About Me
- Having 16+ years of total IT experience in the Software design, development, implementation and Testing methodologies out of which around 4 months short term in B...
- Having 6+ years experience in Telecom domain, 6 years experience in C++, VC++ (MFC), PL/SQL, 3+ years experience on web application using ASP.NET, ASP.NET CORE, C#, MVC and sound knowledge in Microsoft Azure, JQuery, WCF and 1+ year experience in Java.
- Worked as an On-site Technical Executive.
- Functional experience includes information resources application, data updating system, file conversion system and development of user interface elements for embedded device used in digital signal equipment.
- Very good in Planning, coordinating among Design/Development team, E2E team and MultiVendors,
- creating the test scripts, test logs and test reports for the applications assuring the highest quality.
- Good understanding on traditional SDLC and AGILE methodology.
- Training Certification on AWS Technical Essentials (Version 4.0) of Amazon Web Services (AWS).
- To obtain a position within software industry that will further develop my strong grasping skills and
- flexibility to work on different technologies.
Web Development
Software Testing
Programming Language
Operating System
Development Tools
Portfolio Projects
It is an Online Web-base Application that provides multiple functionalities to cater the daily needs of its users. In this website User can avail many of his regular works with only one website rather going to other websites like mailing, sending SMS, photo gallery, daily horoscope, gaming and many more. It even contains some other important modules like news, live scores and a forum that provides it s users with the facility to stay connected socially and exchange their views and photos on various topic, and some online tutorials are also been incorporated to help learners on .net technology.
Role: Designing the Interface, Implementing Business Logic and Designing and Managing Database Transactions
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C SharpCompany
Development of an online Library Information Management System (LIMS)
This project is aimed at developing an online Library Information Management System (LIMS) for the organisation library. This is an Intranet based application that can be accessed throughout the office campus. This system can be used to search for books/magazines, reserve books, find out who is having a particular book, put in requests to buy a new book etc. This is one integrated system that contains both the user component and the librarian component. There are features like email notifications/reminders, report generators etc in this system.
As a Project member I am involved for making SRS (Software Requirement Specification), application design and coding.
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Windows OS C++ Microsoft Visual C++Company
eDCA OneVoice D2D Coordination
The aims of the OneVoice product are to bring together the various voice capabilities that BT has around the world into a single customer proposition. This means that the customer places a single order, signs a single SLA, has a single process to follow for Service Assurance and if required can receive a single bill.
Purpose of this project is to define eDCA detailed design of OneVoice Mobile Access and OneVoice Core requirements with support Conferencing facility and IP trunking, implementation and enhancements required in MPLS.
- Involved in implementing D2D activities for OneVoice Mobile Access and various OneVoice Core functionalities.
- Involved in D2D (Dev to Dev testing), E2E (End to End testing), Component, System and Functional
testing activities.
- Exhaustively involved in D2D testing, which involves in writing and executing the High Level Scenarios and Low Level Scenarios.
- Tracking and reporting bugs using Bug tracking and reporting tools (Bugzilla and Quality Centre).
- Interacted with developers/Solution Designers to discuss defect issues and enhancement specifications.
- Coordinated effectively with the Design/Development teams, Classic teams and E2E component teams
- Arranging and participating in the Integration calls to resolve the issues
- Participated in various meetings and discussions with solution designer
- Involved in creation of Scope and Strategy
- Involved in creation of Test Specifications
- Introduced Peer-to-Peer reviews in all testing related stuff
- Raised defects /issues in Mercury Quality Centre (Later called as HP Quality Centre).
- Raised Problem Reports (PRs)/issues by using HP Quality Centre
- Involved in various meetings like Internal Team meetings, component team meetings
- Involved in providing technical and domain information to the components, test team and problem managers
- Follow-up for queries with different component teams
- Preparation of daily and weekly status reports
- Establishment and maintain documents and testing related activities in order to verify that specified
requirement for the product is met.
- Participated in various meetings and discussions with solution designer and other stake holders
- Involved in Stand Up meetings with the team
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British Telecom Global Services Reuters Operations
This project consists of two parts. 1) DCMO (Data Change Management Office) and 2) DQ (Data Quality). DCMO is responsible to analyze and load the data into BFG (Central Repository of all types of data) provided by the Customers of BT so that BT can provide the same level of service to his customers that has been declared in the contract with them. DCMO also assist BT’s customer in modeling their data into BFG. After DCMO data quality checks are performed in DQ stage1 and then DQ stage2. Finally data is to be sent to GSC stage.
As a Team Leader I was involved in doing DCMO validations after triggering and then all DQ checks activities.
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Support for Interconnect Billing Solution
The product INCA is developed by Subex Azure (UK), which handles all Interconnect, calls (billing operator for network usage). It records data from CDRs (Call Data Records) generated from Mediation system. The product is developed in HP-UX platform. The front–end is in Oracle forms and the back-end is in Oracle-9i.
- Participated in various meetings with client
- Involved in analyzing the data
- Involved in giving the solution of the bugs to the client
Support for VS off Line updating system
VS is a forecast tool created by Access Commerce in France and all the users for online updating of his/her sales forecast data are using it. Our project involved improving VS forecasting tool to have off-line update function so that user only download his/her only forecast lines of data to the local PC and can do the following:
- Update the forecast data off-line in excel format.
- Update the forecast data in VS Asia Database.
- The VS Asia DB will be always in sync with the Central VSDB once in a day.
- Involved mainly in generating a new excel file by collecting data from the VS Asia Database and then storing it on the local machine.
- Modifying the data can then be uploaded into the VS Asia DB at user will via secured network.
Hyperlink Converter for PDF
Conversion of Microsoft Word files into Adobe PDF format by Adobe Acrobat. Inside the word documents are special text phrases, which were combined with hyperlink.
I was involved in creating WIN32 DLL that exports a function, which receives the file name of a PDF file.
It then searches for all occurrences of a defined string and converts this string with a hyperlink. The Special string consists of a prefix (for example “AE”) and a number (say 25252). Therefore the routine must first scan for the prefix. Then it must advance character by character as long as there are numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) in the stream. The next step is to combine the prefix and the number with hyperlink. The number will be appended at the end of the hyperlink. This will happen with all the strings, which will start with the prefix.
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Microsoft Visual C++Company
Product Performance Measure
While working in a Quality team I got a task to measure the CPU/Memory usage during their work and detect possible memory leak. This program can be used to detect the memory leak in the component of the application and to get system resources information during work. It was not said to be fully completed. It was under research. This Company was using that program at that time
I was involved in writing a class that encapsulates all the functionalities using Visual C++ (MFC).
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Microsoft Visual C++Company
Development of Bengali Text to Speech Synthesis System
If the user writes any Bengali text in a text box, user will be able to listen that in a synthetic voice by clicking the Start and Play button what he/she has typed in the text box.
I was involved in system coding and making exceptional phonetic lists in database.
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Microsoft Visual C++Company
TVA (Turbine Vibration Analysis)
This software should provide an interface by which data is obtained by the DSP card is read and plotted as per the user’s requirements. The data is read through the COM1 port using Serial Port communication. The interface should have the option of changing the different bearing Selections, sampling frequencies, windows, gain in time Domain & filtering. Also the different eccentricities obtained in High Pressure Front, Medium Pressure Front & Low Pressure Rear should be plotted as required. The different bearing Selection consists of HP Front, LP Front, HP Rear, LP Rear, Generator Front & Rear. The graphs should be plotted in both the Time domain & Frequency domain showing the entire horizontal, axial and vertical graphs as resent. The different Sampling frequencies are 4, 5, 8, 10 & 2 kHz. On varying the Frequency time & frequency in the time domain & frequency Domain graph varies respectively. The different windows required Rectangle, Hamming and Hanning & Blackman. Also the different filtering present as Low Pass, High Pass and Band Pass.
I was mainly involved in the front-end development.
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Digital Signal Processing MfcCompany
Showing the Speed of Water Supply in graphs
It is very sophisticated software of Graphics and programming. This software provides the flow of water is passed from one conveyor to another and from there to other with the help of each corresponding the rotating fan cord of water pump. Separately this software also provides how showing the graph is changing the speed of flow of water.
I was involved in system coding and testing and developed the graphical user interfaces and graphical applets/applications in the form of the Java Foundation Classes.
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