About Me
Technocrat with over 15 years of rich & extensive experience; targeting assignments in Project Management, Technical Architecture and Database Administration with organization of high repute, preferably in Hyderabad...
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Portfolio Projects
Under this project, provided a customized and rule-based environment for editing of data in the GIS CentersGeoDatabase. It was used to integrate Cadastral data workflow with Land Department of Municipality, buildsecurity and integrity in workflows of various departments maintaining spatial data. The application had anadministrator tool facilitating user interface and service customization supporting in ensuring data editoraccess to the required tools & functionality. Through this application, only Administrator were allowed tochange the applications interface. The project entailed an extensive validation mechanism to ensure integrityof data, which validated geo-database rules, topology rules and custom rules defined by the Administrator.
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MCEME was a training establishment controlled by headquarters and had a faculty to train senior officers,junior commissioned officers, etc. to impart training, MCEME authorized all the equipment & spares used bythe Army. The software provided the institute an integrated material management functions with nodes ateach faculty / wing, TSG, Accts Sec.
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The project aimed at providing a secured & centralized Database Management System through Multipleoutput stream and limited input stream. It was undertaken with a principle to get a backup of the images forthe production, whenever required. The process had few modules like Archival module containing allinformation of the image (Image Date, Latitude, Longitude and Sensor) & Retrieval module containing thesearching techniques that would retrieve the particular image while displaying image details & its thumbnails.The 3rdmodule was a demand module including details of the individual demanding image and sender. The 4thmodule was a Map View Search module including Geo-Referenced Map through which a user can click on thatmap and the process will display all the thumbnail images present in that particular Lat & Lon providing someadditional features to it. The last module was Final Report Module generating reports for Archived ImageDetails, Demand Details, Log Data, etc.Enhancements: Integrated with Fotorite Software, New Fotorite Module has been added to the system setting images to beprinted in the job queue. The software helped in maintaining the various priority levels. After the printing, theA&R software was fired, after which the Archival module would store all the fotorite parameter and imagedetails. This would saved image while placing it in the secondary device. The retrieval mode would retrieve thesame image with archive fotorite parameter for re-printing. In this, security level has been given to differentuser, so that only authorized person can retrieve the image, administrator had all rights on the system whereas other user has been restricted to certain level.
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Title: Business Intelligence & Central Reporting & Price Optimization
Client: RealPage, Inc
Applications: jQuery, Cognos, SQL Server 2012 and 2016
Description: RealPage is leading global provider of software and data analytics to the real estate industry. Client’s uses platform to improve operating performance and increase capital returns. Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Richardson, Texas, RealPage, currently serves nearly 12,200 clients worldwide from offices in North America, Europe and Asia.
Title: Business Intelligence
Description: RealPage Business Intelligence accelerates profitability through increased revenue and reduced expenses. Gain valuable insight & clarity into performance across your portfolio. Identified risk & opportunity, access contextualized analysis impacting the metrics that drive performance from customizable dashboards, custom reporting and foundational reports to actionable scorecards, checked answers when needed and to maximize your returns.
Title: Price Optimization
Description: Price Optimizer weighs a much more robust set of data, “It used MPF™ market data to track the submarket’s conditions more accurately, and it focussed on property’s internal fundamentals, like leasing velocity, current and future availability, and the rents which was actually achieved on new leases & renewals.
- Integrated with all major operating systems
- Thousands of KPIs
- Flexible customizable dashboards
- Daily updates
- Custom reporting with the most comprehensive and easy-to-use custom report writer in the industry
- Drill-down capability, transaction-level granularity and integrated external data
- 360-degree insight into key metrics including operational, marketing, demographic, facilities, screening, accounting and affordable compliance
- Covers Conventional, Student, Senior and Affordable assets
RealPage Business Intelligence accelerates profitability through increased revenue and reduced expenses. Gain valuable insight & clarity into performance across your portfolio. Identified risk & opportunity, access contextualized analysis impacting the metrics that drive performance from customizable dashboards, custom reporting and foundational reports to actionable scorecards, checked answers when needed and to maximize your returns.
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Price Optimizer weighs a much more robust set of data, “It used MPF™ market data to track the submarket’s conditions more accurately, and it focussed on property’s internal fundamentals, like leasing velocity, current and future availability, and the rents which was actually achieved on new leases & renewals.
- Integrated with all major operating systems
- Thousands of KPIs
- Flexible customizable dashboards
- Daily updates
- Custom reporting with the most comprehensive and easy-to-use custom report writer in the industry
- Drill-down capability, transaction-level granularity and integrated external data
- 360-degree insight into key metrics including operational, marketing, demographic, facilities, screening, accounting and affordable compliance
- Covers Conventional, Student, Senior and Affordable assets
Under this project, provided a customized and rule-based environment for editing of data in the GIS Center’s GeoDatabase. It was used to integrate Cadastral data workflow with Land Department of Municipality, build security and integrity in workflows of various departments maintaining spatial data. The application had an administrator tool facilitating user interface and service customization supporting in ensuring data editor access to the required tools & functionality. Through this application, only Administrator were allowed to change the application’s interface. The project entailed an extensive validation mechanism to ensure integrity of data, which validated geo-database rules, topology rules and custom rules defined by the Administrator.
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RealPage is leading global provider of software and data analytics to the real estate industry. Clients usesplatform to improve operating performance and increase capital returns. Founded in 1998 and headquarteredin Richardson, Texas, RealPage, currently serves nearly 12,200 clients worldwide from offices in North America,Europe and Asia.
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