About Me
10+ years experienced J2EE application components Application Architect and Developer, particularly interested in cloud applications using optimized algorithms for the distributed computing environment.Field of interest includes J2EE, Angular, Node, ...
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Portfolio Projects
* Feasibility Study and effort estimation.
* Preparation of HLD & LLD.
* Development & unit testing.
* An application related to Multicast Service:It helps communicate different application components which resides in (n+2) no of VLANs. This particular component uses a JMS topic to read out the message headers and according filter them and forward them to particular multicast domain. One for one VLAN.
* Notification Broker: Camel based Notification Broker receives the notification from the application components while it passes those notifications to NBI.
* Notification Broker Client: Notification Broker Client is web service client which subscribe notification broker via http & https port. It also acts as a server to open a port on which notifications are received.
* Https adapter: Https NBI Adapter bridges the communication (request and response) from http to https port and vice versa.
* Java Based tool to collect SNC, CC, TP information from ATM DSL layer.
* Development of inventory feature based on Java, Hibernate to run periodic job to collect information from south bound interface and putting them onto inventory database.
* Implementation of security in JMS based (Apache ActiveMQ) NBI interface of Broad Band Activator.
* Release for movement of modules from RHEL 6 – RHEL 7. RHEL 7 had a support for virtualization and for movement of modules from JDK 7 – JDK 8.