Ravi P.

Ravi P.

Software Engineer

Frisco , United States

Experience: 20 Years


Frisco , United States

Software Engineer

93600 USD / Year

  • Start Date / Notice Period end date: 2019-04-15

20 Years

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About Me

Over 19 years of experience in complete SDLC of business applications with SOA and Web technology environment....

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Portfolio Projects


Environment: Java, JavaScript, JSP, XML, Oracle, Struts on Websphere Application Server Responsible for: As a Project Tech Lead & Lead Developer & Developer for Design, Analysis, Construction, Integration Testing and Acceptance Support Tasks Performed:  Followed full Software Development Life Cycle process while implementing this project.  Designed and developed the base framework for Authentication, Logging, and Database Connection Pooling.  Designed and developed as a web based 3 tier architectural applications using JSP, Java Servlets, and Oracle 8i.  Extensively used Jakarta Struts Framework, Action Classes, Action Forms, html tags, logic tags, nested tags, bean tags etc. in the development of the application.  Designed the front-end JSPs using Velocity. Created images using Adobe Photo Shop.  Developed several Ant scripts for automation of building/deploying the code in various test environments.  Used PVCS as source code control.  Configured and deployed this application in Webspehere Server.  Extensively involved in trouble shooting application level problems and work closely with the testing teams to resolve the issues.  Used Java Help for the functionality of help in the system. Used Cactus for functional testing. Project Description: Philip Morris U.S.A. (“PM USA”), an operating company of Altria Inc., determined that an integrated, validated, web-based system is critical to efficiently support the activities of the Product Development and Evaluation (PD&E) group of PM USA. Product Design & Evaluation (PD&E) is responsible for conducting and/or supporting sensory and consumer research for PM USA’s Domestic and Export Product Development, PM USA’s Product Management and Change Control, and PM USA’s manufacturing functions. The PD&E organization currently utilizes multiple systems, spread across multiple application platforms to conduct the evaluations, perform the analyses and report results. In some cases, the systems are no longer aligned with the current business process. In addition, none of the current systems are validated (i.e. confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that user requirements have been met). The overall objective of the new system developed “Encompass is to provide a validated system that will support and integrate the internal and external consumer sensory research processes within PD&E. In addition, Encompass will support the factory sensory panels.

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Environment: Java, JavaScript, JSP, XML, Oracle, Struts on SunOne Application Server 7.0 Responsible for: As a Project Tech Lead & Lead Developer & Developer for Design, Analysis, Construction, Integration Testing and Acceptance Support Tasks Performed:  Followed full Software Development Life Cycle process while implementing this project.  Designed and developed the base framework for Authentication, Logging, and Database Connection Pooling.  Designed and developed as a web based 3 tier architectural applications using JSP, Java Servlets, and Oracle 8i.  Extensively used Jakarta Struts Framework, Action Classes, Action Forms, html tags, logic tags, nested tags, bean tags etc. in the development of the application.  Designed the front-end JSPs using DreamWeaver. Created images using Adobe Photo Shop.  Developed several Ant scripts for automation of building/deploying the code in various test environments.  Used PVCS as source code control. Configured and deployed this application in SunOne Server.  Extensively involved in trouble shooting application level problems and work closely with the testing teams to resolve the issues.  Used FOP and itext for the dynamic generation of pdf format download of the Award certificates  Jasperreports was implemented to generate a dynamic report in pdf for ‘Preview Certificate’ functionality of the system.  Ebuilder is an inhouse tool based on ANT scripts, configured and implemented the build scripts to deploy the code to SunOne servers.  Used Toad for executing SQL queries and data analysis. Project Description : ERC’s present achievement award nomination process is form based, and there are 11 different forms used worldwide. The form is to either be emailed or printed in hard copy and given to the person responsible per country for processing the forms. Processing is done manually, and entered into the various payroll systems per country. This project was executed to overcome all these hindrances in the award nomination process.

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Environment: Java, Swing, AWT, EJB, Struts, Velocity, On Weblogic 7.0 & Oracle Responsible for: As a Project Tech Lead & Lead Developer for Design, Analysis, Construction, Integration Testing and Acceptance Support. Tasks Performed:  Followed full Software Development Life Cycle process while implementing this project.  Extensively involved in trouble shooting application level problems and work closely with the testing teams to resolve the issues.  Developed several ANT scripts for automation of building/deploying the code in various test environments.  Involved in the design/development of the External interface modules Modules like FAX/WEB and IVR  Developed requirements document and Unit test Plans for every module involved  Completely implemented Junit to develop and test the functionality of the module developed  Automated a build, execution and reporting of the Junit classes developed for all the Data action classes.  Used PVCS as source code control. Project Description : The T-Rex One Enterprise system (aka “Darwin”) was originally designed early in 2001. Optimization design concepts were applied to four major server side processes – DUR, Pricing, Pre-Edit, and Adjudication. T-Rex One application development was kicked off with design, construction and integration testing using the new architecture.

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Environment: Java, JavaServerPages (JSP), JavaBeans, Servlets, JavaScript, and HTML On IBM WebSphere 3.5.2. DB2 on AIX 4.3.3, MQ Series V5.1 Responsible for: As a Project Tech Lead & Lead Developer for Design, Analysis, Construction, Integration Testing and Acceptance Support. Tasks Performed:  Followed full Software Development Life Cycle process while implementing this project.  Developed several Ant scripts for automation of building/deploying the code in various test environments.  Used PVCS as source code control. Configured and deployed this application in WebSphere Server.  Extensively involved in trouble shooting application level problems and work closely with the testing teams to resolve the issues. Developed the complete application which had around 75 JSP’s and around 100 classes which followed the iwana framework  All the batch programs were invoked using shell scripts, I developed these shell scripts and also a process script to monitor the MQ series message transformation  Configured the MQ series for the application to handle the Requests from the front Web server  Developed a tracking system of the number of pdf’s and excel sheets created till the current time  Created a complete development and User manual of the Iwana Framework by translating the existing document from Japanese to English using an interpreter. Used Toad for executing SQL queries and data analysis. Project Description: Orix Auto leasing is currently focused on enterprise customer (onwards fleet) and this amounts to 80 to 90% of the revenue but at the car rental market consumer business is main business and high shared percentage. IWANA, a copyright framework of Orix was used to develop the system.

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