About Me
My career started at where i used to build microcontroller based applications and later my curiosity to integrate myĀ
embedded system to www, introduced me to Python/Lua/Nginx and building web applications. When i realized that just pushing d...
Learning Mode Always On
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Portfolio Projects
Responsibility: 1- Develop & Maintain code needed for openwrt based firmware. 2- Assist field engineer while installation and trobleshoot. 3- Assist Testing team and resolve bugs in new firmware release. Technical: 1- Co-developed proximity mac address detection snippet in hostapd promiscuous mode. 2- Developed shell-script & C based configuration management (ACS)client with SSL support. 3- Jenkins based openwrt buildsystem server. 4- Openwrt networking configuration for Covvachilli as hotspot software. 5- Worked with C, Python, Nginx, Flask, Openwrt, Covvachilli
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1- Develop and Maintain application code base based on Zigbee-BitCloud 2- Test and Release Zigbee firmware versions. 3- Python based Middleware development in Beaglebone hardware to communicate with RS485 and Zigbee protocol. 4- Assist in instalation at client site and customer quires 5- Automation design flow to save electricity at clientā€™s HVAC and Cooling systems
1- Designed Retrofit Solution 2- Developed Floating point Thermostat, PID based Damper Control System, Energy-Meter , Day & Time Base Ventilation Control System,PIR 3- PCB design for SSD Relay, PIR, RS485 control circuits 4- Flask based test servers 5- Worked with C , Shell scripting,python, postgress,Beaglebone, Zigbee BitCloud
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1- Written low level drivers for wide variety of sensors and peripheral devices viz. acceleration, gyroscope,touch, temperature, infrared radiation, ultrasonic, flex, tilt, compass, PIR, GPS etc... 2- Scripts using Lua socket, Lua GUI, Lua tables and functions. 3- Linux networking, OpenWRT firmware development, Lua Server and Client code. 4- Arduino and ATmel Micro-controller IDE 5- Built Home Control Router for home automation based on WiFi+ Bluetooth+Zigbee 6- Taught students as part of Electronic For You (part time)
Technical: 1- Embedded Systems,C,Lua,Atmel uC,Home Automation,Sensors,Robotics
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