About Me
Experienced Java Programmer with 12 years of excellent design and coding skills in developing software applications and possess a proven track record in successfully delivering crucial applications. Involved in the whole Software Development Life Cyc...
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Portfolio Projects
The project is about online advertising domain, also called digital advertising, which is a form of marketing and advertising, which uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers. The advertising content used in online marketing is stored and delivered onto various digital platforms such as Websites, social media outlets and mobile apps with the help of an Ad Server. The purpose of ad serving is to deliver ads to users, to manage the advertising space of a Web site and, in the case of third party ad servers, to provide an independent counting and tracking system for advertisers/marketers.
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CSL application is a logistics domain application, and designed to cover the manage movement of goods within warehouse. Logistics is the management of the flow of resources between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet some requirements, for example, of customers or corporations. KN has numerous warehouse across the globe, which could be used by various clients for inventory storage. This project involved designing Inventory control, ASN notification, Creating reports, Ordering products, Creating new warehouses, Adding new clients etc.
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DistributorERP is a web based intranet product specifically designed to cover the secondary sales of the FMCG domain. Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) are products that are sold quickly at relatively low cost. Though the absolute profit made on FMCG products is relatively small, they generally sell in large quantities, so the cumulative profit on such products can be large. Some examples would be Toothpaste, Soap, Toilet Paper, Milk or Meat.
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BankMill is a browser-based, user-friendly centralized full-fledged banking application that allows a bank to conduct its business with its customers along with full MIS reports and internal management tools. It allows the bank to conduct all the business of the bank and keep the transactions in a secure database. The structure is a 3-tier structure and consists of a browser-based application written in applets. The applets communicate with a servlet via sockets. Data interchange happens via encrypted XML structures.
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This application is a logistics domain application, and designed to cover the manage movement of goods within warehouse. Logistics is the management of the flow of resources between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet some requirements, for example, of customers or corporations. KN has numerous warehouse across the globe, which could be used by various clients for inventory storage.
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The JWDS is receiving large volumes of unstructured rail sensor data (through HBD and WILD detectors) in form of flat files. Currently, these files are immediately copied to FTP server and then after parsing and passing through rules engine, the alarming data is saved in operational database DB2 after sending alerts to helpdesk users and rest data into archival database (5 years data), which is again DB2. The archival data is used by research users to study the trend analysis (analytics) to identify any possible failure in future.
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The legacy project is in IBM I RPG language and the requirement is to convert itinto modernized language using X-Analysis tool. Here I worked as a Tech Lead and handling a team of 10 – 12 developers of wide range of experience.Worked closely with RPG developers to understand existing code written in IBM I RPG tcreate a POC and re-develop the application using Spring framework.
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The project is about online advertising domain, also called digital advertising, which is a form of marketing and advertising, which uses the Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers.The advertising content used in online marketing is stored and delivered onto various digital platforms such as Websites, social media outlets and mobile apps with the help of an Ad Server.
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