About Me
Overall experience of 18+ years, in which 11 years of experience in Software Design, analysis and Development of Web-based applications, including e-Learning and e-Commerce projects and 7 years in Application Development using VC++, ASP.NET MVC, WCF,...
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Portfolio Projects
Worked on the enhancement of Product like Subscription based System , Shipping, Licensing of a system. Analysis, design and giving the estimate date of released version.
It is a product which is made for the users who are operating their business using web based software like e-Business , shopping cart etc. So ECC provides the facility to sync the data from shopping cart to their desktop based accounting software Quick Books , Sage etc.
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Worked as a Software Architect and Project Manager
Worked on database design, project design, business logic and classes, which interact with the database and provide the data required by the UI module. Also lead the developers, working on this project regarding the flow how the business logic is going to be implemented in whole project.
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Worked on database design, project design, business logic and written java classes, which interact with the database and provide the data required by the UI module developed in Velocity.
It is the system, which provides online shopping using MerchantSpace3 tool. The system implements the functionality of online shopping with the help of merchantspace3 tool, which is a java-based application. It is made in Velocity, which encapsulates the Struts and JSP.
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Sr. Developer
This is a Workflow Management System developed for a company making Bio Products. The products developed undergo various stages in their development process and are finally approved for sale. We worked on three modules:
·The UI for entering the product details which included the products that were classified into various categories. Based on each category, we had to enter data for various product properties.
·To manage the stage of product development, based on the current state of the product and the User Interacting with the tool.
·To publish the product information once the product is finally approved for publishing.
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This project provides the facility for the students and faculty by which they can register for a course and submit their practical and theory submissions online. It also manages the student and faculty blogs. The project involved building a platform where the ISBM administrative staff, faculty and students can come together and collaborate on various courses offered by ISBM at Penn State University
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This project provided the facility for users to register Lost and Found items. The software enabled users to search the items on the basis of the keyword entered by the user. This software is currently launched in USA. In the near future, it will be launched in other countries. Hence, the clustering feature will be implemented in future.
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This project is used to help sub-contractors to manage their jobs and schedules with the help of PDA. The whole application is divided into three major components: 1. PDA Platform – this is the platform on which the client application would execute. It will work without being connected to the Servlet. Only upon deliberate sync, would it connect to the servlet and update the data. This has a local database to store the information to be displayed and updated. (This part is made in J2ME and Pointbase Micro Database) 2. TCP PDA Server – this module is the glue that binds the TCP Application Server and the PDA Application. This is a Java Server interface (Servlet) which provides the logic to synchronize (read and update) with the TCP Data store. This includes a small database that will contain temporary flagged records that need to be updated on the TCP data store. This logical module can reside on the same physical hardware where the TCP Application resides.(This part is made in servlets and Foxpro Database) 3. TCP Application Extension – this is an extension to the existing TCP application which enables TCP PDA Server to retrieve and update job information. (This program is made in Alpha programming language and Foxpro database ) We have implemented the above two parts and the third part was completed by the client.
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Retail Executive Planning (REP) is a provider of retail solutions and cutting edge training programs designed for the bedding industry. REP specializes in implementing solutions, project development, and the delivery of industry specific training material. The vision of REP is to serve as an expert resource to bedding retailers that would enhance their company culture, improve the consumer buying experience, and increase their company profits. REP wants to build a system that would help bedding retailers document and compare prices of mattresses sold by them and their competitors. This system will assist the customers with product comparison of retailer vs. other products in the market.
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This project will provide the management of securities held in a particular portfolio. This project will be used by the portfolio manager. This project will also provide the break-down of all the securities of a particular portfolio. The user can also drill down the process to see the contribution of a particular security. This project includes management of portfolio, securities under portfolio, and transactions of securities on a daily basis. This project also includes the management of user, who will be using this application. This project also provides the facility to see the return on the basis of different currencies used in the different countries. The user can export the result of return into an excel sheet. This project also computes the return for all the securities and the total portfolio.
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This project will provide the facility to send the file through HTTPS using SOAP or XML-RPC API in Java. This project is a client-server program. Only authenticated users are able to use this program. The file sent is first broken up into chunks, then compressed and sent to the other user. At the receivers end, the file is again decompressed, the chunks are re-assembled and stored on the disk. T he whole project is divided into two parts. 1) First the user will send the chunks and compressed file to the central server. Now the central server stores these chunks as it is in the database. 2) The user to whom the file was sent, requests the central server to receive the file. The central server will send these chunks to the requested user, where the file is again decompressed, re-assembled and stored on the disk.
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This is a system, which allows the user to purchase the content page from the merchants. The user is not able to see the content of the page until he is a valid user. There is only a single authentication server which talks with the mysql database. The content pages may be on a different server. Hence, the whole project is divided into two parts. 1) Authentication Server : Which authenticates the user credentials. 2) Content Server : Where the content pages of merchant resides. The user visits the content server and the content server talks with the authentication server. If the user is not valid, then obscuring images are displayed on the screen. Therefore, the user is not able to see the content pages because of obscuring images overlapping the content. As the user clicks on the obscuring images, the application will ask for a login id and password for existing user. If the user is new then, he will create his user id and password to enter the site.
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WinSimulator is a simulation tool used to create static lessons on the various features of the software or an application, in order to demonstrate these features to the prospective learners or clients. The lesson is created within a project by the trainers, while working on an application using WinSimulator. The lesson created consists of steps holding simulation of activities or actions performed by the trainer, while working on the application. In addition to the creation of lessons, WinSimulator provides following features to the end user: Edit the created lesson at some later time as per the need. Insert either new steps or steps from another existing lesson. Edit and insert actions or notes in step. Deleting notes, actions in steps or steps in lesson. Generate DHTML simulation, MS-Word and HTML Documents for the lesson document created by WinSimulator. Export SCORM Complaint package. Can accept voice commands if Microsoft SAPI is installed on the users system. Publish generated DHTML steps. Maintain different versions of a project Provides undo/redo feature to revert/repeat actions taken on a step. Provides zoom in/out feature.
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This system provides Free Internet Access to Users. It also displays the advertisement on one-third portion of the screen and the other portion is used for the Browser. This software contains two windows in which the Ads are shown. In the first window the Ads are shown on the basis of users hobbies and in the second window the Ads are shown on the basis of Browsing. It also records the number of clicks on the Advertisement. If the user has a query about the advertisement, then he can directly chat with the advertiser or can send an email to the advertiser. This System maintains the Advertiser Details and account of the User. The user is able to access the free Internet through our Software.
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The project provided two interfaces – Admin interface for the Administrator of the Course and User interface for registered student of the course, respectively. Project provided the following functionality: Provided online education to students for their registered courses. Each course is divided into modules, each module is divided into lessons and each lesson is divided into screens or pages. The Administrator of the course is able to enter the data for different screens and store the information in the database. This screen is made up of optional data, which link to some text or graphics, audio and video files. It provides the locking mechanism of screens in Admin interface, so that, simultaneously, no two people can enter the data on the same screen. This interface, also provides the preview facility through which the Administrator is able to see the data for the screen in html format – i.e., in the format the registered student of that course will see. Maintains the Reports of each User, i.e., which user has entered the data, for what lesson and for which course. On the basis of the data entered for each course, html files are generated for each screen of a course and stored in a directory specific to that course.
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