Sr. Principal Software Engineer

Gurugram , India

Experience: 13 Years


Gurugram , India

Sr. Principal Software Engineer

97179.1 USD / Year

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13 Years

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About Me

Seeking challenging and rewarding assignments in the IndustryMeticulous and target oriented Software Professional with a progressive experience of 14 years in the development ofenterprise level application using .NET (C# 2.0/4.0/4.5), XML, Cloud Serv...

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Portfolio Projects


It was a angular and don't application and helped HR to filterout the resources.

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Project was a graphical representation of the surveys done by different-2 companies. System was creating charts on the fly and give best view to the user.

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This was on survey domain. It was gathering surveys and on the bases of that was creating reports.

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Project was based on IOT was handling locks on server rooms.

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WSO is a product to handle Buy side syndicate loan Markit. It empowers the operations team with best-in-class tools designed for the alternatives asset class.Get real-time access to the portfolio and reporting insights and enjoy straight-through-processing andautomation capabilities around widely held and private loans as well as a broad range of multi-asset classcapabilities for portfolio and deal administration. WSOs highly customizable features provide powerfulcapabilities from trade capture, asset and deal administration to reconciliation, robust reporting,compliance, and accounting.

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G.A.T.E allows candidates to take tests from anywhere in the world, from any Internet-accessible computeror smart device, and in many supported languages. A hiring manager instantly receives individual candidateresults and a dashboard of predictors, tagging candidates as qualified or not qualified. Our assessments areproven to help clients select employees, from entry-level to senior executives, who perform better, sellmore, and stay on the job longer.

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Autografix was an advanced and intuitive tool that helped users to analyze data using advanced chart(s).Autografix had a wide range of charts (Line, Vertical bar, Horizontal bar, Pie, Area, Pmap, Geographical mapetc) and other options like notes etc with which user could use to analyze results in graphical forms. Itprovided a dashboard kind of look that was easy to manipulate and very comfortable in working. A usercould easily analyze data against one or multiple targets (Comparison) as per the requirement.

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Factor analysis was a method for investigating whether a number of variables of interest Y1, Y2, : : :, Yl, arelinearly related to a smaller number of unobservable factors F1, F2, : : :, Fk.

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Artefacts Merchant Acquiring Solution (AMAS) is an end-to-end solution that offers a standardized way ofElectronic Data Capture (EDC) of merchant data and on-boarding to various platforms. The merchant datais captured only once in the system before it gets processed for underwriting and boarding. AMASempowers merchant acquirers to manage Merchant Agreements, Merchant Boarding, Residual Payouts,Terminal Downloads, Inventory Management, Billing & Settlement, Merchant Retention, RiskManagement, Analytics & Reporting.

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This Software was developed to ascribe the data for the surveys to Compare the common variables. Andafter ascribing built a new Survey.

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RnF service/wcf service was built for calculating reach and frequencies of the products. i.e., How manychildren were eating biscuits or How any women were consuming Pepsi etc.

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Chicago CUBS was an American professional baseball team based in Chicago, Illinois. They are members ofthe Central Division of Major League Baseballs National League.

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TZ Centurion Server was an online website for Data ware house. Its updated version of TZ CenturionProhad been mentioned below. The objective to design this website was to provide a security to the buildinglevel data cabinets which were using by different-2 companies. Basically this software was giving a lockingfacility to the data cabinets and if anything would be happening with the cabinets then that cabinet wouldgive alarms to the desktop handler so that he could check what was wrong with that cabinet. This softwarewas also handling sensors. (i.e.) cabinet locks were using sensors for generating alarms if the temperatureand humidity were not fulfilling its requirements, no anonymous visitors could come and use that cabinetbecause a unique key was given to all the organizations that had a cabinet in TZ.

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TZ CenturionPro was an online website for Data ware house. The objective to design this website was forproviding a security to the data cabinets which were using by different-2 companies. Basically thissoftware was giving a locking facility to the data cabinets and if anything would be happening with thecabinets then that cabinets would give alarms to the desktop handler so that he could check what waswrong with that cabinet. This software was handling sensors. (i.e.) cabinet locks were using sensors forgenerating alarms if the temperature and humidity were not fulfilling its requirements, no anonymousvisitors could come and use that cabinet. A unique key was given all the organizations that had a cabinetin TZ. Desktop handler would allow the visitor to go inside to use a cabinet from which organization hewas coming. And if desktop man had doubt on a visitor then he could also lock these cabinets.

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Cloud Bridge project was totally based on JQuery and AJAX. It was completely built on JQuery usingdifferent plug-in and following MVC design.

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Inpracsys GU was a chain of Urological hospitals in USA. This website dealt with all information related toUrologist Doctors and Patient Requirements. The website was split into modules so as to make it easyaccessible. The modules included Patient Register, Appointments, Documents related to patients,Doctors Schedule and their tasks handled during patient admission.

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