Nagnath K.

Nagnath K.

Technology Lead

Pune , India

Experience: 14 Years


Pune , India

Technology Lead

38400 USD / Year

  • Notice Period: Days

14 Years

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About Me

Microsoft Certified Azure developer with over 13 years of experience in the entire system life cycle including System Analysis, Design, Programming, quality assurance, Implementation & Maintenance and Enhancements of various applications Working as a...

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Portfolio Projects


JainLogic is a precision irrigation platform. It combines information about your organization, crops, and irrigation systems with data from sensors to create a powerful and insightful agronomic and operational tool.

I workas Technology Lead and manage a team of 4-5 people. Below are details about my roles and resposibilities,

  • Worked on the IoT modules such as Alert engine, Notification engine, Reading delay alarm engine, Reading anomaly engine, Pulse reports, Banner provisioning
  • Worked on the IoT hub, Event hub, Event Grid, Azure functions, Blob and table storage, Service bus queues and topics, App Services, Stream Analytics Job, Application Insights, Azure Sendgrid, Twilio, Azure cache for Redis, Azure SQL database
  • Created SSRS reports such as Irrigation Events, Irrigation Schedule, Irrigators, Daily Weather, and Total Flow etc
  • Created Azure CLI scripts for the Azure services to execute in the CI/CD pipelines
  • Created Azure Devops CI/CD build and release pipelines
  • Created interactive line, spline, gauge, area, column, areaspline charts by using HighCharts
  • Successfully implemented Single Sign-on by using Auth0 authentication service
  • Handled client communication for requirement gathering, understanding & technology needs
  • Analyze and understand high level requirement provided by client
  • Prepared technical specification and design documents
  • Conducted technical training sessions to support team
  • Participated in Root Cause Analysis (RCA) with client team and provided solutions
  • Lead the team size of 5+ developers
  • Conducted all the meetings with the team, e.g. sprint planning, designing, estimations, stand-ups, retrospective etc

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Producer Lifecycle Management system facilitates retrieval and processing various producer information electronically to and from NIPR. This will help user to reduce their valuable time and money on required transaction. PLM comprise of the mean functionalities as below.

I worked here as senior software engineer and full stack developer. Below were my roles and responsibilities,

  • Worked with clients to understand the requirement and then document it.
  • Involved in the estimation, designing, Coding, writing stored procedure, unit testing and bug fixing.
  • Have written unit and integration tests for software components to meet project requirements.
  • Actively participated in all meetings within the team, e.g. sprint planning, designing, estimations, stand-ups, retrospective etc.

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Technical Cooperation (TC) is one of the departments in IAEA and this department coordinates with member states and executes program for them. There are three-four sites have been functioning for many years under this department and each site has their own login mechanism though they share same users and domain.

By considering above scenario, department decided to create whole together new custom authentication mechanisms which would be as secure as possible and provides single sign on (SSO) for all above mentioned sites.

I worked here as senior software engineer and full stack developer. Below were my roles and responsibilites,

  • Developed custom http modules for secure authentication as well as to achieve SSO.
  • Conduced the scrum meetings and wrote MOM.
  • Worked closely with clients to understand the systems and the requirement.
  • Analyzed and documented performance and Load testing.
  • Prepared technical specification documents.

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Clearwater Capital Partners is a hedge fund which provides investors with access to a full spectrum of special-situation investments in public and private debt or equity of local, Asia-region issuers. It invests or lends money in companies in Asia-region that are in distressed financial state.

I worked here as Team Lead and Below were my roles and responsibilties,

  • Developed functionality like Cash Flow, Fund Distribution, Attribute Regrouping, Pipeline, Dynamic report, Geneva & WSO Reconciliation, Role Definition etc.
  • Implemented IEnumerable & IEnumerator, IClonable , IComparable and IComparer interfaces.
  • Created SSRS report as Cash Roll Summary, PBook1 & PBoo2, Yield report, Residual Report, Cash Flow Generation report, Investor Summary etc.
  • Created SSIS packages as Geneva Cash, WSO Cash, Investment Data Extract, Investor Data Upload etc.
  • Interacted with client for requirement gathering, understanding & techonology needs.
  • Analyze and understand high level requirement provided by client.
  • Lead team size ranging from 3+ developers

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