As a Team Member I was involved in following activitiesAnalyzing HLD, LLD, SOR documents.UNIX shell scripting to call Oracle package and used it into Control -M.Translating business requirements to design and technical spec.Solution Design preparation.PL/SQL coding, performance tuning of SQL, PL/SQL Code, Oracle DBA.House keeping Package written to maintain daily partition table and many more.Environment: Linux, PL/SQL, Oracle10g, Toad, SQL plus, UNIX shell scripts.
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Customer legacy data: this data is the raw data/data with junk values (inventory list) aswell as non inventory data received from customer, and validate the data with Database and prepare theclean data by PL SQL to load into database to check the details of the devices in the network thatBT(British Telecom) has to manage. This inventory list consist of information of routers, switchesetc.As a Team Member I was involved in following activitiesCustomer data analysis and Validation of customer data.PL/SQL Coding, complex SQL Coding.Environnent: Linux, PL/SQL, Oracle10g, SQL Navigator, SQL plus.
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Development of these integrations is going to be follow below process for inbound:Create staging tables. All columns should be VARCHAR2 with high length.Map these columns to the core interface table columnsCreate stored procedure to be called by Tcl scripts to upload data into staging tables.One procedure for each table.Create stored procedures for partner specific validation and translation of stagingdataInsertion into core tables.For out bound interfaces:A stored procedure extracts data from the core tables. This procedure doesNecessary partner specific translations an inserts data into an outbound interface Tables.This procedure can be triggered through a batch job.A tcl scripts now calls another stored procedure(usually a cursor is Created andProvided to the Tcl scripts) to extract data from the core out bound Interface tables.Outbound interface in a file and creates this in a particular directory.As a Team Member I was involved in following activitiesCreate stored procedure to be called by Tcl scripts to upload data into staging tables.Coding of Oracle PL/SQL Program.Skills Used: Oracle, UNIX, Tcl scriptsLocation: DurgapurEnvironment: PL/SQL, JAVA 1.4, JSP, SQL, AJAX, XMLVIEW, XMLQUERY, Oracle10g.
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- Maintenance of Business Channels
a) Creation of business channels & Management of Contact for Business Channels.
- Maintenance of Dealers
a) Creation of Dealers & Maintenance of Dealer Locations.
b) Maintenance of Dealer contacts & Assignments of Dealers to Business Channels.
- Maintenance of Cars makers/models
a) Creation/ Updating of Car manufacturers and their models.
b) Assignment of Dealers for Car Makers.
- Maintain Truck Fleets.
a) Creation/Maintenance of Trucks & Assignments of Drivers for Trucks.
b) Maintaining contact information for these trucks.
- Organize trips for trucks.
a) Creation of Multiple segments within a trip, Load allocations for individual
Trip segments and Delivery confirmations.
- Creating Quotations
a) Maintain rate charts configurable in multiple ways, like load percentage, per mile etc.
b) Calculate vehicle volumes, distances from pickup point to delivery point, find out
Total Load percentage and determine the best possible quote.
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Dispatch Freight provides the ultimate one-stop experience for Truck Liners Brokers, providing a easy to use, service for pickup and delivery of automobiles. Rental Cars, Auto Auctioneers and other organizations can post their vehicle transportation requirements for free. It has the real-time viewing of vehicle load postings on Google map Post your loads for the price you want to pay or invite bids from registered Truck Lines. It is an integrated portal (www.dispatchfreight.com) for Commercial Vehicle Operators for management of auto transportation needs in a completely paper-less, secured environment.
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This project is complete overhaul of the process of managing products that are sold on etoys ecommerce website. This is enterprise application manages the entire product lifecycle from its inception and serves as the backbone process for all the items that get ready to be put up on sale on etoys. The application boasts of an extremely high performance and takes into account the latest technologies on offer from Oracle and Web2.0 paradigm
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Customer legacy data: this data is the raw data/data with junk values (inventory list) as well as non inventory data received from customer, and validate the data with Database and prepare the clean data by PL SQL to load into database to check the details of the devices in the network that BT(British
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- Having 3 years’ Experience on to Enriching and Preparing Data Pipelined to process complex and large set of data, impossible in the legacy manual mining methods, with the help of Python, Scala language on Spark Framework and analysing the various log and source files of various Upstream application and preparing a central repository and sharing it to various downstream system through, Hive , HBase, Cassandra etc. as their requisite format on CDH Environment and on AWS Cloud Platform for helping to rapidly implement insights from data that can help drive more informed decision making.