About Me
I am a dedicated hardworking team player with experience and excellent knowledge on cutting edge up to date web and Blockchain development Technology with Ethereum, Golang, JavaScript, Node JS MongoDB, Hyperledger fabric seeking Blockchain developmen...
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Portfolio Projects
● Akcess is London based IT company, specializing, digital identity solution, AKcess brings digital ID and
eKYC alongside other use cases to the Blockchain.
● The objective is to have a shared eKYC platform, where institutions verify an individual’s KYC or data
profile for use within the institution (for onboarding purposes, opening accounts, etc.) once a user is
● AKcess_ID is a digital identity that turns your mobile phone into an identification tool that is so secure
even banks can rely on it. An individual’s identity is encrypted, hashed, and immutably written to the
● Users control who gets access to the different parts of their identity and when. At the same time,
AKcess_ID retains zero data from users’ personal accounts.
Users can submit the E-form with his/her details on the blockchain with his identity which can be
verified with different verifiers and approve it.
Project Description:
Agriculture Information Management System (AIMS) is a SaaS based application
designed for the agriculture value chain industry connecting through mobile and desktop application.This
Project include multiple tools and technology like Hyperledger fabric(for Blockchain), Web Services,
MangoDb, Angular, Javascript, node.js work together to give optimal web application to our customer
which helps them to streamline the supply-chain of their agriculture with Real-time, Distributed Ledger,
Smart Contracts, Tracking & Tracing,Financial Settlements using Blockchain Technology.
● Created Hyperledger fabric setup on AWS Cloud with Kubernetes.
● Created different types of identities, their crypto-material and managed those identities in
network using setup root fabric-ca server and fabric-ca-client.
● Create and manage configuration for different types of binaries like peers,orderers,fabric-ca-server
and channels.
● Write chain code using Golang.
● Integrated different consensus mechanisms in the business network according to the requirement
through a raft.
● Secure all services in hyperledger network by configure TLS to all services and setup MSP for
identities and Organizations.
● Create the dev environment for testing the different Fabric Network Design & Setup and chaicode
● Creating Node.js based Rest API using Express framework.
● Extensive experience working in an Agile development environment
● Excellent ability to develop advanced concepts, techniques and standards
● Creating Blockchain Rest API’s using fabric node SDK and integrated with Backend Application.
● Test Rest API using Postman
Project Description:
i2Chain is a San Francisco-based startup focused on securing information & identity, provide secure private healthcare data control over who else can access their information and when and where they can access it from. Every action taken is recorded in an immutable blockchain record,manage medical data using blockchain, thereby preserving reputation, significantly reducing the risk of information breach, and ensuring compliance.
● Created different types of identities, their crypto-material and manage those identity in network using setup root fabric-ca server and fabric-ca-client.
● Create and manage configuration for different types of binaries like peers,orderers,fabric-ca-server and channels.
● Write a smart contract chain code using golang and node.js, also write system chaincode using golang.
● Integrated consensus mechanism in the business network according to the requirement through Kafka and etcdraft..
● Secure the all services in hyperledger network by configure TLS to all services and setup MSP for identities and Organizations.
● Create the dev environment for testing the different Fabric Network Design & Setup and chaicode development.
● Build and deploy network on cloud for Hyperledger Fabric using AWS and with docker swarm.
● Make the data secure using data encryption methodology like AES and elliptic curve cryptography.
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Agriculture Information Management System (AIMS) is a SaaS based application designed for the agriculture value chain industry connecting through mobile and desktop application.This Project include multiple tools and technology like Hyperledger fabric(for Blockchain), Web Services, MangoDb, Angular, Javascript, node.js work together to give optimal web application to our customer which helps them to streamline the supply-chain of their agriculture with Real-time, Distributed Ledger, Smart Contracts, Tracking & Tracing,Financial Settlements using Blockchain Technology.
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Work for client Ayam , also known as Ayam is a Singaporean multinational food company, specializing in prepared foods, including seafood, canned fish (sardines, mackerel, tuna). Record keeping and provenance tracking become easy as the product information can be accessed through the help of embedded sensors and RFID tags. The history of a product right from its origination to where it is in the present time can be traced through blockchain.this type of accurate provenance tracking can be used to detect frauds in any part of the supply chain.The properties of transparency and immutability of blockchain technology make it useful for eliminating frauds in supply chain and maintaining the integrity of the system.
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Akcess is London based IT company, specializing, digital identity solution, AKcess brings digital ID and eKYC alongside other use cases to the Blockchain. The objective is to have a shared eKYC platform, where institutions verify an individuals KYC or data profile for use within the institution (for onboarding purposes, opening accounts, etc.) once a user is verified. AKcess_ID is a digital identity that turns your mobile phone into an identification tool that is so secure even banks can rely on it. An individuals identity is encrypted, hashed, and immutably written to the blockchain. Users control who gets access to the different parts of their identity and when. At the same time, AKcess_ID retains zero data from users personal accounts. Users can submit the E-form with his/her details on the blockchain with his identity which can be verified with different verifiers and approve it.
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Developed automation in excel VBA which is used to pre-match the different trades and send the auto generated mail to respective clients. In this first create data in particular format from the raw data which is generated from the SLW and ex-man(tools). Once the data has been created, sort it according to process and send auto generated mail to respective clients.
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Developed automation in excel VBA in that the first function performed by the application is to connect to the appropriate database. After connecting to the appropriate database, the application will identify the appropriate general ledger account(s) and use the general ledger account(s) to query for transactions that are causing a reconciliation discrepancy. Any transactions that are identified as causing a discrepancy will be listed and summarized on the sheets contained in the workbook.
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Identify all business processes which need to have an MIS. Automating this report resulted in delivery time for each report from 6 days to less than a day. Developed various automated MIS reports for the Financial Team which saved time and increased efficiency. Because of automation Reduce in FT and also cost saving for clients.
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