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About Me
Worked on two major projects in various roles as listed below.
1. Long Range Identification and Tracking(LRIT):
We were responsible for implementation of National Data Centre(NDC) for Directorate of Shipping for live ...
2. eSangam:
eSangam formerly known as National e-Governance Service
Delivery Gateway (NSDG), is a Mission Mode Project under the NeGP, can acts as a standards-based messaging system and
providing seamless interoperability and exchange of data across different departments with the additional components such as
Centralized connector components, providing multiple protocol transformation.
1) Contributed in the development of service connectors for various clients in Apache Camel deployed in JBoss Fuse.
2) Involved in development of web portal for eSangam with Spring framework.
Portfolio Projects
We were responsible for implementation of National Data Centre(NDC) for Directorate of Shipping for live tracking of
ships in Indian waters. LRIT has dual interface, a web-service interface for data exchange with other NDCs and a portal
interface for LRIT officials to monitoring.
eSangam formerly known as National e-Governance Service Delivery Gateway (NSDG), is a Mission Mode Project under the NeGP, can acts as a standards-based messaging system and providing seamless interoperability and exchange of data across different departments with the additional components such as Centralized connector components, providing multiple protocol transformation.
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