About Me
Full Stact .Net Developer and MEAN stack (MongoDB-AngularJS) Developer having 15+ years of experience in various technology and various domain projects. Mainly worked on ERP system for Pharmacy includes stock-inve...
Key skills are : C#.Net/Asp.net/MVC/MS-Sql Server/My-Sql/MongoDB-Angular-JS
Ohers Skills: Excel Macros, Foxpro, Visual-Basic
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Portfolio Projects
This online application is based on order commission for the employee. Employee will bring the orders and can get commission as per the order.
This website contains the following main features
- Quotation Generation
- Purchase Order
- Sales Invoice
- Commission Generation
- Admin to control all functionality
- Coronet is application software covers different functions of Accounting, Sales & Purchases in multiple currencies. This application facilitates accounting with purchase & sales of the items along with inventory Management. This software fulfils the different reporting requirements related to financial statements, purchase & sales registers, Management Report. Successfully implemented in about 10 Companies in Hong Kong and India.
- Platform included Windows 2000, Delphi7.0 (also developed a C# version), SQL Server 2000, COM+, Quick Reports 8.0, Rave Report 5.0.8.
- Involved in study of new requirements of Clients and accommodate those with current system by providing new interfaces. Also involve in Analysis, Design and Development of Purchase and Sales modules.
- Clients: KGK Diamonds HK, Kamhan Industries Ltd. HK, Karam Exports etc.
- Duration: Total Time of the Project is 3+ Yrs. and it is still in processing. I am involved from Jan 2004 to Till Date.
- Suvidha-Planet is developed for maintaining information of joining for any multi-level marketing company. It facilitate the chain member to log on and see their chain development, and their payouts.
- Platform included Windows 2000, Delphi 7.0, SQL Server 2000, Rave Report 5.0.8.
- Duration :- 5 Months (From Apr-Aug 2002)
- Designed & developed this software for National Cargo Ltd. Indore. This software helps in the making the process of Bill Passing paperless. It covers the contract, Delivery order.
- Platform included Win2000, Delphi 7.0, SQL Server 2000, and Quick Reports, Rave Report 5.0.8
- Duration :- 4 Months (From Sep-Dec 2002)
- A completely Integrated Client/Server system to fully exploit the capabilities & power of windows 2000 specially developed for Pharmaceutical Industries. It encompassed the following:
- Store & Inventory, keeping track of stocks.
- Purchases include Material requisition, Purchase order to Delivery chalan.
- Sales include Quotation, Order booking to sales Invoice and return.
- Platform included VB 6.0, SQL Server 2000
- Involved in System Analysis, Design and Development, Testing, and Implementation of Purchase Store & Inventory. Also involved in solving problems of respective team members.
- Duration :- 3 Months (From Mar-May 2001)
- This software specially developed for Educational Institution. This software helps in keeping the Records of Books which is Issued to Student or Returned from the Students, It also maintain the record of purchased books.
- Platform included VB 6.0, SQL Server 2000
- Involved in System Analysis, Design and Development, Testing, and Implementation.
- Duration :- 4 Months (From Sep-Dec 2001)
- This software is designed & developed for Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies, Indore. This software helps in keeping the Records of Timing of classes and teacher for different courses.
- Platform included VB 6.0, SQL Server 2000
- Involved in System Analysis, Design and Development, Testing, and Implementation.
- Duration :- 3 Months (From Jan-Aug 2001)
- This software is designed & developed for Pioneer Institute of Professional Studies, Indore. This software helps in keeping the Records of Students Attendance and Employee Attendance.
- Platform included VB 6.0, SQL Server 2000
- Involved in System Analysis, Design and Development, Testing, and Implementation.
- Duration :- 3 Months (From Jan-March 2002)
- This software is designed & developed for Shreyance Medicose, Dawa Bazar Indore. This software helps in keeping the Records different Medicine and maintain the stock and re-order level..
- Platform included Foxpro
- Involved in Coding
Duration :- 2 Months (From Nov-Dec 1999)
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This online/desktop application is used to pray online and sending and receiving data using pdf through email. User can create new profile, can pray using online form. User also can Process Mails, which is used to fetch all email and attached PDF files through IMAP. Then insert data into database and sending mails for request category. It also includes Prayer List, which is used to display/edit/delete prayer records from database. User can view Request Category, Add, edit, delete request category, download the PDF. It also includes feature of expiry of names and sending mails for expiration for the same.
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This is a window/Desktop application which provides for searching lucky number from the Database of existing Lottery System using various algorithms. In this software we have the data of previous lottery and if we want to estimate that which number will come in next lottery then this is very beneficial. This will give you estimated number for the future draw. In brief this contain mainly following features:
1. Exact Search: In this we specify what number we want to search and at what position. The results are ranked according to number2 of hits.
2. Full Cell search: In this search we search a cell (one cell is 10 columns * 15 rows) against Existing databases and list the result if at least two matches found out of this at least one must found in forcast line.
3. Code Search: This is like the exact search except we use code instead of direct numbers for this we have a code table.
4. Number History Search: This is searching the history of Single Num , Pair Of Numbers, Triplet of Numbers without concerning position.
5. Span Search: In this search we search a pattern which is repeated twice or more than twice in selected database and at least a partial pattern should found at the line of forcast.
6. Key Search: This is basically using a pair or pairs of numbers to add or subtract from draws to find out a common or similar pattern. Which can range between fifteen draws of play depending on the pattern of play which might be also lesser.
7. Sum Blind Arithmetic: This also involves searching a pattern but in this search Sum of the winning numbers or Machine Numbers is the major criteria
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