Praveen B.

Praveen B.

Systems Analyst

Hyderabad , India

Experience: 9 Years


Hyderabad , India

Systems Analyst

38400.2 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

9 Years

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About Me

9+ years of experience in designing, developing, integrating and implementing software applications based on Microsoft .NET technologies. Strong knowledge of OOPS (Object-Oriented Programming concepts) including inheritance, polymorphism and abstract...

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Portfolio Projects


Contract Management application is used to manage all kinds of contracts governed by the company with the vendors. It is a web application following an N-Tier architecture. A contract can be added, modified, extended or amended by the user. The user is provided with a dashboard page that contains tiles to view contracts based on filters by country of the contract entity, status of the contracts, expiring contracts, team contracts etc. The user is also been provided with reporting which can be exported into formats like PDF, Word and Excel. An email notification is sent to the contract owners in the intervals of 30, 60 and 90 days before the termination of the contract.

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  • Extensively worked on customizing MVC 4 Sync fusion grid for showing reports in the application.
  • Involved in designing and developing front-end screens (user interface) using Razor.
  • Used AJAX tools for interactive User Interface and JavaScript/jquery for validations.
  • Made full use of .NET object oriented features with error handling and logging.
  • Used NLog for logging and NUnit for unit testing
  • Built a WCF REST API which is consumed by various applications internally/externally for user security.
  • Used Entity Framework with database first approach to create the Data Access Layer.
  • Used CSS and bootstrap to enhance the user experience.
  • Created Tables, Views, Indexes and Stored Procedures using SQL Server 2016.
  • Used SVN as the source code repository.

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  • Worked on the Business Service component of the Client Application
  • Worked on designing and developing WPF screens by using tools like APTRA Studio along with Expression Blend.
  • Interacted with Server using REST API by invoking respective methods.
  • Implemented CxP technologies which is a Customer Experience technologies that creates User-friendly interfaces to the customers.
  • Followed a process called SPL(Software Product Line) of NCR where a set of standards are used while developing a product or solution.
  • Brought the Business Service Component to UTC(Unit Test Complete) state which includes creating and verifying Automated Unit test cases, Performing Memory Leak tests, Static Analysis on Source Code, creating a Model using UML diagrams and also documentation of Functional Specification(FS) for the component.
  • Used various tools like APTRA Studio for configuring and creating flow diagrams for the application, Enterprise Architect for designing the component, FxCop for Code Static Analysis, Nunit and RhinoMocks for Unit Testing, NCover for Code Coverage in Unit Testing, JetBrains for Memory Leak tests, JIRA as the task board for the sprint, Crucible for code reviews, Confluence for maintaining the documents etc.
  • Strictly followed Agile methods which includes Story Sizing, Feature Sizing, Backlog grooming, Sprint 0, Sprint 1 and so on, Daily Scrum calls, Sprint Planning, Sprint Review, Retrospection etc.
  • Each Sprint is sized to be of 2 weeks with an Average velocity of 15 story points consider the Fibonacci sequence for sizing the stories
  • Used Sub Version(SVN) as the source code repository.
  • Coordinated with Team in Dundee , which is the Server team , every sprint.

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  • Worked on Architecture of the service
  • Analyzed the database schema of versionne
  • Analyzed the database schema of integrated applications
  • Converted all the database queries into corresponding service methods of the service
  • Used NLog for logging, Nunit and Rhinomocks for unit testing
  • Used SVN as the source code repository.
  • Followed Agile Kanban with a daily standup.
  • Also documented the steps to use this service and uploaded in Sharepoint portal.

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  • Worked on Architecture of the service
  • Handled all the exceptional scenarios related to integrating SNOW and VersionOne. This could be starting from network failure to situations like Service now user is trying to update a story in V1 which is already deleted or closed.
  • Implemented the feature of limiting the number of VersionOne stories created/updated per day.
  • Used SVN as the source code repository.
  • Followed Agile Kanban with a daily standup.
  • Also documented the steps to use this service and uploaded in Sharepoint portal.

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  • Worked on customizing Third party plugin – jPlayer for playing audio files in the application
  • Extensively worked on customizing MVC 4 Sync fusion Grid for showing reports in the application.
  • Involved in designing and developing front-end screens (user interface) using Razor.
  • Used AJAX tools for interactive User Interface and JavaScript/jquery for validations.
  • Made full use of .NET object oriented features, error handling, caching, security, tracing and event logging features.
  • Built a WCF web service which is consumed by various applications internally/externally for user security.
  • Used CSS to enhance the user experience.
  • Created Tables, Views, Indexes and Stored Procedures using SQL Server 2008.
  • Used Microsoft Team foundation server as the source code repository.

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  • Involved in Database design for the service.
  • Worked on implementing the user level methods which are used to publish, update and delete a book.
  • Worked on processing the request from the cloud and execute the automation scripts using multi-threading.
  • Worked on auto polling the requests using multi-threading, in which the status of each submitted request into the portals are updated periodically so as to maintain the latest status in the database.
  • Created Tables, Views, Indexes and Stored Procedures using SQL Server 2008.

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