About Me
- Having 10 years of experience as ABAP/4 programmer in SAP R/3, ECC & S/4 Hana Cloud 1809/1911
- Involved in Full life cycle implementation projects.
- Experienced in Report Programming, Interactive Reports,...
- Experienced in Report Programming, Interactive Reports, Sap Scripts, Smart forms, User Exits, BADI’s, BAPI’s, Dialog Programming, OOABAP.
- Maintained Structures and Tables in Data Dictionary. Created new Domains, Data Elements, fields and transparent tables. Customize/add fields with structures to existing tables. Generate Table Maintenance. Created elementary/collective search help and search help exits.
- Experienced with ABAP/4 Workbench building of Data Dictionary Objects and Function Modules.
- Expertise in Data Migrations/Conversions using BDC Programming on Call transaction and Session method and migrated data using LSMW.
- Worked on interfacing using standard and custom BAPIs for distributed systems in SAP R/3.
- Experience on Adobe Forms using Adobe live cycle designer.
- Worked on Workflow support project (Purchase orders, Purchase requisition, Internal Order)
- Worked on SAP Up gradation S/4 Hana (SPDD and SPAU)
- Good overview of configuring ALE settings, IDOC applications
- Good experience in applying OSS Notes using transaction code SNOTE
- Hand on experience in RICEF developments.
- Worked on Fiori Applications (Adhoc sales order, Create Sales Order, Update Contract)
- Good functional knowledge of SD, MM, FI, WM
- Knowledge on HANA (AMDP, CDS views)
- Work experience on OData
- Expertise in performance tuning and debugging.
- Excellent communication, interpersonal, and managerial skills.
- Designed and developed screens using Dialog programming with Screen Painter and Menu Painter.
- Developed and modified Forms using Smart forms, SAP Scripts.
- Experienced in Debugging, and trouble shooting of ABAP programs
- Proficient expert in DDIC objects.
- Effective team-player with excellent communication skills.
- Ability to meet deadlines and handle multiple tasks, strong leadership qualities, flexible in work schedules
- Aggressive with a positive attitude towards the work.
Portfolio Projects
- Developed custom reports, BADI's for warehouse management module on Batch Management
- Developed 6 fiori applications related to Adhoc Sales Order & purchase order history
- Having 13 years' Experience in SAP.
- Certified in SAP HANA (Impl. and Modelling SPS11 – C_HANAIMP_11).
- Good exposure on HANA ABAP (CDS views, AMDP, External views & SQL Script.
- Worked on S/4 HANA POCs for Chemical & Automobile processes.
- Have good understanding with SD/MM/PP business processes.
- Working in highly Business oriented environment and able to understand business prospects of issues.
- Hands-on Experience on RICEF Objects, OO ABAP, Function Modules, Data dictionary objects, Module pool programming, SAP Queries, Info set, Workflows, Web dynpro & ALE/Idocs.
- Worked as Interface architect with prominent automobile giants. Activities include: understanding the legacy system, its compatibility with SAP, designing the optimized solution as well as development. Good understanding with basic process cycle in an Automobile industry.
- Handled a mid-sized team of consultants effectively in onsite-offshore model.
- Working experience on Web dynpro ALV reports, ALV Configuration, Service call, Views & Windows. Good knowledge of different UI elements and enhancing the standard components & FPM.
- Extensively worked on multiple support projects in typical client handling environment, specifically with US clients. Worked on different versions of SAP (4.6C, 4.7, ECC 6).
- Have worked on different prototype designing in HCM E-recruitment, Parked Invoices & Enhancing existing Web dynpro components.
- Have been a part of various Implementation, Roll outs & Upgrade (4.6 C to 4.7) project team. Handy in Debugging, Run time Analysis, SQL Trace & Performance Tuning, Code Inspector (SCII) and Extended Program Check for better performance.
- Developed failure & success case reports, BDC program for process order quantity (COR2/COR3) update from transfer order quantity (LT12/LM05) confirmation
- In the success case, with the help of BDC program via back ground job Process order gets update upon transfer order confirmation
- For the failure case report, mail is sent to user’s maintained with error cases
- Custom table Zupdate_errors is maintained to collect the errors & data gets refreshed for every 45 days
- Modifications done to the ZRETEST program, where grade/marked field is added to table Z2WM_RTST_DAT & number of month would be maintained with grade/market material combination
- Above program will update the next inspection date upon execution
- Changes done to the program Z2MM_PAYMENT, added new column bill amount, bill amount in LC (local currency), Vendor code as per the requirement
- Created purchasing, contract tables according to functional requirement.
- Created a program ‘ZMM_CIDS_INV_INTERFACE’ for Inventory which will push latest purchasing and contracts data on daily basis into tables on client side
- Similarly created programs for PR, PO, RFQ based on given requirements
- Debugged the program ‘ZK4_SD_ESHOP_SERVICE_MONITOR’ to find the interface & integration table
- Configured Partner profiles for IDOC’s
- Developed a BDC program using recording method inspection plan
- Creating batch jobs based on the requirement
- Developed LSMW tool using IDOC method to create purchase orders
- Implemented an extended IDOC to carry the additional customer master data along with standard customer master IDOC
- Implemented BADI enhancement for storage location determination in delivery
- Created material pack size report based on the given functional requirement.
- Created Table Maintenance view ‘ZSDTR’ for maintaining different types of payment entries through which F-29 and F-28 should be triggered based on input selection by the user.
- Created furnace, Raw Material, Spares, Container & packer’s material reports.
- Developed Consolidated Report for the furnace, Raw Material, Spares, Container & packers based on tax percentage filtration.
- Developed Production Stock Report.
- Developed BADI for calling ZSTOCK report inside the ME21N transaction
- BDC for Asset Material Update.
- Implemented BADI for Leave request, Reimbursement Approval, Purchase order, Purchase Requisition Approval & reject functionality.
- Created IDOC reports for all success and failure information.
- Created Smart forms & Adobe forms for Delivery note, Stock transfer, Invoice & Purchase order
- Created custom smartform ZSD_INVOICE_MAIN for invoice printing. The invoice is customized to print different logos/remit address /payment address as per company code and profit center.
- Developed BDC program for Accounts Receivable, Accounts payable & Article master data upload (Generic Master & Single)
- Implemented POS system Integration, communications from SAP to Non-SAP.
- Developed report program for transfer of data from ERP to POS system which involves Article & price data, Merchandise category data, Bonus buy data & promotion data
- Created a Vendor Aging report
- Created order confirmation adobe form to display customer info, company info & company logo along with item number, description order quantity, total price and create custom style in process
- Responsible for analyzing functional specs with process teams, explaining functionality to the designated team member & guiding the team to complete technical specs.
- Developed BDC programs for Article Master Data Generic & single article
- Developed ALV report WIP (Work in progress) aging report with auto schedule of background job and email functionality.
- Prepared Technical specifications for the report programs & enhancements
- Worked on EXIT_SAPL56U_002 which is used to validate the container ID for the shipment type ‘STO’
- EXIT_SAPLVEDC_003 to delete the leading zeros for customer and ship to party and adding delivery data and goods issue date to E1EDP03 segments.
- Implemented BADI_MATERIAL_CHECK with implementation name ZBADI_MATERIAL_CHECK and executed the code in CHECK_DATA method.
- Developed ZBAPI_PO_CHANGE to update the open PO condition prices with latest price.
- Implemented BDC Z_UPLOAD_TAXJURCODE to upload tax jurisdiction code.
- Create quality check program based on handling unit it should display material, grid, quantity.
- Uploaded Sales order data using BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2.
- Generated BAPI program upload the data using PO order creation BAPI_PO_CREATE1.
- Worked on workflow support tickets
- Prepare Technical Document Specification Based on Functional Document Specifications.
- Created Stock Transfer Report in ALV which displays the Amount of stock transferred from one Plant to another plant and the stock remaining after dispatch to other location.
- Converted Standard Reports to ALV Reports using Function Modules.
- Developed LSMW program for uploading Customer Master & purchasing info records into sap system using Batch Input recording method.
- Enhanced Customer Master Transaction using CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA BADI.
- Developed BDC Programs for uploading material master data, Sales order data etc to SAP by using Batch Input and Call Transaction methods.
- Worked on BAPI by calling Function Module RV_DELIVERY_CREATE to create Delivery.
- Worked on Proxy Interface.
- Developed Smart forms and associated driver programs for sales order data and converted them to PDF format.
- Testing, verifying and validating the developed Objects.
- Releasing the Objects to Quality server.
- Part of ABAP team working on the development objects
- Worked on a new internal project related to SD module, Shipping of Non-Commercial Materials. Participated as a solution architect from technical side in Requirements Gathering, AS-IS and to-be blueprinting, Solution Design/Blueprint.
- This project involves objects of SAP Workflow, Screen design, Enhancements, Smartforms.
- Developed 7 smartforms for customs invoice & Transport order as per client requirement.
- Involved in code review of peers and juniors & helped them to deliver high quality objects
- Ensure high quality solution for all the delivered objects to the client within the budget and meeting the deadlines.
- Testing, verifying and validating the Objects after fixing the issues.
- Attending status meetings.