About Me
I have extensive experience in software development in C/C++/Java, primarily in Telecom BSS space.
Besides this I have experience working on distributed databases including Apache HBASE.
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Portfolio Projects
Data Wrangler & Data Catalog is an application for Data scientists which allows them to integrate and analyse their data irrespective of type (structured or unstructured), size (unlimited) or source (any data source). The application a combination of frontend components written in angularJS and backend micro services implemented in python and java spring boot. All the services are deployed in private cloud using docker images being orchestrated using kubernetes
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Roach is the backup/recovery tool for “Gauss” database (based on open source database “postgresXC”). “Gauss” is distributed clustered OLTP database system being developed in “Huawei Technologies Ltd”. Roach is responsible for taking backup and recovery of Gauss database.
Legacy mediation system known as NEPS (Network Event Processing System), is currently deployed in Etisalat Dubai. As an Architect/Designed, involved in architecture discussion, development and testing of the legacy system. Legacy system is multiprocessing system, interacting with Oracle database in the background. Legacy system is responsible for collecting all the network events generated in telecom network deployed by various network vendors like Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens, Alcatel Lucent, and Huawei etc. Besides collecting events the system also generates a common format irrespective of network provider. This common format is being fed to the Billing System (currently BSCS). Billing system then calculates charge associated with each event. At the end of the month all the cumulative charges associated with all the events generated by customer are aggregated and sent to the customer for billing. Legacy system is developed in C/C++ on HP-Unix.
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This project involves migrating existing CRNC (Compact Radio Network Controller) application to aTCA framework. This activity involves:
Migrating existing Control Node and Interface Node in CRNC from Power PC to Intel target. Migrating from VxWorks6.1 to VxWorks6.7 Handling endianness related changes as a result of migration from Big-endian architecture to Little-endian architecture
Fast channel change solution enables a user to change from one multicast stream (channel) to another without perceiving any delay. Since different multicast streams may not be transmitted at consistent speeds, the fast chanel change solution solves this timing and speed differential that exists between two multicast streams by making use of buffering (up to 6 seconds) and by introducing a unicast transmission of content from the target channel as an intermediary step in the user’s channel change. The unicast transmission makes use of content from the target channel, but transmits it at a higher speed. This is imperceptible to the user. The Video Retransmission solution involves quickly and seamlessly replacing video packets that have been lost or corrupted in transmission without interrupting the timing or compromising the session quality. This is accomplished through decision making based on acknowledgement commands and checksum counts and complex exchanges between client (set top box) and server to establish the number of packets corrupted or missing, the number that has to be transmitted and the timing required to ensure the user does not perceive degradation in service.
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