About Me
Having 3+ years of experience in developing server-side components using J2EE technologies, java frameworks, web services. Good knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming concepts. Having knowledge on J2EE Design Patterns. Experience in development of ...
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Portfolio Projects
Client Organization Ericsson Environment Jdk 8, J2ee, spring boot, Angular, Amazon-ws, microservice Team Size 5 Role Developer Description: Indosat is the account we work for our client where major responsibility is to keep maintain 4G and 5G telecommunication data the camunda diagram given by the EOC team from the different end of application based on the raw xml data we prepare camunda files for java Bean classes and javascript classes for IOC and Integration layer post creation of java class we inbuild them into the code repository and after adding them into the system we create the database for application as per our java class like things happens in telecommunication mobile and internet pack customer needed, we configure them into the application as data required like main quota data, app quota, onnet quota, local quota… once the configuration done for EOC given diagrams and xml data into java application then we will send them to ECM team where there’s Job is to make these changes on server. from where it is available for the end user to access the services given by the Indonesian telecommunication companies. Responsibilities: Developing the camunda Designs for bean and java classes after EOC team xml data. Developing Java and Javascript camunda files from the diagram prepared by the camunda. Used Spring IOC for delegating the process layer request to Integration layer. Developed the model layer java classes which involve the implementation of business logic. Responsible for fixing the bugs raised by the QA team. Perform Unit testing through Junit
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Client Organization Verizon,NY (USA) Environment Jdk 8, J2ee, spring boot, Angular, Amazon-ws, microservice Team Size 8 Role Developer Description: Verizon central is the account we work for our client where major responsibility is to keep maintain data of all the Three Units of Verizon different-different business sector. Where our job is to run and make one common portal for all of there employees based on their joining date, work group, calculation group, job type, full hours, or part time hours few of entitlements of them like wise we have 20+ work type and more than 90000 employee’s data to maintain without hard or delete and separate them in new portal even employee left the organization. Profile Responsibilities: Responsible to design application using Layered architecture Developing User defined Exceptions for each request and response. Developed the model layer java classes which involve the implementation of business logic. Responsible for fixing the bugs raised by the QA team. Implemented Auditing using Log4j to log the messages.
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Client Organization Bank of America, Charlotte (USA) Environment Java 1.6, Spring 3.x, Hibernat3.x, Webservices(soap). Team Size 4 Role Developer Description: Bank of America is the reputated and leading bank in USA, which is heaving portal to operate worldwide, As account and communication, our responsibility is to build and drive success this portal which is having more than 200 services worldwide Few of them monitored by our team and migrating technologies upgrading services and new services and services customization is our main sole purpose in this account. Like alert, book appointments, military benefits like wise. Responsibilities: Worked in the role of a team member in the project. Coding was my major responsibility. Coding using Web Services, J2SE, J2EE, Hibernate and Spring Framework. Consuming the web-services. Generated Artifacts using wsimport tool provided by Jersey Implementation of Java for JAX-WS Import. Implemented Spring IOC-inversion of control for instantiating the objects. Involved in analyzing the defects, bug fixing in AT, SIT and UAT environments and joined in bridge calls for test support. Perform Unit testing through Junit.
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