About Me
Technical Lead with 12 years of experience in the IT industry, specializing in AWS services and architecture. Skilled in leading technical teams and designing solutions using AWS services....
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Portfolio Projects
Develop REST api and application using node, angular
This project is combination of 9-10 tools and it is one of bigest project of our company for work as well as for revenue, we are aroud 40 team members working on this project and using technologies like node, mongodb, .Net, Java, javascript, jquery, html, css, angular, nginx, docker, kubernetes(for horizontal scalling), raspberry PI, AWS(S3, Lambda, API G/w, IoT core, greengrass), git (for version control). We follow agile methodology to manage project progress using JIRA tools(jira, confluence, bitbucket), Office 360.
I have worked on this project from the start, I have worked on almost all the tools, my current role and responsibilities are create board on JIRA(sprint creation, task assignment), Docker container, Kubernetes, AWS.
I have also work on hybrid mobile application for our BAPI project, using cordova we have develop hybride mobile application, application use to communicate with hardwares like (tempreture, humidity, presure) using blutooth, display graph and generate reports based on collected data.
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was working as a php developer on payroll service module
Portico is an integrated application that provides HR Data Tracking, Document Archive, Payment Processing along with a host of other services. Portico provides a secure and flexible way to store and track your HR and Payroll Data. Portico provides a flexible document storage facility ranging from simple document storage, searchable documents based on pre-defined tags to bespoke document workflow solutions. The application is fully hosted, accessible through all major browsers (Explorer, Firefox and Safari) and fully adaptable to your requirements. If you are looking for a cost-effective and comprehensive solution to your paper problems, talk to us today.
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Feature enhancement and bug fixing
Workoutz.com has a number of free downloadable workout programs and exercise routines. It provide the tools you need for a workout plan based on science. It is 100% free workout generator for a personalized workout program. Workoutz.com has developed a professional workout generator.
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Used cakephp framework, worked on user registration / login model, social login model. Add friends, send friend request, share post one social networking.
Concept of this project like social networking, in that user travel to some place, and he want to share his experience with his friend circle then he can create one box of that place in his profile and make recommendation of tourist point of that particular place in box user can create multiple recommendation in one box, to create box we used google map api and factual api to search places, user can share that box or message to his friend and also user can login/register with faceook, twitter, google and make his profile, user can send invitation to his social networking friends.
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Client Elevator Systems LLC is the leading producer of highest quality elevator controller ESI manufactures a full line of microprocessor-based elevator controller solutions. It serves both Commercial and Residential industry with our reliable Traction and Hydraulic controller solutions manufactured with premium elevator components.
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Client A leading supplier of connectors and interconnecting components, stepped into PoE lighting solutions that rapidly advancing in digital transformations and connected building solutions. IOT based Integrated Smart Lighting Management Solution that is developed to manage and monitor all the building energy utilization devices like Lightings, Beacons and Shades based on various factors like multiple sensors input, set configurations and manual control in different logical categories like building, floor, zone, and groups.
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Client A leader provider of advanced, high-quality IoT enabled air conditioning solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial segment CSI is a web and mobile based application which is used by client team to automate the process of their day-to-day activities like installation/maintenance of different types of Air Conditioners, activities at different plants viz. Chemical, Sales and Installation.
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Client A leading global digitally enabled career guidance platform that understands the importance and challenges while making a career choice. The product line up of this client is to develop a digital career counseling platform based on psychometric assessment built on different parameters and enabling skill development.
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