About Me
To obtain a challenging position in a high quality engineering environment where my resourceful experience and academic skills will add value to organizational operations. Total 5+ years of experience in Python Programming, Django, Scikit-Learn, Plat...
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Portfolio Projects
This project is all about learning the existing data from the system and gives a hints about the future. This is still under experiment, few things has experimented like – Linear Regression, Time series forcasting, and Support vector machine to predict some values like reads, writes and storage.
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Pdgpgrid is a data analytics tool. This helps to display various analytics information like context, cache, source and their Capacity, Meta, I/O etc... This is a performance pack, where the time taken by all the command has been reduced to 10% and also the memory of the command also be reduced.
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pgrid is a command line tools which helps to view the statistics of internal grid. pgrid will collect all the system details like memory, performance, i/o, cpu and PerfAccel software related information and also system level failures. This helps to get a statistics of all the system from any internal nodes.
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Panalyze is a data analytics tool. This helps to display various analytics information like context, cache, source and their Capacity, Meta, I/O etc... The panalyze will work from every system, unlike pdgpgrid, it will accept all the internal data from the context dumps directory. This is one of the most useful & helpful tool used by all customers.
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This is an upgrade package of RAP, where the openlava concept has been disabled. RAP becomes a part of DRF, where DRF itself will handle the huge RAP jobs queue and also it will handle the huge job submission process. There are so many plugging which helps to transfer the status, data and failures logs to server and DRF reporting command helps to get inside details of RAP
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dgptest 2.0 is the upgrade version where the new features are having server side commands. Reporting commands is one of the main commands of this part, where you can assess the release, get to know any kind of history of the test, summary result, compare between result, and etc... DRF level commands to start a work, create work, start release, get to know the status and etc..
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The project aimed to track any kind of datagres software or kernel failure due to datagres software. Tracker is also known as Notifies. This is one of my own innovative ideas. The tracker is a daemon which is presents on everywhere like internal desktops, test nodes, server etc... There are several kinds of tracker like Panic tracker, KF-Tracker, Segfault Tracker, Memory Leaks Tracker, OOM Tracker, and Hang Tracker. This tracker will enable automatically when some failure happens and send a notification automatically.
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Datagres Release Factory (DRF), Its a test framework that used by Datagres team. A Client-Server architecture A collection of similar testsuit was define as a work unit and Server will invoke those work units to all the test nodes and wait for those to finish and then submit another work units. And its a non stoppable cycle A client will accept any kind of job come from according server and send the reports to server. A test dashboard where all the result and assessment will display.
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Host inventory is nothing but a pool of nodes, from where we can collect any node and use it and after use just revert it back to that pools. A command which helps to do all kind of operation, to get a node, return a node and list all the node that pools has. Even some other searching option as well.
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The main aim of this project is to create a group of all the similar kind systems, and create a work units which will be executed on those system. This is like a factory, where work units will be raw materials and different nodes are the manufacturing system. The test farm concept helps to reduce manual job submission process, this will works continuously and submit the entire job one by one.
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DTS (Datagres Test Server) is an internal test framework. A server which connect with huge number of client node, and responsible for submit jobs, get the result, check status of each and every nodes and etc.. Also a GUI to submit jobs by click and get all kind of reports from a dashboard, that helps to do all the operation from one place.
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The aim of this project is to provide licenses in a useful manner. License server is a web service & a web framework that will handle datagres software licenses. It helps to display information in user friendly manner for internally and also on the customer places. This used by all the customers.
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Real life analytics platform (RAP), its a framework/platform for testing the Datagres context analytics features. The version 1.0 has been done by using Openlava. Openlava is kind open source package which helps to handle huge queues and it follows master slave architecture. Master node is responsible to submit jobs and holds the queue and child node used for running the test work and stores the logs internally to a autos path.
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VM Provisioning is a kind of tools that helps to create a kvm vm for any type of kernel (Centos 6.5, Centos 6.6, Centos 6.8 … etc) This helps extremely to the internal team to create vm on demand and destroy it after used. This tools has provide few commands like create, status, destroy to make it more useful and friendly
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Dgptest is a command line testing tool that used by datagres technologies. Version 1.0 is used only for a client side node. The dgptest command used internally for bellow purpose - Its helps to execute test on test nodes. Its helps to see the status of a test node. Its helps to do Assessment reporting & statistics. Its helps to see utilization of system. Its helps to analyze panics, hang or any kind of kernel failures. Its helps to install, upgrade or uninstall datagres software on test nodes Its helps to send the test information from test nodes to test servers Its helps to send test system information from test nodes to test servers
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