Senior Software Development Professional

Bangalore , India

Experience: 13 Years


Bangalore , India

Senior Software Development Professional

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13 Years

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About Me

A technically competent IT professional with over 10 years of experience in Software development predominantly in the Insurance claim Processing, Health Care & Telecom domain, currently spearheading as Senior Software Engineer with Beqi Soft Technolo...

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Portfolio Projects


This tasks deals with the migration of web application which were deployable in JBOSS EAP 5.1 to JBOSS EAP 6.1,Wildfly. The task contains creating of files which make app deployable in JBOSS EAP 6.1 and Wildflylike deployment descriptor.xml and compatible EJB xml and other upgradation.

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AdRadar is a new web based application that replaces the existing manual process of tracking Features and Promo obligations during airings. This application will allow the Coordinators and Production Assistants to electronically track obligations thereby minimizing human error and turnaround time. Multimedia Sponsorship Integration (MSI) department currently tracks airings on ESPN, ESPN2 and ABC networks. With the advent of AdRadar they hope to allow more networks to be tracked, increasing productivity.

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A new web-based application that will greatly improve how Production Operations gathers and uses data from Bristol and beyond. ProdWire is designed for efficiency and productivity, and will replace the Daily Production Digest (DPD) as the new system to generate reports and track details on everything from control rooms, edit rooms, equipment, and work flows. ProdWire eliminates unnecessary entries for the end user through a direct tie to Scheduall and Corp, and assigned sessions for each user will now transfer to the system automatically. ProdWire will provide staff, management, and resource coordinators a more effective experience in their daily responsibilities and this will become equally beneficial across all facilities within Production Operations.

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This RESTEasy Web application provides RESTful Web service access to the data in Personnel Manager. An API library that can be used to develop Java client code that uses the Web Service, the Web Service can be accessed by Java and non-Java client applications. This Web service will provide access to the data maintained by Personnel Manager.

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A new web-based application that will greatly improve how Production Operations gathers and uses data from Bristol and beyond. ProdWire is designed for efficiency and productivity, and will replace the Daily Production Digest (DPD) as the new system to generate reports and track details on everything from control rooms, edit rooms, equipment, and work flows. ProdWire eliminates unnecessary entries for the end user through a direct tie to Scheduall and Corp, and assigned sessions for each user will now transfer to the system automatically. ProdWire will provide staff, management, and resource coordinators a more effective experience in their daily responsibilities and this will become equally beneficial across all facilities within Production Operations.

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The Network Coordinator works with the Master Control Operators to ensure that all programming and commercial inventory is executed accurately. The Coordinator facilitates this process as directed by programming and commercial guidelines and conditions. The Coordinator is a source of information and communication in executing network objectives and commercial and promotional priorities concerning traffic scenarios, jip information, weather delays, market protects, C-Nets, Network Level Graphics and other directives in support of master control. The Coordinator also supports the Senior Coordinator through issue resolution and network recovery and is responsible for accurate timing of the networks and documentation of issues and adjustments. Effective interaction with various departmnts such as Content Integration, Content Screening, Programming, Media Assets, Transmission, Commercial Operations and Promotions are essential requirements to job performance.

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This tasks deals with the migration of web application which were deployable in JBOSS EAP 5.1 to JBOSS EAP 6.1 The task contains creating of files which make app deployable in JBOSS EAP 6.1 like deployment descriptor.xml and compatible EJB xml and other upgradation.

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This project deals about Insurance Claiming and Judicial Investigation Process. In this project user can save the information of a Claim and track its progress, can search for the desired Claims, can view the details of the Payments or Settlements made for that claim etc

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Content Ingestion Console (CIC) is an Amazon in-house Web interfacing tool, used by the Content Ingestion/Content Editors to test, edit/modify and publish Android Apps to Amazon Appstore. Every App sold via Amazon Appstore is validated through CIC which includes Testing of the App via Workflows and reviewing/editing App Content which include App details, App images and App Binaries. This tool is also used to publsh the App live on Amazon AppStore, set Discounts, remove Live version of the Apps from Amazon Appstore and communication to vendor/developers regarding their product sale on Amazon Appstore site.

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Amazon Wireless application user interface pages are mapped to automated tools like Selenium or WebDriver for UI automation testing. The project aims to provide a high level automated test interface to assist with testing merchant web pages. This project will be integrated with UI to provide easy access to all of the tests. It ensures that all web pages from Wireless application are validating with all functionalities without fails while shopping a product.

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AmazonWireless is a new store that is optimized for wireless shopping. Unlike the other products that can be purchased individually, the wireless business model is a carrier supplement model where customer can purchase phone at a reduced price by signing up for a contract, usually 2 years long. This requires that shoppers have valid bundles, including required plans and options, before they are allowed to checkout. In addition, since the customer is committing to a 2 year contract, they are required to provide personal and authenticating information that the carrier use to ensure that the customer has credit history that demonstrate they can fulfill their contract obligations.

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CustomerCentral, as a solution, was initially conceived as a health data aggregator. CustomerCentral was programmed to acquire data from multiple health Institutions (FI) portals. CustomerCentral was meant to be single repository of all such customer and their health portfolio information. Intuit has many product offerings from its various Business Units (BUs), such as, Quicken Health, Personal FinanceWorks and Standalone Personal FinanceWorks, which make use of this data while extending their services to the product users.

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INow is group of product line contacting VFO(Virtual Front Office), Exchange Path,Teclo ,which is used for the order and preorder processing between CLEC and Service Provider, VFO and Telco are front end products for entering order and preorder templates which in turn converts the order, pre-order form to xmls which are posted to Exchange path where exchange path has 2 important modules Core Exchange path and Translator (My work) the core Exchange Path does processing and persisting of the xml and storing xml into database, exchange path send the xml to translator , Translator fetches the xml and converts the xml into different message formats (Eg: EDI,ASOG, LSRUOM, PDF, LIDB) as specified by the service provider and translator is converts the service provider responses messages into response xml.

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