About Me
Extensive hands on experience in full project lifecycle working in different capacity as senior/leader developer in delivering high quality, mission critical, innovative and cost-effective products and processes for startup and large global organizat...ritical, innovative and cost-effective products and processes for startup and large global organizations using various technologies including 18+ years of experience design and developing various systems/products/components using Core Java, Spring and various other open source apache projects 9+ years of experience developing real-time analytics, data pipelining (data ingestion, cleaning, enrichment) and prediction engine using Java, Akka Apache Kafka, Kafka Streams API, KSQL, Storm, Flink, Sqoop, Flume, Spark Streaming, Spark MLLib, Scikit-learn, Cassandra, MongoDB, Janusgraph, Cloudera/HDP stack (HDFS, HBase, Impala, MapReduce, Yarn Oozie, Oozie, Pig, Hive, Kerberbos/SASL), Solr and ElasticSearch, StreamsetsData Collector, Streamsets Transformer 5+ years of experience using NOSQL database Cassandra, HBase, Janusgraph and MongoDB building big data grid solutions 4+ years of experience building and deploying using various AWS services 2+ years of experience building and deploying using Google Cloud services 1.5+ years of experience building and deploying using Azure Cloud Over 4 years of experience in building Cloud native and agnostics services 6+ years of experience in implementing SOA solution using various B2B, XML, web services and SOA design patterns and technologies. Used Oracle SOA 11g for multiple projects 5+ years of experience building API (RESTful and SOAP services) 3+ years in creating API proxies, policies (throttling, caching, logging, monetization, request and response modifications), services, products using APIGEE platform, API Gateway, IBM API Connect 4+ years of experience building micro services using 12 factor app factor and Event Sourcing/CQRS and principals 3+ years of experience developing and deploying using Docker/Swam/Kubernetes/Mesos and CI/CD tools for various types of complex pipelines 2+ years of experience developing secure application using HP-Fortify and White Hat security products following OWASP top 10 lists. 8+ years of experience using Agile/Iterative/XP/Scrum 5+ years of experience using Cloudera and Hortonworks Hadoop components 6+ years of experience working with remote team in different time zones 10+ years of experience working with large scale distributed big data platform 5+ years of experience as a Technical Lead Excellent Leadership, communication, analytical, technical and problem-solving skills Build relationships, credibility, establish rapport with stakeholders including external to the organization
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- 5 Years
- 10 Years
- 20 Years
- 2 Years
- 6 Years
- 15 Years
- 7 Years
- 6 Years
- 2 Years
- 5 Years
- 5 Years
- 4 Years
- 15 Years
- 2 Years
- 7 Years
- 3 Years
- 15 Years
Portfolio Projects
- Developed microservice using Java 8, Spring Boot 2.0, Spring 5, Spring Cloud, Sleuth, Swagger, Lombok, WebFlux, Reactive Streams, Redis, MongoDB, Cassandra, Confluent platform, Kafka, Kafka Stream, KSQL, Elasticsearch, Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, JSON, XML, APIGEE and various open source other open source projects using 12 factor design, CQRS and Event Sourcing
- Developed & wrote services to provide real-time updates and analytics data using Kafka Stream, KSQL, Spring boot and Spring Cloud
- Developed API security, Web App security and SSO components using Spring security OAuth2, OpenID, SAML, Okta,
- Designed column families and N node Cassandra clusters across multiple data centers
- Developed data ingestion, streaming and visualization solution using various AWS (EC2, Lambda, S3, VPC, CloudWatch, Cloud Formation, RDS, Elastic Cache, AWS Fargate, AWS AppMesh IAM, ELB, EMR, ECS, SQS, Kinesis, API Gateway, EMR) for Lab order integration
- Designed and developed Spark Streaming jobs to consume from Kafka and persist to Cassandra, HDFS, Hive. Also wrote many Hive analytics queries for data aggregations for lab order fulfillment
- Worked on enhancement of micro front-end using React
- Developed and Configured API proxies, policies (throttling, caching, logging, monetization, request and response modifications), services, products using APIGEE platform
- Developed publisher, consumer and real-time streaming using Kafka, Kafka Stream, KSQL for external party integration
- CI/CD (Git, Jenkins, JIRA, Sonar, Veracode) and Integration of API platform to EFK, Splunk, Dynatrace
- POC for Steaming pipeline using Streamsets Collector, Streamsets Transformer and Streamsets Control Hub
- Designed and developed services to work on multi cloud using Cloud native and agnostics principles
Data Microservices and API
- Developed REST API/microservices using Java, Spring Boot 2.x, Spring/Netflix Cloud stack, Swagger, Lombok, MySQL, Cassandra, Swagger, KSQL, AWS EC2, EKS, S3, ELB, Kinesis, SQS, SNS, DynamoDB and various open source projects using 12 factor design, CQRS and Event Sourcing principles
- Integration of API services with Salesforce Order management, Oracle Fusion Order management using Kafka Streaming, KSQL for the complete order flow
- Developed and Configured API proxies, services, products using APIGEE platform
- Worked on POC for integration various internal and external services using IBM API Connect
- Designed and developed services to work on multi cloud using Cloud native and agnostics principles
- Developed microservices, streaming and visualization solution using various Google Cloud (App Engine, Datastore, MemCache, Pub/Sub, Bigtable, BigQuery, Spanner for Labs across many regions
- Developed services using Java 10, Spring Boot, Spring, Spring Cloud (Eureka Server, Hystrix Server, Config Server, Ribbon, Zuul, Cloud gateway, Sleuth, Swagger, Lombok, WebFlux, Reactive Streams), MongoDB, ElasticSearch, APIGEE and various open source other open source projects using 12 factor design, CQRS and Event Sourcing
- Developed & wrote services to provide real-time updates and analytics data using Kafka Stream, KSQL, Cassandra, ElasticSearch, Spring boot and Spring Cloud
- CI/CD (Git, Thoughtworks CI/CR, JIRA, Sonar)
- POC for Apache Flink streaming and persisting to HBase
- Designed and developed services to work on multi cloud using Cloud native and agnostics principles
Data Microservices and API
- Developed REST API/microservices using Java, Node.Js, Spring Boot 2.x, Spring/Netflix Cloud stack, Swagger, Lombok, WebFlux, Reactive Streams, CosmoDB, SQLServer, Cassandra, Kafka, Kafka Stream, Elasticsearch, AWS EC2, EKS, S3, ELB, and various open source projects using 12 factor design, CQRS and Event Sourcing principles
- Developed and Configured API proxies, services, products using APIGEE platform
- Designed developed database tables, schemas and complex queries
- CI/CD using Atlassian stack
- Architected, designed and developed multiple complex message flow pipelines, ETL processes with self-provisioning, integrated authentication and authorization with multiple source to get data from any source within internal systems and external partners system and also other partners) and then route to multiple destination systems, data lakes, monitoring systems for trading, portfolio management and compliance system
- Developed different components/services/systems using Java 8, Python, Akka, Kafka, Cloudera Stack, HBase, Hive, Impala, Pig, Spark, Spark Streaming, ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana, JAX-RS, Spring, Hibernate, Apache Camel, RESTful API, Spring Boot, JSON, JAXB, XML, WSDL, Zookeeper, Cassandra, Solr, MongoDB, HDFS, ELK/Splunk, Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD, Zipkin, Sleuth, Prometheus, Sqoop, Flume, Oozie, Pig
- Developed Spark batch, streaming jobs pipeline
- Developed using Google Cloud Platform (App engine, Pub/Sub, Datastore, Spanner, Memory store)
- Apply OWASP rules to create secure application by integrating with WhiteHat, Fortify security product
- Automation of deployment and configuration management using Ansible.
- Worked on creating batch and real-time Spark jobs using Oozie workflow engines for periodic analytics and ingestion to Data lakes.
- Worked on Machine learning pipelines using PySpark, SparkML, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Numpy libraries to create and train model (used in prediction engine). Also used Matplotlib, Seaborn and Talend ETL tools for visualization and analysis
- Involved in the installation, configuration and tuning of Cloudera Hadoop ecosystem
- Developed and designed HBase, Cassandra tables, column families, Solr indexes and queries
- Developed Splunk reports, dashboards, alerts and forwarders to capture logs
- Involved in production migrations, upgrades, tuning for all the Big Data Stack including Kafka, Cloudera, Cassandra
Data Analytics, Visualization
- Designed and developed caching layer using Oracle Coherence and Cassandra NoSQL database
- Developed operational analytics, financial analytics, model building and enrichment, prediction engine for both batch and real-time using Java, Storm, Kafka, Akka, Spark MLLib, Scikit-learn
- Worked on Web application and various micro-services using SOAP/REST, Hibernate, JavaScript, Akka, Play framework, Spring Boot, ActiveMQ, Spring Cloud/Netflix OSS (Config Server, Hystrix, Zuul, Swagger), Spring Data, Spring MVC, Java, JAXB, JBoss, MySQL, Swagger Cassandra, MongoDB, Elastic Search and Akka
- Apply OWASP rules to create secure application by integrating with White Hat security product. Also used Volt for encryption/decryption.
- Developed and deployed various micro services on AWS Cloud solutions (EC2, S3, Kinesis, Lambda, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, VPC, DynamoDB, EMR) and automation of deployment of the platform using custom framework based upon Chef and Puppet using 12 factor app patterns
- Developed Docker container based micro services using Spring Boot/Cloud and deployment on Kubernetes cluster
Operational data store
- Design and development of Operational data store and data grid to create in-memory Data Grid to store over 3TB of data by gathering the data from over 130 different application and then serve it as a consolidated API to the various consumer facing website and B2B applications.
- Solution design and development for creating Grid Data Distribution network and routing infrastructure (according to SLA) to serve over 5 million messages per second and distribute across 5 data centers using pluggable connector architecture supporting Goldengate, Connect: Direct, SFTP, JMS Oracle Database, SQL Server, MySQL, Postgres and JDBC data capture protocols.
- Design and developed services to persist and read data from Hadoop, HDFS, Hive and writing Java based MapReduce batch jobs using Hortonworks Hadoop Data Platform
- Developed monitoring, deployment and performance gathering modules using Scala, Akka library
- Creation of SOAP and RESTful services using OWASP security patterns in J2EE platform
- Integration services with internal and external vendors/partners using SOA design patterns
- Automation of build and deployment process for multiple systems using SVN/Maven/AntHillPro. Integration with Sonar
- Creation of data aggregation and pipelining using Kafka and Storm
- User profile and other unstructured data storage using Java and MongoDB
- Integration of Elastic Search, Logstash and Kibana for live log analysis
- Development and deployment of Streaming and analytics data on Amazon Cloud
- Integrated and used various open source dev and ops tools/libraries from Netflix (Simian Army, RxJava, Hystrix, Asgard) and Linkedin (Kafka)
192000 USD / Year (Expecting)
Start Date / Notice Period end date: 2020-05-27
146.67 USD / Hour
Profile Verified
Phone Verified
Preferred Language
English - Conversational
Available Timezones
Gayle N
Senior QA test engineer
Wernel R
SAP BI Consultant
Richard K
Senior Software Engineer
James N
Experienced .NET Software Engineer
Menashe B
Mule ESB / Anypoint Platform / API-led Architecture / Integration Expert
Tommy L
Senior System Software Engineer
Steven T
Have coded almost everything from firmware through apps, dev to valid to customer suppport
Eric A
Embedded Engineer
Terry L
SAS Consultant
Cloud Infrastructure / Linux / Network Architect