Portfolio Projects
Lead development, ensure deliveries, code reviews, technical team managment, respect of architectural design, DDD workshops, project management, wiki documentation, CI/CD pipelines, core features
I work on DDD, microservices all packed under docker swarm and azure cloud for a part ot it, from local development laptop to CI pipelines under Gitlab. I managed 5 others backend developers and 1 frontend developer, work with an architect along side to put a php worklow pattern in DDD which comes with a standard in order to ensure poor regression and technical debts.
I love coding, i love this job, sharing, improving and succeeding to build good product and good teams brain collaboration.
My Last position DDD, microservices, Docker because i was inexperience in that but i could successfully go beyond all the customers challenges and finish to get award from him, the last year before the project he kept me alone to continue to build the software we launch with our team at the begining. I know i have the capacity to respond to many problems now, but i need some time, good collaboration and make some time of R&D in order to have some background solutions to refactor some features to the very best...
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Create a web application from scratch in symfony 2 which allows to pass from manual macro in google sheets to a complete automatized tools delivery which allows to increase business results
I have been hired to develop a full application based on symfony 2 framework and moreover to help the CEO to understand how all his servers work from production. So i could successfully achieved these main two goals by developing a full software which allows him to growth his business expansively and keep an secured eye on his servers. In fact, i defined a complete process to scan all that was installed as a package on his production server where he had no idea of how it has been built. I scan all packages, confs, data and set up a complete infrastructure as code delivery through virtual box, vagrant and ansible which allows me to develop locally and no more by ssh tuneling, to rebuilt one time server from scratch and to put all that process into wiki. I help the CEO to secure is software department which as a startup was the core tool of his business. Moreover i recruit another developer which i was i charge of, i set all the User Stories and a complete sprint iterations weekly based on. I deal directly with the CEO in order to understrand his business and translate all of these points into technical aspects.
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I create from scratch a complete seo dashboard application which consumes several API's of SEO data vendor like SEMRush and others. I consume a lot of data, i built comprehensible evolution charts.
I built from scratch a symfony 2 web application to monitor SEO data of any website. Under the hood it asks to serveral SEO data provider the SEO ranks of several pages. I set a lot of cache data, prebuilt them on cronjobs routines, and manage to have a comprehensible and intuitive dashboard with a set of charts to analyse their score.
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Participate to main architectural subjects I was the technical referent on jenkins CI/CD Develop, advise, support of technical tests
Big huge project with 100% code coverage scope aiming to reach a full TDD workflow with a 20 people team staff. I develop a senior web backend developer some features in zend framework and ezpublish stack, i was in charge of setting up a complete unit and functionnal tests with jenkins, monitoring jobs, helping all the developers to work with this continuous integration workflow. I was participating to main architectural points and discussion alongside PHP experts. It was all in two weeks sprint in a Agile Scrum/XP methodology.
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