About Me
I built a solution for law firms to manage their day to day tasks and never have to think again about things that got lost under piles of paper or not knowing who is doing what. Stack: Java J2EE, Grails, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap. I built a solution for ...
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Portfolio Projects
I implement new features, integrate new technologies, improve existing modules of the system. I proposed and helped implement Liquibase to improve DB versioning.
Recently I also started performing as a Scrum Master organizing and leading the tasks within the engineering team.
Argentinian Company that has a solution for Travel Logistics for Company Employees.
I was involved in implementing new features, fixing bugs, implementing improvements and leading a team of developers.
I personally helped them improve the usage of AWS to lower the costs.
I started working as a Java/Grails developer. I quickly learned a lot and got more tasks and responsibilities.
* Bug Fixing
* Implementing new features
* Integrations
* Automated Tests
* Technical Designs
* Code Review
With time I became Team Leader and then what we called Senior Team Leader, I had to lead and manage other team leaders.
After some years I became the Sales Technical Expert, present in sales calls to talk about technical aspects of the application. I got to travel to some workshops to client HQ's to gather requirements for starting new projects/implementations.
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I worked as a developer for a client called Southwest Airlines, one of the biggestairlines in the United States. I was in this project for the whole time I worked @Globant.
The project consisted in migrating their old system written in C to a new system inJava. We used Jira as a Project Management system. We also used Hibernate forconnecting to the database, the language was J2EE and the framework we usedwas Spring. We had to migrate pieces of the old application so we used the SCRUMagile methodology to manage the whole project. On the background we hadJenkins (Hudson) as a CI server and SVN and GIT as the versioning system. It was aninteresting experience as we were a team of almost 25 people. This was a projectthat lasted 7 months.
After this I got assigned to another project with the same client for my last 4months at the company where we developed from scratch (and learned) a Grailsapplication for internal use within the company.
I also had the chance to travel to Dallas to Southwest Airlines HQ for a go live of theapplication.
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Neosur is a local development company. During my time there I worked as a Javadeveloper and had the chance to maintain and develop over an application of aclient that is one of the biggest online ticketing system of Cordoba City. Thatapplication was written in Java and Struts 1. We used PostgreSQL as a database.Here I had full responsibility over one of the portions of the application which iscomposed of the web side and the servers side. I was the only one working on theweb side. We used Mantis for managing the issues.
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