Moti R.

Moti R.

Graduate IIT-G;Python, ML, Deep Learning, NLP, DS & Algo, Pytorch, Tensorflow, Computer vision

Jaipur , India

Experience: 1 Year


Jaipur , India

Graduate IIT-G;Python, ML, Deep Learning, NLP, DS & Algo, Pytorch, Tensorflow, Computer vision

20000 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

1 Year

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About Me

As a data science professional, I have 1 year 3 months experience in projects on Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, and Computer Vision. My skills are Python, C++, Data Structure, and Algorithms. Understanding of python's library suc...


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Portfolio Projects

Sentiment Analysis on text


Data cleaning and plotting, text cleaning, applied the pre-trained word to vector model, feature selection and model selection was my work


Data cleaning is done using regex expressions. Logistic regression with tfidf is applied that got 68 percentage accuracy on test data. Neural network is trained using Keras sequential model using pre trained embedding that got 83 percentage est accuracy.

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Natural Language Programming Project


Data Processing, Cleaning, Modeling and Improving performance


Project is the Natural Language Processing(NLP) related problem. NLTK library is used to clean the data.
The solution approach achieved a good classification accuracy of 0.92 using transfer learning. The ULMFit
model is trained on the dataset using fast-ai library.

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