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MIDDLE LEVEL ASSIGNMENTS: Software Developer ~ Oracle PL / SQL Development Oracle Certified Associate with over 6 years of Experience of Oracle 9I, 10G, 11G & 12C SQL & PL/SQL Development with reputed organizations in IT, Manufacturing, Export & Tele...
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Portfolio Projects
This Project is called MAPICS – II (Accounting) which is an Accounting Software used only for supporting MAPICS Software. This Software is Web based Application used internally in the Company. Front-End is Java, Back-End is Oracle 12C SQL and PL/SQL, Storage Server used is UNIX and Reporting System used is Jasper Reporting System. Below given ae the Modules in this Project: - 1. Inventory Management – This Module has 2 parts a. Creating a Part (Item) – For creating a Part (Item) one has to enter it in the following systems: - a.Item Revisions b.Item Warehouses c. Bill of Material d.Routings b. Inventory Transactions – The following are the Inventory Transactions used in this Module: - a.INVENTORY ADJUSTMENT (IA): - Inventory adjustment is used any time that the quantity needs to be increased or decreased by a certain amount. b.PLANNED MFG ISSUE (IP): - Planned manufacturing issue is used any time that an individual component needs to be issued to a manufacturing order. c. MISCELLANEOUS ISSUE (IS): - Miscellaneous issue is used any time a part is taken out of stock but is not allocated to a specific order. d.MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT (RC): - Miscellaneous receipt is used any time a part is received into stock but is not part of a specific order. e.P.O. RECEIPT TO DOCK (RD): - P.O. receipt to dock is used to receive the inventory to the dock. It will not yet add the product to the inventory value it will just inform the users that the product has arrived. After receiving the inventory to the dock, the next step is to put the product away or inspect the product. f. P.O. RECEIPT TO INSPECTION (RI): - P.O. receipt to inspection is used to receive the part into the Quality Control area to be inspected prior to accepting it into stock. g.PRODUCTION RECEIPT (RM): - Production receipt is used to receive parts into the system that were assembled at the facility through a Manufacturing Order. h.P.O. RECEIPT TO STOCK (RP): - P.O. receipt to stock is used to receive parts associated with a Purchase Order from the dock into stock. i. COMPONENT RETURN TO STOCK (RS): - Component return to stock is used to return a component from a Manufacturing Order and into stock. j. MFG COMPONENT SCRAP (SC): - Mfg. component scrap is used any time a part needs to be scrapped from a manufacturing order. k. SCRAP FROM STOCK (SS): - Scrap from stock is used when a part needs to be scrapped out of stock. l. INTERWAREHOUSE TRANSFER (TW): - Interwarehouse transfer is used when you need to transfer a part from one warehouse to another. m. RETURN TO VENDOR (VR): - Return to vendor is used when you need to issue the part out of stock and return it to a vendor. 2. Customer Order Management – This Module deals with activities ranging from a. Creating a new Customer b. Entering a customer order into the system through green screen c. Add special charge to order/maintain order d. Release order from credit hold e. Print blue for picking order f. Pick/pack/ship process: - This has 2 Processes namely: - a.Processing Customer Orders b.Maintaining Shipments g. Invoicing h. Entering immediate invoices (service invoice) i. Credit memos 3. Purchasing (PUR) – This Module has the following activities: - a. Entering new vendor b. Entering vendor part numbers into Mapics c. Entering purchase orders d. Printing purchase orders e. Receiving purchase orders (using green screen) f. Receiving purchase orders (using power link) 4. Accounting Management Accounts Payable (AP) – This Module deals with activities ranging from a. Entering accounts payable invoices b. Invoices with multiple GL numbers c. Invoices with POs d. Paying invoice complete e. Edit a batch f. Processing invoices g. Update cost h. Cash postings i. Down payments j. Balance due after down payment k. Posting the entire outstanding balance l. Write-offs m. Issuing checks n. Entering manual checks o. Common AP errors 5. General Ledger 6. GST in Mapics 7. Reporting 8. Production Control and Costing (PCC)
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This Project is called Mapics which deals with Manufacturing, Sales and After Sale Service of all types of Thermocol, Thermocol Moulded Packaging, Thermocol Blocks, Thermocol Sheets, EPS Components, Pipe Sections and Thermocol Slabs. Our Products are used in following industries like 1. Construction Industries 2. Textile Yarn Packaging 3. Appliances like Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, Washing Machines, etc. 4. Pharma Boxes 5. Cold Chain Requirements 6. Fruit Box, Ice Box, Vegetable Box, Grape Box, Fish Box and any other Box as per Customer Design. 7. Electrical Appliances like Fan, Mixer, Toaster, Oven etc. 8. Electrical Motors, Switchgear and other Equipments 9. Gift Items, Glass and Fragile Items 10. Sheet Blocks and Pipe Sections for Insulation and Decoration 11. Fabricated Packaging without mould cost 12. Studio Sets This Software is Web based Application used internally in the Company. Front-End is Java, Back-End is Oracle 11G SQL and PL/SQL, Storage Server used is UNIX and Reporting System is Jasper Reporting system. Below given ae the Modules in this Project: - 1. Sales Quote Module – This Module takes care of activities ranging from Customer Enquiry Product/ Service -> Service After Sales Service given to the Customer Product Request Quotation Requirement Analysis Design Request Fill Sales Quote Review & Approve Sales Quote Send Quote to customer Follow up with Customer -> Place an Order 2. Customer Order Module – This Module deals with activities ranging from Receiving Customer Order Review Product Requirement, Availability & Delivery with Customer Negotiate Payment terms with Customer Enter New Customer Order into System Print Acknowledgement of Customer Order Review Acknowledgement File Acknowledgement 3. Order Entry Module – This Module deals with activities ranging from Product to be Ordered Shipped from Supplier Verify Product and Notify Buyer Receive copy of Supplier Packing Slip Process Packing Slip Process and Print Customer Invoice for Order Review Customer Invoice Mail Customer Invoice to Customer Receive Payment from Customer for Product Delivered. This Project has Report Modules too with some of the following Reports: - 1. List of Orders per Customer 2. List of Products per Customer 3. List of Services per Customer
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This Project deals with the Operational Planning solution to be built for VIDEOCON TELECOMMUNICATIONS using ORACLE Planning and Reporting processes for Sales and Marketing departments. Development of KPI (KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS) based on the Source Files of VIDEOCON. First, We Load the Source Files into some Temporary Tables and then we calculate the different KPIS based on Source Files. The Data is then Taken into planning Database and shown to the Client in Web Forms. The KPI are calculated for MARKETING and SALES professional. Worked as a PL/SQL developer in this project.
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The Maintain Matching Profiles tool allows users to search, create, update, and inactive Matching Profiles. There are four roles available in the MMP tool that can be assigned to users. They are Maker, Checker, Admin and Read Only. Changes done by Maker cannot become active unless until approved by the Checker. The Admin user can have all the privileges of both Maker and Checker, changes done by the Admin user become active immediately. The Read Only user has only view access to the BRMG. They cannot make any changes. Currently, whenever a matching profile is modified by a user, the changes are captured and new version of the same profile is created. This information is stored in the CTM database. However, there are some shortcomings. The database does not track which user made the change. Additionally, CTM does not understand the Maker/Checker functionality, so that functionality is not captured. With Audit Log enhancement, one would be able to view all the versions of a particular profile along with the user name, user role, the activity performed by the user and the BRMG updated date and time.
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Commission calculation is an application used for calculating the commission that is given to dealers & various direct & indirect channels who bring subscription to the company. They are in turn are being paid some amount for their performances. i.e. they are rewarded for bringing customers to the company.
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PIH module is used for loading of files & its records into the database from the front-end application. The files loaded are of .CSV extension. The PIH application reads line by line from the file & loads into the database. The PIH module is used for uploading of files relating to payments, invoice, deposits and adjustments (both debit & credit).
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Receipting System is a system for BPL subscribers in which the subscribers make their payments in various BPL galleries at a location convenient to them. The gallery cashiers accept the payment & give them a receipt of the payment made. The receipts are of two types - bill receipt and deposit receipt.
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This Project is called ‘MAPICS – II (Accounting) which is an Accounting Software used only for supporting MAPICS Software. This Software is Web based Application used internally in the Company. Front-End is Java, Back-End is Oracle 12C SQL and PL/SQL, Storage Server used is UNIX and Reporting System used is Jasper Reporting System. Below given ae the Modules in this Project: -
- Inventory Management – This Module has 2 parts
- Creating a Part (Item) – For creating a Part (Item) one has to enter it in the following systems: -
- Item Revisions
- Item Warehouses
- Bill of Material
- Routings
- Inventory Transactions – The following are the Inventory Transactions used in this Module: -
- INVENTORY ADJUSTMENT (IA): - Inventory adjustment is used any time that the quantity needs to be increased or decreased by a certain amount.
- PLANNED MFG ISSUE (IP): - Planned manufacturing issue is used any time that an individual component needs to be issued to a manufacturing order.
- MISCELLANEOUS ISSUE (IS): - Miscellaneous issue is used any time a part is taken out of stock but is not allocated to a specific order.
- MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT (RC): - Miscellaneous receipt is used any time a part is received into stock but is not part of a specific order.
- P.O. RECEIPT TO DOCK (RD): - P.O. receipt to dock is used to receive the inventory to the dock. It will not yet add the product to the inventory value it will just inform the users that the product has arrived. After receiving the inventory to the dock, the next step is to put the product away or inspect the product.
- P.O. RECEIPT TO INSPECTION (RI): - P.O. receipt to inspection is used to receive the part into the Quality Control area to be inspected prior to accepting it into stock.
- PRODUCTION RECEIPT (RM): - Production receipt is used to receive parts into the system that were assembled at the facility through a Manufacturing Order.
- P.O. RECEIPT TO STOCK (RP): - P.O. receipt to stock is used to receive parts associated with a Purchase Order from the dock into stock.
- COMPONENT RETURN TO STOCK (RS): - Component return to stock is used to return a component from a Manufacturing Order and into stock.
- MFG COMPONENT SCRAP (SC): - Mfg. component scrap is used any time a part needs to be scrapped from a manufacturing order.
- SCRAP FROM STOCK (SS): - Scrap from stock is used when a part needs to be scrapped out of stock.
- INTERWAREHOUSE TRANSFER (TW): - Interwarehouse transfer is used when you need to transfer a part from one warehouse to another.
- RETURN TO VENDOR (VR): - Return to vendor is used when you need to issue the part out of stock and return it to a vendor.
- Creating a Part (Item) – For creating a Part (Item) one has to enter it in the following systems: -
- Customer Order Management – This Module deals with activities ranging from
- Creating a new Customer
- Entering a customer order into the system through green screen
- Add special charge to order/maintain order
- Release order from credit hold
- Print blue for picking order
- Pick/pack/ship process: - This has 2 Processes namely: -
- Processing Customer Orders
- Maintaining Shipments
- Invoicing
- Entering immediate invoices (service invoice)
- Credit memos
- Purchasing (PUR) – This Module has the following activities: -
- Entering new vendor
- Entering vendor part numbers into Mapics
- Entering purchase orders
- Printing purchase orders
- Receiving purchase orders (using green screen)
- Receiving purchase orders (using power link)
- Accounting Management Accounts Payable (AP) – This Module deals with activities ranging from
- Entering accounts payable invoices
- Invoices with multiple GL numbers
- Invoices with PO’s
- Paying invoice complete
- Edit a batch
- Processing invoices
- Update cost
- Cash postings
- Down payments
- Balance due after down payment
- Posting the entire outstanding balance
- Write-offs
- Issuing checks
- Entering manual checks
- Common AP errors
- General Ledger
- GST in Mapics
- Reporting
- Production Control and Costing (PCC)
- Worked in Company’s IT Department having 5+ Employees.
- Worked on Database designing for this project including Data Modelling.
- Used SQL Developer for Data Modelling.
- Designed Database Structure including Objects like E-R Diagrams, Schemas, Tables, Views, Packages, Triggers etc.
- Worked on Coding, Testing and Implementation for this Project.
- Various Reports Development including creating different Packages and Procedures for every Report.
- Solving different issues like debugging existing PL/SQL Packages, writing complex SQL Queries, Performance tuning of PL/SQL Packages, Procedures & Functions etc.
- Used Dynamic SQL in Packages and Procedures.
- Used different types of Collections like REF Cursors, Bulk Collect, Nested Tables, Associative Arrays and VArrays in PL/SQL Packages, Procedures & Functions.
- Extensively written SQL Queries using different SQL Functions like Aggregate and Analytical Functions.
- Exclusively done Performance tuning using Explain Plan, Indexes, Partitions, Hints, Gather Table Statistics
This Project is called ‘Mapics’ which deals with Manufacturing, Sales and After Sale Service of all types of Thermocol, Thermocol Moulded Packaging, Thermocol Blocks, Thermocol Sheets, EPS Components, Pipe Sections and Thermocol Slabs. Our Products are used in following industries like
- Construction Industries
- Textile Yarn Packaging
- Appliances like Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, Washing Machines, etc.
- Pharma Boxes
- Cold Chain Requirements
- Fruit Box, Ice Box, Vegetable Box, Grape Box, Fish Box and any other Box as per Customer Design.
- Electrical Appliances like Fan, Mixer, Toaster, Oven etc.
- Electrical Motors, Switchgear and other Equipment’s
- Gift Items, Glass and Fragile Items
- Sheet Blocks and Pipe Sections for Insulation and Decoration
- Fabricated Packaging without mould cost
- Studio Sets
This Software is Web based Application used internally in the Company. Front-End is Java, Back-End is Oracle 11G SQL and PL/SQL, Storage Server used is UNIX and Reporting System is Jasper Reporting system. Below given ae the Modules in this Project: -
- Sales Quote Module – This Module takes care of activities ranging from Customer Enquiry à Product/ Service -> Service à After Sales Service given to the Customer à Product à Request Quotation à Requirement Analysis à Design Request à Fill Sales Quote à Review & Approve Sales Quote à Send Quote to customer à Follow up with Customer -> Place an Order
- Customer Order Module – This Module deals with activities ranging from Receiving Customer Order à Review Product Requirement, Availability & Delivery with Customer à Negotiate Payment terms with Customer à Enter New Customer Order into System à Print Acknowledgement of Customer Order à Review Acknowledgement à File Acknowledgement
- Order Entry Module – This Module deals with activities ranging from Product to be Ordered Shipped from Supplier à Verify Product and Notify Buyer à Receive copy of Supplier Packing Slip à Process Packing Slip à Process and Print Customer Invoice for Order à Review Customer Invoice à Mail Customer Invoice to Customer à Receive Payment from Customer for Product Delivered.
This Project has Report Modules too with some of the following Reports: -
- List of Orders per Customer
- List of Products per Customer
- List of Services per Customer
- Worked in Company’s IT Department having 5+ Employees.
- Worked on Database designing for this project including Data Modelling.
- Used SQL Developer for Data Modelling.
- Designed Database Structure including Objects like E-R Diagrams, Schemas, Tables, Views, Packages, Triggers etc.
- Worked on Coding, Testing and Implementation for this Project.
- Various Reports Development including creating different Packages and Procedures for every Report.
- Solving different issues like debugging existing PL/SQL Packages, writing complex SQL Queries, Performance tuning of PL/SQL Packages, Procedures & Functions etc.
- Used Dynamic SQL in Packages and Procedures.
- Used different types of Collections like REF Cursors, Bulk Collect, Nested Tables, Associative Arrays and VArrays in PL/SQL Packages, Procedures & Functions.
- Extensively written SQL Queries using different SQL Functions like Aggregate and Analytical Functions.
Exclusively done Performance tuning using Explain Plan, Indexes, Partitions, Hints, Gather Table Statistics
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This Project deals with the Operational Planning solution to be built for VIDEOCON TELECOMMUNICATIONS using ORACLE Planning and Reporting processes for Sales and Marketing departments.
Development of KPI (KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS) based on the Source Files of VIDEOCON. First, We Load the Source Files into some Temporary Tables and then we calculate the different KPI’S based on Source Files. The Data is then Taken into planning Database and shown to the Client in Web Forms. The KPI are calculated for MARKETING and SALES professional. Worked as a PL/SQL developer in this project.
- Developing of KPI along with team members from Scratch using ORACLE 10G PL/SQL.
- Development of KPI (KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS) based on the Source Files of VIDEOCON.
- Data loading and Debugging.
- Deployment Activities.
- Dealing with Client problems.
The Maintain Matching Profiles tool allows users to search, create, update, and inactive Matching Profiles. There are four roles available in the MMP tool that can be assigned to users. They are Maker, Checker, Admin and Read Only. Changes done by Maker cannot become active unless until approved by the Checker. The Admin user can have all the privileges of both Maker and Checker, changes done by the Admin user become active immediately. The Read Only user has only view access to the BRMG. They cannot make any changes.
Currently, whenever a matching profile is modified by a user, the changes are captured and new version of the same profile is created. This information is stored in the CTM database. However, there are some shortcomings. The database does not track which user made the change. Additionally, CTM does not understand the Maker/Checker functionality, so that functionality is not captured. With Audit Log enhancement, one would be able to view all the versions of a particular profile along with the user name, user role, the activity performed by the user and the BRMG updated date and time.
Role: Developing the Entire Application from Scratch using ORACLE 10G PL/SQL, UNIX, LINUX XML.
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The prepaid CDR application is used to extract prepaid CDR data from the PPOPS405 database in which all the records are stored in different tables. The different tables contain records directly taken from raw CDR’S containing the prepaid records of the subscribers.
Role Developing the Entire APPLICATION for Extracting PREPAID CDR DATA.
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Commission calculation is an application used for calculating the commission that is given to dealers & various direct & indirect channels who bring subscription to the company. They are in turn are being paid some amount for their performances. i.e. they are rewarded for bringing customers to the company.
Role Developing of many Different Modules & REPORTS for Commission
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An Application named “SMS Invoicing” was developed to push the RAW CDR Files containing the SMS data from different applications sent through BPL mobile to local, national & international destinations.
Role Developing different SHELL SCRIPTS for pushing different types of FILE SYSTEM into the SMS INVOICING FORNT-END for Processing of the same. Also, Developing SHELL Scripts for Generating Daily Count of SMS Operator Wise to be given to the user for Verification of Counts
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There are different API’s given to finance department for posting of the payments. The payments coming in company are from many different clients like NGPAY, Paypoint, Minc, & Oxigen. All these payments are either from cash / cheque or credit card payments.
Role Developing the Different Payment APIs to Post Payments of Subscribers.
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PIH module is used for loading of files & its records into the database from the front-end application. The files loaded are of “.CSV” extension. The PIH application reads line by line from the file & loads into the database. The PIH module is used for uploading of files relating to payments, invoice, deposits and adjustments (both debit & credit).
Role Developing the Module for Loading CSV Files & Records into the Database.
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The dispatch application is being used by the Bill printing team in printing of the customer’s bill along with checklist & POD for the courier delivery. This application is run for every Bill cycle & in every month.
Role Developing the dispatch application. Formulating the checklist & POD and printing the bills for printing.
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Receipting System is a system for BPL subscribers in which the subscribers make their payments in various BPL galleries at a location convenient to them. The gallery cashiers accept the payment & give them a receipt of the payment made. The receipts are of two types - bill receipt and deposit receipt.
Role: Developing the receipting application, bill receipt generation & reports and deposit receipt generation & reports
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Octopus is developed for Texport Industries Ltd. Texport Industries Ltd is a leading 100 % Export Garments Company in India. It is an Export Oriented Unit which produces readymade garments.
Role Developing of many Modules & Reports for FINANCE & GARMENT Modules of OCTOPUS Package
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