Matías B.

Matías B.

Senior Data Engineer / Back-end Developer

La Plata , Argentina

Experience: 23 Years


La Plata , Argentina

Senior Data Engineer / Back-end Developer

96000 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

23 Years

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About Me

I have almost 25 years of experience in software development, I went from building stand alone systems, client / server to web applications. In Web Applications development I have 14 years of experience (from 2003 to 2017). After 2017 I focused my ca...

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Portfolio Projects


  • RUPA: Web Application and Java WebStart client that process DBF files sending objects via Spring Remoting (RMI) to the server. Matías built the server part in order to receive the objects and process them and also the client part responsible for showing progress and sending the objects in packages. Matías also built a statistics module that execute in batch mode for large reports in the web application side.

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Work Description:
Baabler is a platform to listen the web, Matías launched this project in May
2016 to help blind people and knowledge workers to take advantage of their
idle time, listen to interesting articles.
Matías was the leader of this team and also he had to search for investment in
order to pay to developers and designers.
Matías was responsible for the development of the BackEnd, plugins and some
modification in the Android App.
Technologies and Tools used:
 BackEnd: NodeJS, Spring Boot, Spring REST
 FrontEnd: AngularJS, Firefox and Google Chrome plugins (HTML and
 Databases: MongoDB, FulleText Indexes
◦ Matías bas responsible for the sustainment and evolution of this
 Mobile: Android (Java)

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Work Description:
In this project Matías was responsible to take care of the investment, the
schedule and align the goals from the stakeholders and the entire
development team.
Matías also take part of the BackEnd development.
Technologies and Tools used:
 BackEnd: Spring, Spring Boot, Spring REST, Spring Data.
 Hibernate, MemCache.
 FrontEnd: React, React Native
 Build and Deploy: Maven, Heroku.
 Mobile Platforms exported: Android, iOS.
 Database: PostgreSQl

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  • Computing Services: System that calculates the pension percentage and if a person can retire or not. Graphic Module to represent periods of time, overlaps and so on.

  • This system is still running since 2001 and helping the customer service employee make his work better.

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